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Everything posted by Beans

  1. If I see the cows in the field lying down I may as well pack up and head home... I don't but, usually have a skunkeroo day... Maybe I'm conditioning myself to have a bad day... Like Norman Vincent Peal sez in the Power of Positive Thinking...hmmmmm
  2. Wow Glen !!! So glad to hear your dad got thru the operation ok and is on the mend... Marveous what they can do nowadays in the medical fields... Big news for diabetics from the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto today...
  3. They're gonna put you in the Movies... They're gonna make a big Star out of you... Can't wait to see it !!!
  4. Hey Rene...check with Photoz...I'm sure he uses some for carp...makes for easier release as they are mainly hooked in the lip when you use a hair rig... Would be a pain if you were using real worms with the youngsters but a drop of crazy glue with plastics will help keep stuff on the hook...
  5. Nope...that's not it Jack...I'm just not a Christmassy type of guy
  6. Way to go girl ! I hope TJ gets the episode on tape/cd so us OFNers that don't get that show will get to watch you in action...
  7. Bah Humbug !!!... Avatar changed to protect innocent eyes !!!
  8. Easy enough to make your own using "Bear Claw" connectors...
  9. The fish fry was only the appetizer if I remember rightly... How about the rest of the meal?
  10. Can't help you Lew...We only caught bass and crappies the days I went out with you... Good Times...!!!
  11. I can't remember when I couldn't swim...24 May weekend a few of us would try Lake Ontario down where the Leslie St Spit is now...Damn that water was cold...Then there was BAB up in Taylor's Bush (Lew's territory) by bike after school... I kinda got back into swimming this year for excercise for my back over at the community pool in town...Dang ...am I ever out of shape...but then again...round is a shape eh?
  12. Dang ! They'd need pontoons on their sleds if they tried going across Pigeon Lake at the north end...some lagoons and back bays are frozen over and snow covered but someone other than me can test the thickness...
  13. Geeeze...whatcha asking for your old one Joey ?
  14. I guess there is no sense suggesting our humidifying system (a kettle of water)... Best of luck Gerritt...
  15. Sorry for not replying earlier Glen but, sometimes I get too chocked up for words...(getting mellow in my old age...you think?) I hope your pup gets better and has a full recovery
  16. From what I understand... I went to a picnic with my father and came home with my mother...
  17. Good Ones... BTW...Happy (belated) Birthday !
  18. Geeeze Rene....if your going to quote me , do it right... It's... "you'd be bad luck to a good hunting dog"... Hang in there...the best is yet to come !
  19. Geeeze Joey...I was going to say "welcome to the club" I just finished the homemade clam chowder Maribeth made yesterday (it just seemed like a "soup" day yesterday with all the crappy weather) Have fun in your new ice hut !
  20. Dang it all Joey...you get better lookin' every day... Hey Motv8tr...that do ya mean "a few nice people"??? There is a whole bunch of us ! I've never met an OFNer I didn't like...Mind you,there are some I'm not in a hurry to meet...but so far all have been good
  21. Better check with our resident mouthpieces before posting photos...you just might get T.J.s ass sued off !!!
  22. Yep...I'm probaly done for 2006. Maribeth and I pulled the "Tin" out on the 10th of November and except for buying a box of mothballs to scatter in her to keep the critters away, she's done for the winter. But then again, the first time I met Big Cliff live and in person was on the 28th of December for some first-ice fishing up at Couchiching several years ago so you never know...
  23. My mother and father split up when I was young so I had to learn how to cook at an early age...My first wife's step-father graduated from the University of Hong Kong as a chef and I have spent the past fifty years trying to duplicate the flavor he put into Chinese cusine...I come close but not exactly the same...I think it has sumpin' to do with the tonic wine he used...Never got any complaints from Meely or Crappieperchhunter and his wife Debbi Like most here I have a small library of cooking books (50+) and the first thing I read in magazines or newspapers is the recipes...I usually follow a recipe once then I improvise. Maribeth is a good cook but since I was first home from work way back when it was natural for me to do dinner for us...Mike and Motv8tr were with us then...She still does the cleanup...mainly just pots and pans now that we have a dishwasher...
  24. Methinks you got Motv8tr beat...
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