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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Good point Victor...I can just hear Photoz... "NOT WITH MY NET...YOU DON'T !!!"... Nice fish Tracy...
  2. What the....??? Uncle Vinny (the chin) and Guido retired ?
  3. Hey Joey...Big Cliff is stealing my lines... You know..."You get better lookin' every time I see ya"...
  4. Happy Birthday Joey... Can we save up the patty-whacks for Lakair ??? Hey Roy...we get to pat Joey on her bum...!!!
  5. Ya Greg...I've known Photoz for a few years now and can remember how excited he was when he got his first baitrunner, carp rod and pod... I just had to drop down to P'Boro to see this $1350 investment just to catch carp...(as a youngster I used a hand line of heavy cotton line with dough balls)...Hell, I've spent less for a used car back in my time... Needless to say, I was impressed, and now have my own carp equipment thanks to some generous friends...(being retired doesn't mean a person is rich)...not that carp specialty equipment is absolutely necessary...just makes the sport a bit more pleasurable...
  6. If you had seen the welts on my arms over the past weekend you wouldn't have had to ask...seems the first bites of the year cause my immune system to produce some anti-histamine as yesterdays bites did not swell up as much...lots of calamine lotion helps take out some of the itch... BTW...TJ sells a great bug jacket
  7. Nice fish Steve... WTG my friend... Time to dust off the carp equipment and find a new place to catch them up here...gotta a feeling this long weekend will be the end for crappie...been a good run this year... I take it you heard our spot over at Carp Point got covered by massive boulders...
  8. I think I saw a sign that read "NO WHEELIES in the CORRIDORS" there Lew... I hope she continues to get better each visit...
  9. Ya...what's with blanking out your face ??? Nothing to be ashamed of...that is a good size carp ! OR...were you supposed to be at work ?
  10. All the best on your Birthday...
  11. Seeing as how you are only a short drive up the road from Oak Shores, why not leave the boat docked at Oak Shores and drive over there when you want to use it...as Meely said you got your choice of three different lakes to fish in...?
  12. I would only deal with the Oriental gentlman that works there...he was the only one that seemed to know the stuff and where it was...even if he was busy and I had to wait...
  13. You're right Brian... I always consider fishing as my mental health therapy...and God knows I need it sometimes...
  14. Wife's car had to be towed into our mechanic's service center last evening and she will need the wagon to get to the community yard sale in town later...Too far to walk over to the "Manor"...maybe after supper... I still have some work to do on the "Tin" and a bit of carpentry work on the dock...(build a new and longer gang plank as the ice moved it out a foot or so)...and replace three "spongy" 2x4's on the back section...Oh ya...Make three new steps out back for the porch...getting the old ones off will prob take me all day...LOL Dang...they never taught us any of this stuff in accounting...
  15. Nice job on the carp guiding Cliff...not that you had to show Carole much... Congrats guys on your catches...The non-carpers just don't realize the fun they are missing... Unfortunately, the powers that be at the Trent Severn Waterways, in their wisdom, deposited hugh boulders all over the point CPH and I have fished for the past three years...maybe room for one person now instead of four... Any carpers around Bobcaygeon care to share their swims with a couple of orphaned fellow carpers ???
  16. Probably did...just so that I could feel more guilty...she was good at that! That baby is in his fifties now...Cripes I'm getting old...
  17. I second Big Cliff's product...After paper toweling up as much cat urine I could I washed the area with some shaving lather and wet toweling then dried it up again with paper towel...a good spray with Nok-Out and no more odour... A bit of a spray in the bathroom after Uncle Dave (my bro-in-law) been in there and no more odour...OK...maybe two sprayings... Great for removing gas and fish odours from hands...
  18. I bought the "house" brand from Loblaws and they worked fine except sometime during the night it would fall off and I woke up breathing through my mouth...Will give the original brand a try soon...
  19. I'm with you RICH...Don't really care much for their coffee... Was getting fond of their new slow roast beef sangweech until I got one with no mushrooms yesterday...That's it !!!...No more !
  20. .............Mother's Day this coming Sunday............... Many, many, years ago my first wife and I were making a big deal of buying gifts and making dinner for our mothers for Mothers Day... After all was over and everybody left I asked my wife "how cum you are so quiet? Not feeling well?"..."You didn't once wish me a Happy Mother's Day" she replied...(we had a 5 month old son)... "You're not my mother !" I sez... Wrong reply... So take my advice...get your wife a card and/or a gift if you are in the position I was...believe me...you will never live it down..if you don't... BTW...Happy Mother's Day to all the OFC mothers out there...
  21. And that is what most of our getogethers are like...if you didn't have a good time...it was probably your own fault...It amazed me at first too but soon you will have that "belonging to a family feeling"... Geeze...one guy even offerd me ''bail money" at one of our events...but that is another story...
  22. I've always thought that one might get into some nice pickerel just out from the mouth of the river in Bobcaygeon...The river itself doesn't open for fishing for another week below the dam to the mouth of the river...(fish sanctuary) Unfortunately my little 4 horsepower Mercury would take forever to get over there and that is providing the water was calm or I would give it a try...
  23. I can only repeat Jack's comments... I was only kidding when I said I better get up to the house and go burn some burgers...some were a bit more charred on the bottom than others...newer and different BBQ...
  24. That'll teach you to keep less next time... My bro-in-law had the same complaint opening weekend...he only kept three for cleaning today... Maybe the Kawarthas need a limit of 30 crappies...Like lake Simcoe...
  25. Scott...you gotta watch your language on this board... "WORK" is a four letter word...
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