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Everything posted by spooner_jr

  1. i've always turned mine on a drill press. As for colour, I use fluorescent spray paint; just mask around the diameter of the float. If you use a white primer first you can really get the colours to pop.
  2. Most boat policies don't cover damage by vermin (or rodents or insects), but raccoons are not vermin; they are considered part of the bear family.
  3. If you do go with Pex, the i.d. of 3/4" is about the same as 1/2" copper.
  4. You can get 2 of these for the price of an Egg. I have one at home and one at the cottage. It was a little heavy to bring over on the boat, but well worth it once it was there. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vision-grills-kamado-professional-charcoal-grill-0853662p.html#.VMzVPJ14ric
  5. It looks like it was near Goreski's. http://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/5242369-update-north-york-fisherman-drowns-after-falling-through-thin-lake-scugog-ice/
  6. The Bay of Pigs.
  7. they have the same limit as a regular (non conservation) licence. Those who qualify to fish with a deemed licence must follow the same catch and possession limits as a Sport Fishing Licence.
  8. From the 2014 Ontario Fishing Regs. Size Limits – All size limits refer to total length which is a measure from the tip of the mouth with the jaws closed to the tip of the tail, with the tail fin lobes compressed to give the maximum possible length. Provincial regulations are established using the metric system.
  9. Those giant rapalas look neat hanging in the cottage. http://www.rapala.com/rapala/lures/rapalaandreg-giant-lure/Rapala+Giant+Lure.html
  10. Just be careful; in Toronto you need a paving permit and there are restrictions on the width you are allowed. Two years ago it was around $125.
  11. They can't sue you in small claims court for damages to an automobile in Ontario; we have no fault insurance which prevents them from doing it.
  12. I had one for a few years. You get used to the handling pretty quickly, and you'll love the turning radius, but at 40k a year, you'll hate the gas mileage.
  13. Port Perry Autoglass makes/repairs boat covers.
  14. Whether the accident happened on private property or not is irrelevant. The fact you were backing out of a parking spot means you would be considered 100% at fault. Just tell him you can't afford $1800 and he'll have to go through his own insurance company. If he has no insurance he's pooched. If he does, they'll make him get legitimate estimates and/or have the vehicle inspected. In either case, neither you nor your insurance company will pay a dime for this. And the 48 hours to report an accident is to the Collision Reporting Centre, has nothing to do with insurance.
  15. I have one of these, and they work great on a tough piece of wood. http://www.leevalley.com/en/wood/page.aspx?p=41142&cat=1,41131
  16. If you can locate the serial number, this will tell you the year. http://store.oldmercs.com/category_s/2687.htm
  17. Canadian company, guaranteed forever. Mine got a knick in it, I sent it in and they replaced the blade for free. Blade extends from 6"to 9". http://www.cutco.ca/products/thumbnail.jsp?category=130 It's the "Fisherman's Solution".
  18. I picked this up on sale for about $50. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/2/OutdoorLiving/BBQs/PropaneDeepFryers/PRD~0853230P/Aluminum+Turkey+Fryer%2C+36-qt.jsp?locale=en
  19. Boat licensing etc falls under the jurisdiction of the federal gov't, sleds fall under the provincial gov't, as does insurance, which is probably why you don't see a requirement for liability insurance on a boat.
  20. It's usually during March break.
  21. This unit in the bottom left of the page works for Lowrance units http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_fall12/lowrance_humminbird.pdf, would one of the Elite units be able to show me the jig etc while fishing?
  22. I'm looking to get something that can serve as a dual purpose unit. Willing to spend around $500 and would like to know what you have/recommend.
  23. Wow, thanks for the information. I'm hoping it's a little more, as with the 60 on the back, it's hard to get the nose up out of the water unless you have 2-3 people sitting at the back. It gets up on plane, but even trimmed way up it tends to plow the waves.
  24. I have an older 18' heavy, aluminum deckboat, bought at least second hand, and the plate with the hull rating has gone missing. I'm looking to re-power the boat and would like to find out the max hp I can use. The boat was originally bought from Buckeye Marine, but when I contacted them, they had no clue. Model is not listed under iBoats. It's a late 80's, Peteborough Admiral 185. Current motor is a 60hp. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
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