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Status Updates posted by mercman

  1. Hey art !!! Happy International Plumbers day Bud !! Time to recognize the hard work of plumbers around the world !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mercman


      That's probably cause they do !!! :-)


    3. Christopheraaron


      Haha, we have one in our house right now!

    4. Twocoda


      crack pipes for everyone!!!

  2. Merry Christmas all !!! PLEASE PLEASE be careful ou there.

  3. A tip of the hat to all the Mods. I Mod a small local facebook group, and other than a few friends, i dont get asked to go fishing with many of the regular members ;-) It's a thankless job.

    1. aplumma


      I get asked to go fishing it is just no one will swing by and pick me up in Virginia.lol


    2. icedude


      Way too funny for a rainy Monday aplumma.


      Unfriendly Border Policy or maybe just laziness.lol


      Good Stuff mercman..Agreed 'thankless 'gig..but it has to be done ..you both probably have more friends than you realize

  4. 2 things i never ever discuss in my store. Politics and Religion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      Sti9ck to beer, fishing and meat.

    3. spincast


      How about the politics of religion - or religious politicians?

    4. Christopheraaron


      "Religious politicians" couldn't you just say politicians?

  5. The human soul has no reverse gear, it can only move forward.If you find yourself going backwards, you have left your soul behind.

  6. 8395 days sober today.I remember my last drunk like it was yeasterday.Never want to foget that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irishfield


      Paul.. did you add in the extra days for the leap years? :o)

    3. buick14


      Lol u sound drunk ....don't worry , that's a good thing!

    4. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Cheers, er, I mean... congrats

  7. Dental Phobia sucks...But i finally decided to get my smile back. In a month or so, and after 15K is invested, my new dentist garantees i will smile like Tom Cruise...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mr blizzard

      mr blizzard

      Looking forward to see u on the big screen, maybe your own fishin show

    3. Twocoda


      Tom Cruise eh? And is this a good thing somehow?....I suppose you could just show your smile while skypeing with Katie Holmes and get her to perform some tricks with ping pong balls...just a thought ....

    4. mercman
  8. 9 weeks smoke free, plus, i am down 45 lbs !! Go figure eh?

  9. Still smoke free. Down 40lbs. Dropped from a 52 to a 44 waist. Life is grand !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nipfisher


      Awesome. Brand new life.

    3. Leecher


      Your doing great Paul!!! Keep it up my friend :)

    4. Spiel


      69 days and counting for me Paul, actually not that tough to do with the right mind set. ;)

  10. Yes Sinclair, i got the B/TE not the D ;-) I listen good huh?

    1. Dan668


      I picked up a D, like it so far.

  11. Well, i did it. Saved up, pack by pack, and Just picked up my new Calcutta 400.Mounted on my 7.5'' Compre, and ready for Musky.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Way to go Paul,the results didn't take long!!!!!

    2. sinclair


      I hope you got the B/TE and not the D!

    3. Christopheraaron
  12. Started Habitrol step 2 today.step down from 21mg to 14 mg for 2 weeks. Looking good !!!

    1. icedude


      Good Stuff Paul....hang in there Bud

  13. 1 month smoke free.It's a done deal this time.Amazing what can be achieved, with the love of a good woman.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ketchenany


      club des pieces will have to lower their prices with all the money you are saving, keep it up it only gets better.

    3. grt1


      I was 1 month on the 16th, so i had a couple puffs of my cigar that i had just in case and it tasted sooooo bad, had to come in and eat a banana to get rid of the bad taste in my mouth.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Great Paul and you grt1!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Well, i am no longer married bud, so drop me a PM, and i'll tell you all about it ;-)

  15. Please share some of your positive energy for Simons(Pikeslayers) son, who is in a comma in Edmonton after a horrendous accident :-(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hotsky


      Sorry to hear that! hope he pulls thru ok.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      How sad,hope he can make a speedy recovery

    4. misfish


      Sad news. Hope he pulls through soon.

  16. day 15 smoke free.Sense of smell came back.Can smell walleye in 20 FOW now ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spiel


      36 days here now Paul, a little edgy at times but feeling and breathing A-1


      Stay wit it!

    3. mercman


      Was really tweaked today.Wanted to rip my lips off LOL. it passed ;-)

    4. FisherJuli


      You guys are rocking the quitting smoking- Frankie65 is on 4.5 yrs and hasn't looked back!! Keep it up... There's only benefits!

  17. In my 10th day smoke free.As much as i loved to smoke, I LOVE being weedless.

    1. ketchenany


      Keep going, it only get better. More $s for lures.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Great job Paul!!!!!keep going,lots of support here.

  18. Day 8 smoke free!!! Wake up refreshed and no more Wheezing. Yippee !!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mercman


      Thats Art. Feels right doing this.

    3. bigugli


      Week 1 under wraps, sonn it will be month 1. Ypu're doing great.

    4. Leecher


      Take it one day at a time Paul... You're doing GREAT!!!

  19. 5 days smoke free. I can do it !!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. dhickey


      Nice job .. You will have a bigger boat in no time.. Congrats.


    3. spincast
    4. Gregoire


      That is awesome!

  20. I am really likeing the new look. Good work guys !!

    1. ketchenany


      I can only see the new look when I'm not signed in :(

  21. Finally feeling better. I am 90% now.The flu keeps getting worse every year.

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