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Everything posted by Beans

  1. There is another very knowledgable carper that joined our board fairly recently... Hairwig...(Mark) hasn't posted much so far but he is an all season carper including the winter...now that is dedication...
  2. Buckeye Motel or Three Island Motel in Bobcaygeon might be worth trying...Maybe had guests over the weekend but they would have checked out by 11:00 am on the Monday of the long weekend...
  3. Some thought it was lovely that my purse (tackle bag) matched my outfit...
  4. So far, removing the screen and soaking it in a container of CLR then removing the caked on calcium/lime build up has helped some but not completely solved the problem...will try taking the tap apart next...
  5. MJL and/or Photoz both have a way with words...Rodpody and/or Crappieperchhunter both outfish me most times...
  6. Phenix carries various sizes of salted tubes...I personally like the 2 1/2 inch in smoke color...
  7. I can't find a name brand on the faucet set... In the second pic you can see the water leaking out of the base of the hot water tap... The sink itself is American Standard and probably 30+ years old...maybe the faucet set came with the sink ? Maribeth is saving her pennies to have the bathroom completely gutted and renovated but I'm not holding my breath... Sure would be nice to get rid of the bathtub and replace it with the shower with a seat and handrails built in we saw at Home Depot... Can't remember when I had a bath last...I love a SHOWER !!!...especially with a hand held hose...you get to rinse in places you didn't know you had places...
  8. Cripes !!!...That was close...you like living on the edge...Eh?
  9. Now that you experts have Gerritt's problem solved...How about this one: My (supposedly) washerless hot water tap in the bathroom sink leakes at the base when I turn it on full...I've tried using an old toothbrush and CLR to get rid of the calcium or lime buildup to no avail...any suggestions?
  10. All the best Roy...like Joey sez...go get a big one...
  11. Geeze...some guys have all the fun...all I got to do was, lose two carp over at Carp Point and land a monster that took me about close to twenty minutes to subdue...had to sit down on a hard old rock for the second half of the fight...my arm was getting sore and my back was getting "ouchy"...maybe twenty-five pounds... Thanks again for getting my lawn tractor running...
  12. I doubt TJ would give Jadon's suitor his blessing if he wasn't a fisherman !!!
  13. "Sorry Tj you are wrong" I was always taught these rules when I worked for a living: 1- The boss is never wrong... 2- When the boss is wrong...go back to rule no.1...
  14. Nice specs... Great to hear that you fished with your mother... Many of us here would give their right arm to fish with their "mommies"...
  15. Sorry to hear of your loss Wayne and Leah. Both Maribeth's and my prayers are with your family.
  16. Not at all as far as I'm concerned... I lost my daughter when she was 35...Oh my how she loved to fish !!! We spread some of her ashes at her favorite spot to fish and I blew some into my tackle boxes so that she is always with me when I'm fishing...
  17. Lots of hosers in Lindsay... Sorry...couldn't resist...
  18. Beans sez: If we don't have a bad day... How in hell would we know if we had a good one ? Just keep at it...damned if I didn't finally nail a 20 lb."mirror" on Sunday after fishing Carp point for four years...
  19. oh ya...I remember that....They were playing their radios too loud !!!
  20. Kudos to Rodpody for shareing his wealth again... Nice to hear that Photoz is getting out and about and is not eating those strawberries with manure on them... I hope to get over to see Ron soon myself...
  21. Great report and pics kid...and congrats to both of you in the angling department...
  22. Until the zebra mussels made the water very clear, there was an Italian group at Rice Lake that had great success for many years catching pickerel and bass using long poles and vertical fishing bucktails in openings in the weed beds...
  23. We have a family group on Facebook... Helps to keep the bunch (70 someodd) in touch with each other... We also have a family group on Yahoo.Groups for sharing e-mails with each other...
  24. I've been using this recipe ever since I watched Wil Wegman use it at the Last Ice Tournament a few years ago... Shake damp fillets in Fish Crisp ( plain or Italian seasoned)... Dip in an egg wash made with egg, beer, or gingerale... Roll in bread crumbs (plain or Italian seasoned)... Fry in hot vegetable or peanut oil til golden brown... I like them with a bit of lemon and Heinz tartar sauce (sold only in convenience strores for some strange reason)...
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