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Everything posted by Beans

  1. We owe our neighbor across the road a big lot of Maribeth's world famous chocolate chip cookies... He plowed out our complete driveway with his ATV an hour ago... My back and legs double-thank you Jeff...
  2. The usual cheese and tomato sauce with mushrooms and black olives (Tuesday special at the Godfather Pizza in town) Gotta have a coke with it...
  3. Thanks Percher...I got all the time in the world to wait...that is, unless, the good Lord has other plans...
  4. I may end up doing just that as I have printed off the instrument panel, radio instructions and lights already...got a three hole punch, just need to pick up a binder... Thanks for all replies guys...Will try the Ford dealer in Bobcaygeon...
  5. My wife just purchased a 2005 Ford Escape 4x4 but there was no owner's manual with it...I thought CTC carried them but it looks like they only have repair manuals...I can read a manual on-line in PDF form but it would be nice to have one handy in the glove dept... Anybody know where I can purchase one to avoid printing 296 pages...
  6. Kelvin old friend...Maribeth and I send our condolences...
  7. Thanks for sharing Lorne... Almost makes one wish they lived closer to your end of the world (Hammytown ???) Note I said "Almost"...
  8. Kelvin my friend...sorry to hear of this set-back...here's hoping they get it cleared up real quick and that she is homeward bound real soon...
  9. Don't use a three way spreader ever since one of the hooks got caught on the bottom of the hole and the whitefish pulled free... Never have that problem with a two-way as the second hook rides upside my line when I get a fish on...
  10. Due to an unfortunate mishap with some black ice Boxing Day night on our way home from our annual family dinner we (Maribeth and I) ended up hitting the ditch backwards on the opposite side of hwy 36 near Clover Rd...CAA pulled us out half an hour later and we drove home no problem and with no injuries or public liability (hard to injure a ditch...no fluids lost) We knocked our muffler and tailpipe off and thought that was the extent of our damages until we got a call from our service center to come take a look...Once they had it inside overnight and the snow and ice was melted you could see that the body was accordianned and the undercarriage was also damaged...Still waiting for the appraiser to do his thing...looks like a write-off... This left us with the problem of getting me to the hospital in P'Boro for a day surgery operation on Wednesday to remove a tumor in my bladder...(Maribeth can't drive our pick-up truck...rent a car maybe but I knew if Cliff heard about that and didn't ask him first I'd get what-for from him for sure so he agreed to pick us up at 06:30 AM and have us there for 08:00AM...He and Maribeth took off to have a free breakfast at Kawartha Downs and were back by 01:00PM to pick me up and take us home...he even waited the half hour it took to fill my prescription and for me to have a Chicken wrap and coffee from Timmies (been fasting since 07:00 PM the day before) then on to home... What a guy !!!...Eh? You are indeed a good friend Mate...much appreciated... Would have posted yesterday but I was waiting for the VON nurse to come to the house to remove the drain from my bladder...damn uncomfortable sitting with it...
  11. I too can empathize with you regarding a protruding disc in my lower back. I finally had an operation to fix it after being messed around with for over two years. First it was the physio therapy then a back specialist who said all the physio in the world would not fix me, I needed an operation...then the long wait for an MRI and a much longer wait for an operation date...like you I lived on percocets...made the mistake and took them two tabs every six hours for several days and wound up so badly constipated that I ended up having to go to emergency...
  12. The great part with Mark being on the advisory council is that it is in P'Boro and gives him a chance to drop stuff off at Shimano...He took my second hand Curado Bantam in a couple of years ago as the drag system was seized on one side (seems someone put the magnets in backwards) and only charged $8... He had never taken a baitrunner carp reel apart so he cleaned and lubricated and replaced some drag washers and charged me zilch ! What a Guy Eh? He deserves all the custom he can get...
  13. Nice Lew... Too many snowmobilers running around out back for the deer to be here yet... Once the ice firms up they will be out on the lake snowmobiling and the deer will be putting in an appearance... Give me a chance to try out my new camera...
  14. Some people use Preparation H salve on their lures as it contains shark oil...
  15. No more betting on "slow" horses and to stop running after "fast" women...
  16. Where's your old stove Brian ?
  17. You hold him Lew and I'll whack him with a 2 x 4 ... BTW...Happy New Year !
  18. Aw...I need sumpin' to do today boss... Our big day is tomorrow when we rent the church hall as none of us has a house big enough to accomodate the family...80+ and growing...even the grandkids are having babies nowadays...
  19. Yep...a good one Albert and I know just who to send a copy to...thanks
  20. In our area we have to have a permit (free) to burn stuff and must let the township know when we start and finish... During the nice months (April 01 to Oct 31) we cannot burn between 08:00AM to 06:00PM...
  21. I gave my son a copy of "Fishing for Dummies" Gotta admit it was a good read...
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