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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Typical redneck Style Bob !!! Thats what i like the most about you Remember, when you are up here, your name is Red Kneckster, ok ?
  2. Restores my faith in humanity. Bravo!!!
  3. simply awesome pics and report.Love those prehistoric looking Gar.
  4. Me too Dan I caught a 2.5 lb smallie on Saturday, and i looked all over to make sure he wasnt hiding somewhere ready to pounce on me i was real careful with it, amd released it unharmed.
  5. Ron, I tip my hat to you. It takes someone special to stand up and fight for whats right. I am from Quebec, far from your fight, but i will add a C note to the pot to help you win the battle. Maybe other municipalities will learn not to mess with us in the future. Bravo to you my friend. Just let me know where to send the cash. Paul
  6. HEY LLOYD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day
  7. He isnt joking either I'm surprised you dont give it to the 'OTHER' special neighbors
  8. Now thats what i call a big ole Bass !!! Congrats
  9. Big decissions like this are always hard to make I'll have to get back to you.
  10. great report Couple of nice gators too.
  11. I am in the presence of greatness, and am humbled. What a fish.I cant stop drooling
  12. Now Thats fishin !!! Good to get out with the kids too. That looks not too far from Bilings Bridge, or there abouts, on the canal. Ahhh Ottawa, my home town. Thanks for the report Paul
  13. Hey Mines the exact same cross, golden and retriever. Loves the water twice as much as any dog i ever owned, and smart as all get out too. Here is Trinity, my girl
  14. Nice Fishin !!! Thanks for the report. Paul
  15. Geez Kelvin, PORCH kinda sounds like PERCH !!!!!!!! Paul
  16. Nice goin Doc !!! those are some real beauts. Nothing like destressing in the bush with a buddy and a keg Fishing helps too, and you guys nailed em good Paul
  17. Looks like you guys had a stunning weekend. Great fishin too Thanks for the report.
  18. Isn't that some brutal wind? But i bet it was worth the trouble just to be back on the water again Nice Perch too. All the wife and i have been getting are dinks, and, like your Paul, i wont be posting my dinks on here. People may laff. Glad ya got out, and thanks for the great pics. Paul
  19. You have a good eye. My new Princecraft Starfish with Merc 40HP gets me and the wife and gear, doing 32 mph on GPS,and we aint no teeny people either
  20. My deepest sympathy Will. I know the feeling well,having lost my dad. He was a great angler in my eyes. I named my boat after him. The memories never go away Will, and he will always be smiling on you as you fish. Paul
  21. Hey Dan, what an awesome report.Those are some beautiful trout.The wait musta seemed eternal, but looks like you still ave the touch Congrats Paul
  22. Good read, and some nice looking Whiteys RC. I hear they taste like chicken Thanks Paul
  23. Couple of beauty Gators Mike ! Thanks for showin us.
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