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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I have 2 Shimano Citicas,an E and a D, and they are bullit proof.Not sure how they line up against the Caenan, but i absolutely love them.They are in the price range you are looking at though. Paul
  2. i use a 50/50 mixture of canola and extra virgin olive oil.
  3. There is no proof that they dont exist So i will believe until someone proves otherwise.
  4. Paddletales in Winchester, because Ed has the best knowledge of Bass fishing techics and one of the best inventory of Bass specific products that i have seen.
  5. A couple of Cummins b series would do the trick if you could sync the props Bob
  6. Wow!! Thats about the Manliest thing i have heard so far !!!Nice timeing dude !
  7. I just bought a small 16' Starfish DLX SC, and am in love with it.Its a good compact stable fishing platform. My dad and his dad have always had Princecraft boats, so i am brand bias, but they are well designed, and nicely equipped for the buck.Mine, boat, motor (40 Merc) and trailer was 11.5K a really good deal IMHO. Plus, i had him throw in the spare tire and standup bow seat for free. Paul
  8. What a great idea !!! Im going to make myself a couple Thanks Paul
  9. neither rain,nor snow, nor gloom of nite, will keep an angler from fishing
  10. thanks Wayne. Case closed. Cause i always wear my PFD when i am in the boat, even if it means i lose my Man Card Thanks everyone
  11. But if i am wearing it (The inflatable)at all times, do i need to bring the other, standard vests on the boat also.
  12. WTG Vin !!! Love catching those toothy critters.
  13. I see here someone who has decided to take a problem in his mind, and put it on paper in an effort to understand all the conflicts of his mind.I see a man standing at the edge of an abbys, and trying to find a reason within himself, to come safely down from the edge, the slow and hard way, rather than taking a leap. I see a man here who has retreated from addiction, and is making an effort to reintegrate into a world he has long left behind. I see myself,21 years ago, in the writings of this man. MTBF, help this man. Paul
  14. Sweet looking ride ! That little Merc look great! There's something manly about a Merc, no matter how big it is Upgrade your man card to a "Real Man Card" Paul
  15. Just got a couple of Mustang Inflatable PFD`s. Auto/manual operation. Question i have is this, Do i have to keep the regular PFD`s on the boat also, or can i just have the inflatables on. I have been told that with inflatables, you must where them at all times, if you do not have regular PFD`s on board.I have done some searching,but nothing really answers this clearly enough for me. Thanks for any info Paul
  16. Really nice Ride AA. That first ride in her is a Magical feeling eh Be safe, and tite lines Bud !!! Paul
  17. Nice!!! Them cats got a face only a mama could love!
  18. Welcome to OFC PF !! This place is the Bee's Knees Paul
  19. What a Beaut !!! That flower has to go if you want to keep your man card in good standings Seriously though, good luck on your new career Brian.I know how it feels considering i took the plunge 7 years ago, when i bought the company i was working for at the time. Enjoy the challenges, and reap the rewards Paul
  20. Great report Cliff.Good relaxing fun with good people. Can"t get much better than that. Paul
  21. Asian Carp, and snakes head should be left out too Bob.Go console Bob, that way the weight isnt all in the back
  22. Nice day on the water guys ! Great fishin too.Plus, you got to see Redd Fox I Thought he was dead Thanks for the report Wayne, and great pics too. Paul
  23. NO !!!!!!!!!!!!! Way !!!!!!!!!! Dang...
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