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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Much thanks to all who replied or Pm'd me info...sure is going to help get started...Rice Lake, like Scugog has its share of weeds so we are used to fishing them... Hey Dawg:...You can bet your donkey we will be beating the waters to a froth and searching out new areas...
  2. It's true Brian...I got my first rod and reel for Christmas when I was twelve (spring steel rod and a Shakespeare Wondereel)...my grandfather never owned a rod and reel but he caught an awful lot of fish with bamboo poles including the odd musky...
  3. Last year my son, bro-in-law, and a couple of friends got their walking papers from the new owners of Sandercock's camp on Rice Lake...(actually all the residents got the two-week eviction notice)...Those that just walked away, had their trailers bulldozed down and moved away... Anyways...My bro-in-law (and fishing partner) bought a newer trailer in the park at Goreski's...He has rented a slip for his alumacraft but doesnt have the slightest idea where to start fishing... I haven't done much fishing on the 'bog since the late 40's when I was limited to the causeway with a long bamboo pole... Anyone care to share some info of general areas ??? Please PM me as I know this is not the best place to give your secret places...thanks guys... Just had the last of this spring's crappie for supper so we need to replenish our stash...(joke...I only kept four) Mmmmm...Mmmm...Good !
  4. Sturgeon Lake...Last Saturday...Too damn cold for swimmin'...
  5. 400*F isn't cold...I oven bake my fish at that temp... 1400*F...1500*F...We use to stress-relieve welded vessels at lower temps when I worked at Toronto Iron Works...
  6. WOW !!!...Great job Cliff !!!... :clapping:
  7. Hey Photoz...I guess booze is the reason the carp like our anise extract soaked maize and ground bait...just checked my bottle and it sez "contains alcohol"...
  8. Luckily...NO !...The seat was absorbing water slowly and would have sunk if the chap with his son hadn't tied it off with their anchor rope until Albert retreived it from them...
  9. Ya can't get rid of me that easy !!! And here I was worried about maybe only being able to put in four hours before my back started to give me grief... That's OK Willow...I found it quite humerous too...after all, nobody was hurt or dead (namely me)...I was feeling sorry for poor Albert as he was more shook-up than I was but,after a long talk at my place later he seemed in better spirits and I will admit that chair was very comfortable...just needs better support...glad to have tested it for you pal... I think my parting words to Albert were "next time we will fish from shore"... Seriously, I would like to thank the two guys that pulled me into their bassboat and the father and son in another boat that came over to help and retrieved the seat and my OFC cap... Go ahead...ask...was the water cold ??? YES !...DAMN COLD !!!
  10. I tried the listerine method and didn't find it very effective while working in the garage...nice minty smell but that was it !...Used to use a can of no-name flying insect repellant that did the trick but was leery of breathing that stuff... I wonder if being diabetic...sweet blood...makes me more vulnerable to insect bites... Any other diabetics find this ???
  11. I remember JP (Dip Lip) reaching into the icey water to grab this puppy...Brrrrr
  12. I'm near the north shore of Pigeon Lake...about 10 minutes east of Bobcaygeon... My wood guy dropped off a bush cord of firewood last evening and the bugs were out in full biting force...He couldn't get out of here fast enough and the same for me getting back in the house...pesky buggars...
  13. Welcome to the club...This is the first year I didn't fill the "Tin" to check for leaks...never leaked when I filled her but sure as hell she would after launching...After five years I gave up trying to fix her and just continue to bail her out every hour or so...I built a bit of a portable bilge pump with a 12 volt motorcycle battery and a long stick...After a heavy rain I sit on the dock and hold the bilge pump in place until she is empty...I find it easier to bail/pump her out than try to wrestle the cover on and off...
  14. Besides...With all the monies saved on not needing boats, motors etc. and bait being so cheap, the carpers got to spend their savings on sumpin I guess...
  15. Amen to that!!!...Sweet music to the ears!
  16. Don't remember them being at King and Yonge streets... 60 some odd years ago they were in the covered laneway between Yonge St. and Victoria St (gone now)...then they moved up Yonge St. to just above the old Leow's Uptown theatre...the last dealings I had with them they had moved to the north side of Adelaide St. just east of Yonge St...mostly fly fishing tackle and lures...no more "live bait"...but they did repair my old Shakespeare Wonder reel that junior "borrowed" to catch suckers in Highland Creek and lost the line guide and worm gear... "Bring it in" they said..."if we got the parts, we can fix it for you"...They did and they did...great people !!!
  17. Will there be a party ???...Will there be CAKE ???...Brian sez there will be a party !!! Congrats Joey and Paul... Too bad you didn't buy the house across the road or next door up here...bit much of a commute though... Are you staying in Richmond Hill?
  18. Berkley Trilene 4 lb XT for crappie and perch... Berkley Trilene 6 lb XT for bass and pickerel... Berkley Trilene 8 lb XT for bass... Berkley Trilene 17 lb XT for carp with 12 lb Berkley Vanish for tieing hair rigs and for leader material if needed for Carolina rigging... Have tried Spiderwire and Fireline over the years but always come back to mono...with the exception of the outfit I use once a year to troll for musky on opening day...(Fireline)
  19. Way to go guys !!! Uncle Dave showed up around noon to pick up his boat...after we got it all hooked up we took a run over to (you know where) and managed a few crappies and 'gills...no great sizes but fun to catch...
  20. Around this time of year 5 years ago The Kawartha Chapter of the Old Farts Society (Construction Division )(Big Cliff, Nanook and me) finished reconstructing the aluminum boat and trailer I bought for $250... Someone suggest we give her a name and Nanook came up with "Tin of Beans"
  21. Sounds like a good time was had, fish or no fish...maybe the next G2G will be closer to P'boro...would love to have taken part... MMmmmm....Hot Dogs !!!
  22. Nice haul guys... The crappie (you know where) probably appreciate the rest... Uncle Dave is coming here tomorrow to pick up his boat...maybe get a chance to run over (you know where)... BTW...Nice avatar pic Tony...catch that one in Pigeon?
  23. You would think that seeing as how we are using them on our boats they would make a good set that was waterproof...one season of infrequent use they were toast...
  24. Sorry to hear your niece was involved in that accident...if I see Steve this morning I will inform him...
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