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Everything posted by Beans

  1. My bro-in-law is itching to get out on the lake one more time before we pull the "Tin-of-Beans" out for the season...maybe this weekend
  2. 05 October 2007 is the latest I have caught a carp up this way...tried a couple of times later but got skunked... I usually concentrate on other species this time of year until they close most of the Kawartha Lakes on November 15... Still haven't heard if they are allowing ice fishing for panfish next year...
  3. I asked for the 'general' but was told he only does that if he is operating...the whole procedure only lasts for about 5 minutes...( the guy before me only took 3 minutes)... Anyhow it is done for another three months...it hurts to take a leak at present but that improves quickly...drinking lots of water...no blood in my pee this time...
  4. G'Mornin' Guys...I'm not usually up this early unless for a fishing trip but I have a 07:30 am appointment for a cystoscopy procedure (my 3rd) at P'boro Hospital today... This scope (and everyone every three months) is to make sure the low-grade malignant bladder tumor they removed in July has not returned... I'm hoping the procedure gets better with time as it is the most uncomfortable thing I have experienced...they only use a bit of freezing on the end of the scope...
  5. Usually I'm not but you suprised me with your comment...OFC is much different than Cag where rarely we talk about anything than carp or carp related stuff...
  6. Non-fishing but we could talk about buying boots...or your aunt's tomatoe garden
  7. My thoughts exactly... I'm defrosting 18 fillets of perch as we speak... I plan on rolling them in corn flour...dip in an egg and gingerale wash...roll in Italian spiced breadcrumbs and fry in a 1\2 inch of hot peanut oil until golden brown... Will serve them with roasted potatoes and a garden salad... I know my bro and sis-in-law will like them this way...they always have...
  8. My wife bought me a pair of white gloves from the Regal catalogue that have a mettalic thread woven through them...makes them warm from friction and are nice and sparkly (like Michael Jackson's )...I wear them inside a pair of water-proof HT Enterprises Polar Liner Mitts that I got from Le Baron's ($20)...the mitts are easy to shake free from when I get a bite...
  9. I remember that day very well. After work I had to walk from College and Yonge to Coxwell and Gerrard to pick up our baby son from the babysitter's...pouring rain and the water was up over the curbs in most places...took about 3 hours to walk that distance as I had to stop in store doorways every once in a while... Babysitter was mad as hell and gave me whatfor as she was late for a date..."lady, take a look outside"...I then had to push the baby carriage up Coxwell Avenue to the Danforth then over to Woodbine Avenue to our rented flat as no electric street cars were running that night... Not my most fondest memory for sure...
  10. Geeze, already Garry... It seems like you just got back up here and you're leaving again... Have fun !!!
  11. 'Mornin' Lew... Guess you and Di will be heading to Burleigh Falls to celebrate ???
  12. Congats !!! We had our great grand-daughter here on the weekend... It is amazing how loud one little person can be...
  13. Another set of hooks in the rear end...
  14. Good to have you back Lew...You've been missed !
  15. You give the guys with the guns a wide berth...forget who has the right of way...LOL
  16. Hopefully help my great-grandson catch his first sunfish, perch, bluegill, wgsf or crappie off the visitor's dock down at our park...a bit late in the season and the weeds are mostly down but who knows??? Will get his dad to dig up a few worms out back so he gets the whole experience...
  17. I would go with Sorels...I have a pair that gotta be 25 years old...just buy new felt insoles every few years...boot soles are thick enough to take hex screws for traction on ice...I wear a pair of nylon sox under a pair of wool sox a never have cold feet...remove the insoles after each use to dry them out...
  18. Not my truck Shane...Mine has a sign on both sides of the cap... "The Country Strings" I should charge the former owner for advertising... BTW...No further news from Cliff. He is waiting to hear from the doctor to see if Sue can come home for Thanksgiving...
  19. He has been a busy boy running back and forth to hospitals as his wife Sue has had another bad spell with her heart...some of you know that she has had a few operations for by-passes etc. and it looks like she may have to go through it again... Cliff himself has not been too well with his own chest pains and is undergoing a series of tests... So those of you who are so inclined, maybe have a word with your higher power and have some help sent their way... I know Maribeth and I will be sending our thoughts and prayers up...
  20. I understood for many years that there were no pike in the Kawarthas because the water runs through limestone...if so, maybe evelution has had an effect on the pike...??? Pike are good eating if you know how to clean them properly...I don't...
  21. Hey Roy...my guess Pigeon lake turned sometime last week...went down to do a little shore fishing before supper and the water was very murky then clear as a bell a couple of days later...???
  22. Dang!...Joey...sorry to hear of your loss... Maribeth's and my prayers are for you...
  23. At present...OFC and CAG (carp anglers)...come hard water season...Lake Simcoe message board and Cook's Bay website... A few others but only occassionaly...
  24. I've noticed a lot of the musky fishers on here count the number of "follows" they have and us carpers count the number of hook-pullouts we get so your experience counts for sumpin' if only to you...ie: I went 3 for 4 last week, 0 for 1 this morning... Then again, like our buddy Meely sez, if you don't get it in the boat, it's only a story... But, a helluva good story...
  25. If I may be so bold as to suggest: Take Joey into the shower with you and get her to do your hair... May as well scrub your back while she is waiting the time you have to leave the conditioner on before rinsing...
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