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Everything posted by mercman

  1. If you receive a greeting card from your proctologist for any occasion.
  2. if you ask if this life jacket makes your look fat
  3. how do explain that little thing you were wearing last time i saw you
  4. If you find yourself sitting to Pee, then.....
  5. Sheesh Bob, i thought i was gonna read your Autobiography in this thread
  6. Glad to see i can count on you when the going gets tuff team in8tors
  7. So, wheres the pics Bob ! I like looking at fishy pics
  8. We are gonna eat a fast dinner and be on the water by 6.30pm.There is about 2 miles of shoreline that i didnt get a chance to fish last summer. Shallow, maybe 2-6 feet in places,with a deep ravine 20 feet, all along it. There are numerous small indents or bays filled with wild rice stalks along the length of it.I'm gonna cruise up and down this shoreline pitching spinner baits,top waters and some Handlebarz, for big Northern Pike And i am staying out till i'm slimed .The water was 52 degrees last Saturday so i figure they will still be shallow, soaking up the sun.We are gonna do the same thing tomorrow too, cause i'm taking the day off.Weather is sposed to change in the next 24 hours, with rain forcast for the next week. Any tips would be nice. Paul
  9. Happy Birthday Art !!Are you in the upper or lower age group Paul
  10. Dude !! Well done ! Those a some nice big Carp Man. Thanks for the great report. Paul
  11. 146.9 this morning in Montreal.143.9 this afternoon.132.6 on the reserve.137.8 at Costco.Who has the real price of gas Does the real price of gas even exist?
  12. Terry, dont mind Geoff, he's a silly little man, but we all like him alot
  13. Welcome Terry !! I've fished out of Morrisburg, and its great fishing I'm familiar with the area for sure. My brother is in Finch, and then theres Ed in Winchester(Paddletales) Looking forward to hearing from you Paul
  14. All of these tips are excellent You will love your new abilities too. Just remember, it is one of many tools in your aresnal.Dont retire your spincater too fast. There are lots of situations where a spin caster is the better tool. Paul
  15. Sounds like things are on a positive swing Wayne Keep hangin in there buddy.Give her a big thumbs up from me. Paul
  16. Man !! Thats some beautiful country Nice fish too.I'm hungry now Paul
  17. Nothing to explain Wayne, "It Is" what it is I'm pretty sure he is up there going "Ya Paul " Mom wouldnt let him fish as often as he wanted.Today she regrets it, but at least i bring him with me in my heart.
  18. Great story Garry !!!Muskies when your not expectiong them can scare the heck outta ya.I was at a small lake with my dad, years back, in a 16' canoe. I stopped my retrieve just short of the canoe, laid my rod on the bottom of the boat while i lt up.I remember looking over my cupped hands at the water just in time to see a huge Muskie slurp down my hula popper and swim under the canoe with a splash, breaking the line.I was so startled i almost burned the moustache right off my face Dads back was to the action, and all he saw was the look on my face, and my burning moustache. There wasnt sposed to me Muskie in the lake, we were Bass fishing. Gave us something to talk about for years
  19. You my friend, are a very special person.
  20. You're right ...Shows ya what I know, eh?
  21. Meet the HMS D . R. White. Named after my Dad, Douglas Robert White. He will fish with me always now
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