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Everything posted by mercman

  1. WTG Guys !!!! Handlebarz are fish magnets!!!
  2. Kudos Mike !!!!! A true class act.
  3. :rofl2: coffee stains............................
  4. For me, its the thrill of finding them, figureing them out, and catching them. I know already i am strong enough and manly enough to get them in the boat, but proving i am smarter than them is what makes me happy.
  5. yes they do, but i paid 8 bucks for a new tip top guide and repaired it myself, rather than pay +20$ to return and wait for replacement. Its a simple fix.
  6. Not Much better Mike. Brand new Musky rod. third cast and the tip top guide insert came off, rendering the rod useless.I had to switch up with my trolling rod, or risk ruining my day.
  7. Good to hear from ya Bruce !!!! Keep on Keepin on Bud !!!
  8. now theres a vision that'll keep me awake all nite Rizzo
  9. Why do they call it a BOOT?...looks like a salmon
  10. Thats cause i wear pumps !!!!
  11. Definately not what i expected to find in here
  12. Keep em comin everyone !!!! I really enjoy seeing all these little guys. Its amazing what they will try to eat
  13. Really healthy fish. Congrats
  14. uni to uni a real pain in the to tie
  15. Honestly, i dont think it matters to the fish either way. I Tie my flouro to a tiny very good quality chain swivel,with a regular cinch knot. i tie the Braid to the other eye on the chain swivel with a palomar knot. I give myself about 18 inches of flouro, and tie a snap, not a snap swivel, to the end of my leader, useing a cinch knot again. I always use snaps, and no one can convince me that tieing direct to lures catches more fish.Fish dont give a dang how your lure is attached to your line, and i have produced as many if not more fish than the people i fish with, who tie direct.I use the smallest terminal tackle that i can get away with, for the fish i am targeting. Always lubricate flouro.It tends to heat up slightly as it pulls across itself during the tightening of the knot.
  16. Man that looks yummy Rick !!! Your kids all look like they are having a blast.They are lucky to be growing up in a paradise like that.
  17. Look at the Abu Verdict. I recently got one and paired it with a Pflueger Presdent.Amazingly light and sensitive rod for $129.I like the extendable handle used to balance the rod to any reel. it gets 2 from me.
  18. Lew was just a young kid in that pic. We all had to start somewhere
  19. Regular cinch or palomar.Remember to lubricate the Fluro before tightening the knot.That may be why you are getting breakoffs.I usually use saliva to lubricate just before tightening. One thing to consider.The flouro for leader material is a bit stiffer than flouro meant for mainline.Although some use mainline as leader material, i don't.
  20. Here it is....Mike the Pike still laffs at this one
  21. Amazing how they are perfect miniatures of the REAL thing
  22. This little guy grabbed my spinnerbait like a mini Musky, and ran like a lizard drinkin' I shoulda brought a hotdog bun, cause he was the size of a big hot dog weiner BTW, i am holding him really gentle, not squeezing the life outta him I have a 6" Walleye pic somewhere.When i find it, i will post it too.
  23. just keep a slight tension against the weight and your line will keep the bait off the bottom.Reel it in super slow, and vibrate the rod tip occasionally to impart some action on the bait.
  24. Filleting them is a bit different than a bass or walleye.The meat is on the back, from the back of the head to the fin, and from the side of the fish from the anterior rib cage to the tail on both sides. Very sweet tasteing meat
  25. Depending where you plan on fishing,and with that kinda budget, get 2 combos.1 for jigging lite jig heads and 1 for jigging heavy jig heads.I fish in some heavy current areas that require a 1.5-2 oz jig head to hit bottom.I use a 6.5' medium heavy baitcaster with an old Abu Ambassadeur5000 reel.Works like a charm. For lighter jigs, i switch up to a 7' medium Abu Verdict spinning rod with an Abu Orra S reel.I love the sensitivity of this last combo.
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