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Everything posted by Beans

  1. And I'm riding "shotgun/navigator" for Jack... However I'll be staying in Maureen's cabin as I suffer badly from claustrophobia...even when icefishing in a hut I need the seat by the door...
  2. Hey Steve: Just behind where I'm sitting there is an indoor/outdoor thermometer and the outdoor temp probe runs down to the crawlspace where there is a portable baseboard heater that works from an extension cord up through a closet and into it's own electrical outlet... I usually set the thermostat on the heater at 10*C and plug it in about mid November 'till mid April (the same time I turn off/on the tap underneath for the outside taps... I sure can empathize with you when it comes to having to crawl underneath...tight fit for us FFs...Had to wait 'till later this past fall as wasps had set up housekeeping and it took a long time for them to die off... Would you believe they ate through the nylon screen...Wire mesh this spring
  3. Maybe he finally got an answer he liked to all the questions he asked...
  4. I cut my message board teeth on the old Simcoe board after hearing about it from Chris' dad while fishing off the little dock at Bradford... How does one post a message in the new area ?
  5. I like: some classical...(Luciano Pavarotti, Josh Grobin, Il Divo) some Folk...(Peter, Paul and Mary, Etc.) some country...(Willie Nelson, Johnie Cash, Etc.) Some big band era...(The Dorsey Bros, Benny Goodman Etc.) Some contemporary...(Lee Anne Rhimes, Celine Dion, Rita MacNeill) some old time rock...(Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Beatles) and I agree, Stompin' Tom Connors is underated as is Gordon Lightfoot What do you want from an old guy...LOL I was never into Hi Fi or stereo...as long as I had a radio I was happy...
  6. Yeh Rich...Ain't it amazin' how this horse (topic) keeps coming back to life after being flogged to death so many times...
  7. Sounds like Pefferlaw Fish Huts to me Spiel...used to book with them until my No 1 grandson reached the age of 12 yrs old (then I was charged full price for him)... It made the day too expensive so we bought our own auger and built a couple of wind shelters... Sure miissed those great breakfasts in the dining room though and the great hamburgers Jerry would bring out to us at noon hour... I'm sure you will enjoy their service...
  8. Hey...I recognize this guy !!!...Hunter's dad Mike ! My buddy focusing Did you by any chance get to try out the auger ?
  9. Nice report Steve...always nice to catch a few first time out...
  10. A couple of years ago I was talked into getting up at 03:00 AM to go salmon fishing in the Ganaraska river in Port Hope (my first and last time)...We set up in the dark down below the factories near the mouth of the river...as the morning light got bright enough I noticed some bubbles coming up from the bottom and then followed by a pile of crud...Cripes! we were fishing in a sewer...no wonder the poor fish weren't making it up to the fish ladder if they had to swim through that...and Lord knows what that would do to the taste of them...Yuck! We moved on to another stream later and all three of us hooked and lost three salmon each...kept hitting the quick release button by mistake... So just maybe polution is also to blame for the decline in numbers... Off topic a bit I know but, I have no problem with viewing cropped pictures or photoshopped ones, I've cropped a few myself to not show backgrounds of shared fishing spots...as requested !
  11. Maureen's mom could use one of those !!! I swear she could get lost in a phone booth sometimes But I loves her
  12. About ten years ago (age 60) when I went to an opthamologist for an eye exam to see if my newly found diabetes had caused any damage he informed me that I had the beginnings of cataracts and that he would prob have to operate on them before he retires in about 25 years...I should live so long!!! I get them checked annually now... Good to hear your operation was successful and I hope your next goes as well... Encouraging for us that's looking at the same ... Thanks
  13. I'm not hearing any sound ??? I would love to sing along... Oh, the cow kicked Nelly in the belly in the barn, The cow kicked Nelly in the belly in the barn, Oh the cow kicked Nelly in the belly in the barn, The cow kicked Nelly in the belly in the barn !!! That's all the words I know...
  14. I read that Andy Rooney suggests hitting the pound(#) key as soon as you pick up the phone and get dead air (computer dialed)...evidently this screws up their computer somehow... We seem to get fewer telemarketer calls now since trying it... He also suggests stuffing junk mail back in the postage paid reply envelope and mail it back to the sender... Unless you have a wood stove like me...makes good kindling for lighting up...
  15. Hey Phil...If it makes you feel any better, I too could not get the driver's side door open on our station wagon yesterday...Fortunately the passenger side opened but after two hours of wrestling with my heavy old snowblower on Monday I wasn't in much shape for climbing over the hump and the gear shift lever in the center...(getting too old ) By the time I got to town and parked in the sun while I picked up some groceries the lock had thawed out enough that I got the door open with a pry bar...
  16. Any ice on the local ponds ??? Was scanning the Weather Network this A.M. and noticed your temps were down around the freezing mark 0*C (32*F)...I got a manual auger (8") you are welcome to... Cliff...I hope you packed your long-johns...+4*C (39*F) don't sound like shorts wearing temps to me...
  17. Well, you're getting closer to home...only a two hour drive instead of the three to The Firehall in Oakville...
  18. Sounds like great fun my friend...Could only be better if Jack and I were with you...Enjoy ! I wonder if ''croakers'' and ''grunts'' (Clearwater Pier) are the same fish ?
  19. Keep your fingers away from the blades and alway put the cover back on over the blades when not in use...carry a few bandaides in a spare pocket if you forget what I said... Btw...I should have mentioned to carefully wipe the blades clean and dry before replacing the cover...
  20. I was having a problem changing my avatar and Rick suggested hitting the f5 key a couple of times (clears cache) before downloading your new pic. Hope this helps...
  21. Glad to hear you got my card... Great way to spend your birthday...WTG !
  22. When my pal Jack (Nanook) gets relaxed while fishing, he whistles...
  23. Hey Cliff...ENJOY...my friend...ENJOY !!!
  24. Stressed from being "skunked" ???...You gotta be kidding ! What else can you do where the only care you have in the whole wide world is whether some dumb old fish is going to pull your string? And if you don't put no bait on the hook you don't even have to worry about that... I remember a trip one beautiful fall day on Rice Lake when none of my spots produced...the guy I was fishing with asked "what do we do now"...I replied "sit back, relax, and enjoy the day your God has given you to live in"...
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