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Everything posted by mercman

  1. A very sincere thanks to all. I woke up this morning and went outside with my dogs.The sun still below the horizon, and a faint orange glow.Said a little prayer and looked skyward to be greeted by a single star against the deep blue cloudless sky.I feel sad but at peace now. Found this pic of her from our Las Vegas/Grand Canyon trip a couple of years ago. Says it all i think. She would have been 80 next year.
  2. I lost my Mom about an hour ago. Well actually, i lost her in June when Dimentia began creeping between us. It crept into her mind quietly, but very very quickly.Robbing her of her of her memory, and ability to do what most of us take for granted.Think. Last Christmas she was weak, but still sharp as a tack, February we notice that she got confused easily,April she began forgeting things she did and said hours before, June she couldnt take care of herself.The Docs began to play with her Meds,trying to find the right combination to slow down her rapid deterioration, but were unable to do anything.She became chair bound and spent the next 4 months waiting for a long term care facility.Finally, last week she was transfered to her new home. She passed tonite quietly from an aparent heart attack. So now i find myself parentless, and feeling kinda lost. When Dad passed, there was always Mom. Now they will both live forever in my memories. In Loving memory Emma Elsie Brule Douglas Robert White I love you both dearly.Rest easy. Your kids Paul Douglas White Brian Robert White Janice Marlene White
  3. WOW !!!!!!!!!!! Maybe next year when the lease on my Ranger is over. Congrats Lew.It'll look great attached to Musky sled of yours
  4. Nice clean healthy looking Gator Love their aggression this time of year.Even the little ones wil scare the beejessus outta ya when they hammer your lure. Thanks for sharing. Paul
  5. most useful answer so far, or like Roy said, call them up and pick thier brains.
  6. Nice old bucketmouth !!!! 5lbs easy.Great catch
  7. Great report Chris. Thanks for posting.
  8. Looks pretty similar to my Shimano Corvalus.Same costruction, same size.I would venture to say that it would be perfect for your needs.Like the Corvalus, its a good entry level reel, but i am sure the true Musky guys will say its crap
  9. Good to see you getting out Dave.Awesome report and like the rest, looking forward to the Alaska report too. Tite lines Paul
  10. I need your password Bruce. What is it?
  11. Agreed, the Corvalus is "ENTRY" level to Musky fishing.Thats what the OP is looking for.If he is anything like me, he will be fishing Musky maybe 5-6 times a season. Perfectly fine for that. Mine is the 400 series, diecast aluminum frame,metal gears,aluminum endcaps etc.Its a pretty tough reel for the bucks. When i took up Musky fishing, i asked for advise on the board too, and Compre was the most refered rod by many of the Musky guys here.I own 4 compre rods, and other than a broken tip top guide(which as it turns out, was my fault) they are great.Are there better? Absolutely, but for a novice, they are bullet proof. Personally, i dont believe in buying top of the line, when just starting out for Musky.Its not for everyone, and if you do get "Hooked", you can pass the combo onto the next person, and go all out on high end gear. I have my sights set on a Calcutta and St Croix as my next combo.Just waiting for the wife to drop her guard, and leave the credit card unattended:whistling: Cheers Paul
  12. When i took it in to have it repaired, the guy showed me the tip.I must slammed the tailgate on it at one time.My box is 6ft. 7 on the diagonal.Rod is 7.5feet.Makes sense? The original guides on my rod, are NLA, so he upgraded it for me.
  13. Sorry about your puppy Kelvin. Been down that road myself. But good news about your new job Nothin better to keep you outta trouble than a good job. Hope to see you around more. Be well Paul
  14. Very well put indeed. Too often we try to impress, or get demoralized when we cant catch one as big as so and so posted. I fish for the pleasure of it Skip.I post to share my day with anyone interested. You did well my friend, and thanks for a clear and honest report. Nothing beats a good feed of perch. Tite lines little bud
  15. interesting. Thanks Roy.
  16. yellow, i can understand, for visibility, but why blue? Educate me please.
  17. Very Nice !!!! Thanks
  18. Excellent !!! Thanks for sharing your great day on the water boys.
  19. Now thats what its all about !!!! Glad you guys got out and enjoyed the day.
  20. Dont know how i missed this Rob.Excellent report and some beautiful shots.The Musky was a great PB. Congrats. Those Pike though were phenominal. Cheers Paul
  21. Really nice looking.Terry is kinda cute too Congrats Terry. Looks good on ya.
  22. 7.5 ft Compre HF and a Shimano Corvalus reel.Just under 200, and a really nice combo to get you started.
  23. Absolutely beautiful craftsmanship Chris.Such delicate work.I can really see what you meant by the colors getting darker and richer after the clearcoat is added. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
  24. She is adorable Rudy, Sasha, and "Trinity" ....R,S,T........
  25. In the St Lawerence, below the Hydro and control Dams, water was down 3-4 feet.Many of the local launches had to add up to 100 feet of dock to access to water deep enough for docking.They even narrowed the shipping channel to keep ships from running aground.
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