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Everything posted by spooner_jr

  1. They don't care at Service Canada. I bought a boat once, and the original owner was given the wrong hull number on his invoice, and on the registration. I got a letter from him etc and the guy I dealt with at service Canada said he didn't need to see it, he just processed everything and handed me the new license.
  2. O'ship for the trailer is replaced at local MTO.
  3. Skidmark?
  4. ditto, if it dries it's way harder to get off. I actually try and clean as much of it in the water as possible, before taking it out.
  5. you can also check http://www.iceshanty.com/ice_fishing/index.php for more ideas.
  6. 2x4 base, and can go 2x3 walls on 2' centres, or 2x2 on 16's. I used coroplast panels for the roof, which worked well but the sun ate them up in about 4 years. I then got two large used aluminum sign panels for the roof. I made up runners from 2x8's and old arena boards ripped for sliders. Make sure you insulate the walls and roof, and if you really want to stay warm, get some of those 2' square foam jigsaw type pieces for the floor. Part of the fun is scrounging up the materials, so look around. If you're going to use tip-ups outside the hut, make sure your windows are at a height you can see out when seated.
  7. I've used them on Scugog, not as violent as the one I made from a rat trap (illegal, but didn't know back then), but still fun to see it when it gets set off.
  8. Typically, the insurance company will ask for the max hp rating before setting up the insurance. If you lie, they will deny any claim.
  9. "price is $40 firm, or if you want to negotiate, $60 obo."
  10. So your wife's the expert, you don't understand it, and you're telling him it's his fault for not being aware. Are you the pot or the kettle? The reason you paid such a high penalty is that the CRA charges you a 1% penalty for each month your account is in an overage status. It's a bit of a hiccup in the system. http://www.investmentexecutive.com/client/en/News/DetailNews.asp?Id=54012&cat=158&IdSection=158&PageMem=&nbNews=&IdPub
  11. Looks like a Rolo to me.
  12. The story I heard was they were heading out to fish and got t-boned by the other boat.
  13. you don't have to register a 12' boat with a 9.9 motor. you only need to switch the ownership on the trailer. If the trailer has a vin, you should be able to find out who the owner was, and if not, just tell the ministry it's homemade and they'll give it a vin.
  14. For a boat, you will pay HST (13%) on what you state you paid for it. If it was a trade, tell them you got it for nothing. There is no valuation guide for boats like there is with vehicles, so there is no minimum tax you have to pay.
  15. pour some pure vanilla extract in a bowl and leave it in the cooler for a week or so. Just make sure it's the real stuff, not artificial.
  16. I have a powerdrive v2 on my boat and it is a pain to stow and deploy. I've heard the Terrova is much easier.
  17. Even at 100 grand, it's a cheap lesson; a lot worse could have happened than just property damage. As for all those not thinking she deserves a second chance, she's a 17 yr old kid, and like me I'm sure you've all lived your lives without doing something stupid at some point. Maybe we just didn't make the paper.
  18. There is no registry, so if you don't turn your card in, how is any cop who pulls you over going to know your licence is not valid? The whole thing is a crock of hooey.
  19. I use to have a similar problem with a 25hp Johnson. The plastic connectors on the ends of the fuel line would deteriorate and once they were replaced, all was good.
  20. I have my boat insurance through State Farm. There is no layup period so you're good to go all year.
  21. I think in the past they've had sales during the Sportsmen Show, but I can't find anything on-line. Anyone know if they do have something on?
  22. The other tell is Chara's reaction...none. If he didn't realize what he was doing I think he would have had more of a what the hell look on his face.
  23. This from another site, guy also in North York: Got in touch with the Toronto inspector today and here is the official rule: You can park recreational vehicles on your property under the following conditions: 1) Its in your garage 2) Its in your backyard but on a hard surface (cannot be on grass).
  24. If you don't think Chara intentionally put him into the turnbuckle, you've never played the game. If Chara was skating backwards and put him in I could buy that he didn't see it, but he was skating directly towards it, and he knew it was there. Chara has had a bee in his bonnet for Pacioretty since the shove from behind.
  25. You can have a separate bill for the trailer, which you use to pay tax on at the MOT. When you register the boat, give them the legitimate bill for the boat and motor, they don't ask for any tax (although with HST, not sure anymore). If they ask for proof later, pay it then. In the past they have been pretty lax about collecting, as the Fed gov't was responsible for registering the boat, but the provincial government was the only one collecting the tax, so the fed dept had to notify the prov dept that tax was due, and it didn't always happen. AS for the insurance company; if you have a loss, show them both receipts.
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