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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Yep...it was the company you kept, Cliff... (You notice there is no picture of me)... Chuck also caught a whitie but I wasn't quick enough with the camera Paul...next time you will land one now that you got the technique down pat... You only missed two...Joey, Cliff and I missed a whole lake full ! Sure was a beauty of a day !!!
  2. What does the guy in the mirror say ??? You are your own judge and jury... You're the guy you got to live with...
  3. Big Cliff and I should be so lucky tomorrow...WTG !
  4. Ya Buckster...that is about where Tracker has/had his hut last Saturday...My problem was that we were fishing 81 fow and I only had 82 feet of line on my good jigging rod... (was thinking I would be fishing for perch in about 30 feet)...no matter, only had one light touch all day... I switched reels for Sunday as we don't know what depth we will be fishing...Maybe see you and the big guy out there ???
  5. The ice is not as thick as previous years (12 to 14 inches) so it should go out early this spring...I'll guess no safe ice after end of March and gone by 15 April...
  6. Sunday morning sounds good to me...Were you thinking of heading back to Inninsfil ? Maybe we could hook up with Chuck and Shelley and they could steer us in the right direction to catch us a whitie or laker...
  7. Maureen has had a brain freeze what with starting a new position at work and all she missed telling Roy that there is another 1 person portable Fish Trap (like the one Tony B chose as his prize at the Tyler event and that there is an I-Pod Nano also up for bids... Roy is up to his (you know what) in alligators but the items should appear in the auction area soon...
  8. I didn't get a Thermos douG...just a bag of beans from Guatemala (Casi Cielo) and a good morning size mug (16 oz.)
  9. as their prize at the Fishing for Tyler event... Tried some fresh ground this AM and believe me 2 tablespoons of ground per 6 oz. of water is twice as much as needed... Wowzzzzzzers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Tinbanger and Starbucks... Reminded me of the expresso at The Meely Manor...
  10. Clamp-it...He had the underwater camera monitor in the back of the truck to view it better...didn't matter much as the water was quite stained... You didn't think we were electro-shocking the fishes did you? Hmmm...there's a thought !!!
  11. Tried the Sabiki rig you gave me at Lakair under a tip-up the past two days with minnows and all I caught was a dinky little perch... The Crappie bite was so lite they barely moved the stick... My partner Big Cliff managed to land three on a plain hook and sinker with a pinhead minnow...good on him as he didn't get to fish at the Tyler event yesterday...(busy, busy, busy) Also had a few lite hits on the free Hammerhead jigs but missed them too...looking forward to using everything again ...thanks Ryan and Glen
  12. Thanks Kelvin but the only credit I can take is for having a great time with friends... You guys deserve all the credit for manning the tables, (registration, prizes and food)...and giving up your fishing time to make it all happen... :clapping:
  13. Thanks again for the small jigs Ryan...Big Cliff and I will give them a workout today up at Uncle Jack's Pond for crappie...
  14. Sleep in late?...Nope !...Take it easy after a long and busy day today serving up burgers, sausages, hot dogs and chicken with Loonietoon and Little Cliff?...Nope!... You guessed it...go icefishing up at Uncle Jack's pond... If you are in the neighborhood, drop by and say hello...
  15. Right behind you 'Reen...hope the coffee's on...
  16. G'Marnin' all...See ya at the park around 07:00 AM
  17. Do you add a split shot on that long dropper to keep it from tangling ?
  18. Did Meely catch any ?...I hope we see you tomorrow at Innisfil... BTW...try resizing those pics before posting...Pm me if you need any help...
  19. During the birth of my first son, the nurse suggested I go get a bite to eat and take in a movie... I ate then went to the old Casino Theater in downtown Toronto (strippers and comedians)... Damned if the baby was born while I was away!!!... During the birth of my second son I took a quick run out to pick up a copy of The Daily Racing Form (knowing I was going to be a loose horse myself for a couple of days)... Damned if the baby was born while I sneaked out !!!... I was there for the next two...Took too much flak from my first wife...never let me forget it...
  20. Gerritt...check out this thread... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15947
  21. I don't want me falling either... I was going to call you to find out where to park...thanks Prob hit the hay after supper tonight...Got the alarm set for Lew o'clock...(03:00 AM...)...should give me lots of time to take care of the zoo...check the board...etc. Getting anxious...see ya at 05:00 AM
  22. When Maureen gets there to collect our money... Don't forget to register your kids under sixteen or they won't be eligible to win or have their names in the draw...
  23. Thanks for the laffs Boss !!!...I needed that...
  24. Maybe, but I think Innisfil Live Bait and Tackle would be easier if coming up Yonge St. as they are right on Yonge St.
  25. Big Chevy 4x4 (Chuck) mentioned one on Innisfil Beach Road but damned if we could find it last year...Not too familiar with the area...I know where Sobey's are and where the Park is but...
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