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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I dont need to buy I get it FREE From Princecraft.
  2. Great looking fish !! What an awesome day of fishing you guys had. Cheers Paul
  3. Roy, the pleasure was all mine my friend. I'm kicking my for not taking pics Wont make that mistake on our next outing.
  4. It was Bob, and we think we have gotten you figured out now.
  5. Hey. we dont think about cameras. We had both eyes in the same socket this morning., Plus we're old !!! Well Roy is anyways I think he got a pic of me and my OSS Bass, so i will post it when the season is open.Besides, it was a private bonding experience between 2 totaly off the wall dudes. Sheesh, all we did was talk about Y'all anyways
  6. Great report Justin As an Ottawa boy myself, i fished the Mississippi many years ago.I have a friend in Perth, Doug Anderson who wants me to fish walleye with him this summer out by Pickeral Point.May take him up on his offer. Paul
  7. Met up with Roy at 7AM, and with a couple of Tims in hand, we set out.It was new waters for him, and new technic for me.Bottom bouncing. I have seen the rigs in bait shops, but had no idea what they were or how to use them. Thanks to Roy, now i do. Weather held off just nicely, and we trolled for Walleye along the edge of the shipping channel. I have spoken to alot of the locals in the area, and the walleye bite has been very slow this year. No ones getting the big ones, and they are hard to find.Water temps have been really cool this year and weather fronts have been moving through on a daily basis, causeing the fish to be in unpredictable locations. As it turns out, we spent most of the morning trolling here and there, talking about everything under the sun, and only catching an OOS smallie and a rock bass who seemed to like coming on to lures as big as itself. I enjoyed the time fishing with this experienced angler, and good friend, and i look forward to it again.I dont often get a chance to spend time with experienced anglers Like Roy, and i am grateful for the chance to do that today. Thanks Roy You are a scholar and a true gentleman. Paul
  8. Gotta agree with ya Geoff. The wife catches EVERYTHING on worms and spinner. Drives me NUTZ, having spent a fortune on lures
  9. what in the name of all thats holy, are you talking about
  10. Nice find Vim They look in excellent shape.Fill em up and use em dude
  11. Now THATS some good info.I was looking at the reel, on the newer Compre rod my dad had it on, and it really doesnt look comfortable to fish with.I dont think dad ever used it for Muskie, He was more of a bass and walleye guy, and the rod looks brand new, the cork is not even darkened, so i really dont think he ever used it. I have one of his dog leg rods, so i will take it off the Compre and put it on that rod. Thanks Garry
  12. PrinceCraft.The the best bang for the buck out there, IMHO.Love mine
  13. Thanks guys.It is a 3 screw model, with groved side cocers.I am definately going to use it.I must admit the sleek look of the newer baitcasters is appealing, but that red, round "MACNINE" sitting on top of that Compre is nostaligic for sure
  14. Thanks Don. Whats going on on Mid September?
  15. Helping my brother move a week ago, we started moving some of Dads rods and reels that were willed to him when dad passed.He told me to pick any one that i wanted. I chose an Abu Amdassadeur 5000 s/n 720765 on a 7ft Compre heavy fast action rod.Apparently it was a gift to him from his co workers when he retired from the army. I know little about the reel itself, and would appreciate any info you can provide. It is in absolute mint condition, and i would like to fish with it. Thanks Paul
  16. Cliff, you are one heck of a stand up guy Makes me want to move next door. I hope everyone affected by this crazy weather will be ok.Good on you Cliff Paul
  17. What a hog, Dude !!! Thanks for letting us take a peek.
  18. A definate tradgedy My sympathy to heis friends and familly.
  19. this storm just barreled through here 1/2 hour ago.Lightning hit the pole accross the street as i was on my deck enjoying the lite show.So close the hair on my head stood straight out from the static.Scared the HooHah out of me and my dogs.My Lab tried to run through the closed patio door, my Pom didnt even blink an eye. Awesome storm
  20. Holy Smokes !!!! I know a famous artist!!!
  21. trust me HH, they still land, but they are laffing so hard that they are pretty harmless.
  22. Thanks SBK Nothin beats a day on the water and a few fishies !!! Paul
  23. JUNE 25 AND 26 And you get to stay free with Billy Bob
  24. Simon, Please keep me posted as to your progress. Like you i quit the booze 21 years ago, but the smokes are deadly addictive, and i was unsuccessful quitting a few months ago. I could use a bit of support to help me try again and maybe stick with it this time. Good luck Paul
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