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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Love the 4th one:rofl2: Looks like he drank a dozen Red Bull!!!
  2. if i remember, he hit that button when they told him to start his camera.
  3. Ejection seat
  4. I was bored.
  5. Most amazing thing i have seen since man allegedly set foot on the moon. Awesome courage, and emotional landing
  6. Wow !!! I just now, had the time to finish looking at all the pics, and try to take in everything from this epic summer of yours. Thanks for allowing me into your world for spell.All the best to you and your familly Wayne. Especially Jen.
  7. I have seen this same thing on a couple of fish i caught too.VHS or Aliens???
  8. No Chipmunk Butt fur...............Thats a good thing, the lucky bugger
  9. Much obliged
  10. I dont sell dryers Geoff.......but i could order the parts so he can build one
  11. So, what are we looking for Ron? Parts Select are ok, but they play a little dirty.Not useing proper manufacturers part numbers, so you cant check priceing or find the part anywhere else but them. Feel free tp drop me a PM anytime at all. I can even do the research right here and right now LOL.
  12. Kinda LOL.......just wanted to see if what i knew about them matched your expertise
  13. Chuck them into pencil reeds, lilypads,rock piles,wood, anywhere you think fish may be. I find them effective in the morning and in early evening for bass.Kinda wakes em up Pike will hit them all day long. I like to run a stinger hook(a second hook attached to the main hook) because sometimes fish like to punch it, rather than try to eat it. Colors.....white, white/chart, white/green for bass. red, red/black, red/white, white ,pink for pike. Willow leaf need to be retrieved faster than colorado blades, to get them to turn, so slow retrieve for Coloradoa, fast retrieve for willow.Also Colorado blades provide more lift than willowleaf blades, so for deeper fish, willowleaf blades are generally a better choice. Blade color use the same formula you would use for a spoon or lure, depending on light and water clarity. Good luck...............I have become a spinnerbait junkie this year Absolutely wont go fishing without a few in my tackle bag.
  14. I keep coming back and looking at these pics.Just AWESOME !!!! You didnt take a Vid did you That would keep me amused for hours !!!!
  15. Jiminy Cricket man !!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you at least call the customer assistance number in the first pic?? I had a toaster like that once
  16. I will be using Football jigs dragging X-Zone Swammers for Smallies They are the cats Meow.
  17. Welcome to this little piece of fishing madness.Great place to meet similarly afflicted people Our wives must be sisters
  18. Realistically, clean it up a bit, and find out why it doesnt run smooth, you should be able to get 100-150$ for it.They were awesome reels,still are.
  19. Bluebird skies here in Montreal. A chil in the air though.2C last nite.Happy Thanksgiving all.
  20. I have to stop reading your posts with liquid of any kind in my mouth !!!
  21. Nice goin Bud !!!!!!!!! You inspire me with every post. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.Thanks for the smile. Paul
  22. Welcome to the group James.Yup, fishing calms the soul for most of us Glad you made it through the trying times. I made it through some myself, so i hear ya man.
  23. So just pretend then Dax We'll let you keep one combo for each species then.
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