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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Breathtaking is the only word that comes to mind reading this report.
  2. What a cutie !!! Congrats Gramps
  3. It just doesnt make sense. No where did it say that the supervising individual had to be a boater or pleasurecraft operator. It could have been anyone at all.All they had to do, was certify that the person taking the exam did not cheat, and took the test fairly. How can they ask a supervisor to pass a test, if they dont boat Sounds fishy to me
  4. Welcome Matt !!! Glad you made it.As you probably already know, this is a great place full of great people. As for OOS, well, they will get thiers, don't worry
  5. Art....do it again sir.
  6. Good to see you got out for some fish Man, we sure do take things for granted sometimes.I hope you can get out again soon Erik. Paul
  7. LL !! Thats the one i was looking for on the weekend.Well done sir Tough bite? You got that right.Where are they hiding anyways
  8. mercman


    Welcome aboard eman You have joined the greatest site on earth here.
  9. Sounds like you had a 'Crappie' day. At least you got a nice feed there.Some people take all the fun outta fishing. Just remember, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Paul
  10. Nice work Bud !! I learned Princecraft can fly too Did the same stunt you did.The wife was far from impressed Those 2 little guys remind me of me and my brother.My bro was always a wimp. Now he can fish circles around me Thanks for the report Paul
  11. Don, you owe it to yourself and your daughter. You obviously have great feelings for this man, and you deserve to be there at his funeral. you need to go to support your daughter and for closure for you also. Never second guess yourself. if it is what you need, then do it. Paul
  12. It's media hype and stereotyping.Ever watch "Wild Justce" They always show them harassing chinese fishmarkets and such.Its a bloody shame and i dont even bother watching the show anymore.
  13. Some of us old dudes get right snarky after being out on the water, in the sun, fishing all day in the fresh air. I know i do
  14. Ya !!! Nice report Dan ! The water looks really clean up there.Great looking Eyes dudes, thatnks for sharing. Paul
  15. Thanks Joey !! Actually,Twocoda nailed it on the head. I cut across the bow wave of a Cruiser in the channel and we were going a bit fast. I saw it coming, but the wife was facing the back of the boat. Lets just say I will definately slow down a little in the future
  16. A healthy dose of good vibes are on their way Bud.I put a good word in for you tonite. Hang in there
  17. I felt like a school boy on his first date taking her out. I brought her back to the dock with a swagger in my step, yelling avast me mateys !!! Come up to me chambers and see the Captains Log!!!
  18. Nice ! You did a whole lot better than me.I'm gonna take your advice and go spinnerbait tomorrow.The water is so dirty, i'll have to make some noise and see if that works. Thanks Paul
  19. Took the new boat out today, and she handles real fine.Putzed around for the first hour, getting used to the controls and setting the sonar/GPS up the way i like em. Had her up to 30mph on the gps,then let her slide back down.There was still alot of throttle left, but gotta break'er in first.I'm sure she will do at least 37mph wide open. Pike opened yesterday, and there were a few boats on the water.No fish The water here is high and muddy from all of the flooding in the area.The boat ramp area was full of floating logs and branches. I spoke to a few anglers on the water, and none had gotten anything.The wife was using nitecrawlers and i was using a live target perch for pike, but there was literally only an inch of visibility and i wasnt even marking any fish.I have never seen the water here so muddy and high. Hopefully the water will clear up in a week if we dont get anymore rain. I'm going back out tomorrow with a plan to fish some of the faster waters east of where we were today.Hoepfully thats where they are.
  20. If she's happy, why rock the boat Is she truly happy? If so, then you should be a happy camper, because a happy wife means a happy familly life.So RENOVATE where you are and make it like a new place. IMHO Paul
  21. Funny how it works.I started this thread to remind myself where i had come from, and to help me through a rough spot.I had no idea of the impact it would make on some people. I am humbled and grateful. Paul
  22. Wow. I appreciate all of your well wishes. I am very humbled to say the least. For those of you who think i am strong, let me say this. Strength has nothing at all to do with it.Desire has everything to do with it. Once the shakes go away, and the body begins to heal itself, the insanity begins to lift and it becomes easier to live without medicating yourself with the booze.And NO !!! You dont have to become a jesus freak to get sober either you just have to start believing that you are not the center of the universe, and that whatever is stronger than you will help you stay sober. I had nothing, i owed everyone.To the point that i wouldnt open my mail box for fear of creditors. Today i have a wife a bussiness, a home, a truck a car a boat and 2 Dogs. Kinda like a country song in reverse Cheers everyone Paul
  23. Thanks Joey, and congrats to you too! Its a hard road, but well worth every step.They say i stopped just in time to save my liver.The blood was from burst vessels in my stomach and throat.In the last 2 years i drank, my stomach would cramp up from trying to expell what i was putting into it, and was litterally coming apart from the strain.Sorry to be so graphic.
  24. Hummm.... 1 day at at time, it seems longer .Musta blew a few brain cells along the way too. Thanks Wayne
  25. May 6, 1990, i was on my last legs.Swollen, jaundiced and bleeding from places you shouldnt.I was facing life on the street or death.Mom and Dad would have nothing to do with me this time.I had done enough damage in the past, and even though i was thier golden child, i was on my own this time.The woman i was with at the time gave me an ultimatum.Give up the booze or lose everything, again.You see, i had been married before, for 10 years,had a daughter and home, and lost them all. On this day 22 years ago, i made a phone call, and within an hour, 2 people came to my house, helped me dress and started my journey to health. You see, i am an alcholic.Even today, after 22 years of sobriety, i am an alcoholic.They showed that to me at that 1st meeting, and they showed me that i was not alone.They showed me that there was hope at the top of the hole i had dug for myself, and they were willing to walk with me every step of the way, to make sure i made it out safe and sober. I went to 8 meetings a week, for 4 years, and finally the urge to drink left me.Today i am the man that i was born to be. I left the woman i was with shortly after i sobered up.She was not good for my sobriety, and i spent 3 years living on my own doing 8 meetings a week. In my 3rd year of sobriety, i was attending a special meeting at which someone i had helped get sober, was receiving her 90 day chip.Her cousin came with her for support.She was kinda cute too Sooooooo, tomorrow will be 18 years i am married to this woman She has never seen me drink but has heard me speak at many meetings, and knows what i was like.She is the lite in my life, and i love here dearly. We got married in the same church that i went to my 1st AA meeting, on the exact day that i got sober.All of the other days were booked already, and this was the only day available.I guess it was meant to be that way. Well, thanks for listening, i just had to share this for anyone interested. Tite Lines and easy livin Paul White
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