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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. A true Giant, congradulations on a memory of a lifetime, a replica would be sweet, if it comes to be post a pic of the rep as well, I am sure you have lots of great pictures, so you have all the time in the world to butter up to your wife for a replica. Start by taking her to the Keg for a steak and wine dinner, that usually softens them up, at least it works for me
  2. No it wasnt Mr 6 and change, but that was one hell of a nice fish, and one of the bigger ones ive seen from their in a few years for sure.
  3. Muskies like all fish can and will adapt to increasing or decreasing water temps, use the proper gear to minimize the fight, and do water releases, and dont be afraid to cut hooks to speed up the release, and have everything, all release tools ready, and camera as well, but release shot only. If the fish shows some difficuly after the release, take the time to make sure that its upright, and can remain upright under its own power, at that point do not leave the fish, but stay with it circling the boat if you have to, keeping power boats seadoos etc from hitting the fish, I have stayed with fish for over an hour until the fish is ready to swim to the safety of the depths, you can and will loose fishing time, but muskies and all fish are worth the extra effort.
  4. Was out on Rice lake Sunday fishing for Walleyes with bouncers and gulp leeches, when a Nitro Bass boat with a 225 optimax blew by me blowing multiple packs of plastic out the back of his boat, there was no way my 60 was going to catch the 225, so I kindly went around scooping up 7 packs in all that i could find, so along with 9 walleyes it turned into a great day on the water.
  5. My daughter has a horse jumping show or I was love to catch some of the those big lipped Koi
  6. I was impartialed to the 1968 HEMI Darts that were available, as well as 1968 HEMI Barracuda's as well, they sported the cross-ram Hemi engine, and was sold as is, they were not street legal, and vehicle was sold without a warranty, and was for racing in timed trials, ie 1/4 miles, the cars were sold with just primer paint as they rolled out of the Hurst factory with 4-speed shifters, and you had them painted the color you wanted, the 650 plus horses was what you were after, and the car was as light as it could be with holes drilled out of the seat braces to make them even lighter, and the usual battery in the trunk, and the venerable DANA 60 rear end, and 833-A 4-speed transmission, rounded out this low 8 second factory racing legend.
  7. Very nice build Chris, keeping the colors in the correct order, and number of trim band turns, would have confused me for sure, very nice blank float man chose as well.
  8. Go Carp fishing, a couple of those, and she will be broken in, and the grease will be thinned out.
  9. New way to smuggle dope, the dogs will never sniff that baby especially in a Bass
  10. X2 on that one, much easier, and charge is distributed evenly to both batteries, until you do that I was told to charge each battery by the number of fishing hours, ie out for 6 hours charge for 6 hours on trickle, but trickle will not fully charge to 100%, you usually have to place on 10 or 12 amps to get the appro remaining 10%. charging each battery separately is a pain in the bass
  11. Looks like Davey just swallowed Goliath, well done Ronnie, well now that that's over who's next Ron, the oil companies LOL
  12. That's what im using now, maybe look at a bigger screen for the deck and leave the 276C on the console is also a possibility. Right now been portable I just move the same unit back and forth.
  13. Thinking of purchasing a Standad Horizon Chartplotter, any thoughts on the product, or member reviews would be appreciated thanx
  14. The boys are right it landlocked from the Trent system, but you can launch at Percy Littles ( Littles Cottages) its right their and hes very resonable, best launch price on the lake and a great launch to boot, but you should be able to catch all you want in White Lake.
  15. Very nice fish, and to beat your old PB by a foot is something to be proud of, as many guys have said, a large net with coated mesh is the way to go for fishing muskies, for the protection of you and the fish, it will basically be your in the water livewell, eliminating extra handling, as the hooks can be removed or especially cut while the fish is in the net, a top notch hook cutter like Knipex is essential and will last many years, I like to have my net and cutters and long-nosed pliers on tether straps attached to the boat, as they wont work at the bottom of the lake, personally i have a set of pliers and cutters on each side of the boat, depending on which way the musky wants to go. Once again congradulations
  16. You are holding the right fish in your avatar Roy to make you look mean, much more intimidating then the guy who holds the 2 pound Bass with the extended arm pose for damn sure.
  17. LOKI nets, my walleye net is 20 years old and has had Quinte walleyes in it, to Kawartha walleyes, and everything in between, and still looks brand new, treated mesh, with 48inch handle, and hooks dont penetrate the mesh at all.
  18. Love seeing your trip reports Mike, esp when big Brookies are involved, not a prettier fish that swims, the little Borgers a real trouper as well, as they say the apple doesnt fall too far from the tree, youve tempted me to pull out a package of walleye fillets as well.
  19. Lets see some fly rod Bass, you havnt turned to the dark side, just the elitist side
  20. Natives have the rights to catch and possess fish for personal consumption, or ceremonial purposes, within there treaty areas, as stated in the regs, it is within there constitution, much like fishing and hunting is our National Heritage. What Spanky said is definately true, where Natives holding a valid status card will be left alone, as CO's have laid charges in the past only to have them tossed out of court, and wasting taxpayers money and the CO's time to lay charges. This was actually taken to the top court, the Supreme Court of Canada, by a charged Status Native, and was thrown out, as I know the 2 retired CO's who spent a considerable amount of time to lay the charges. I am a Native holding Status as well, and like Stoty, i have my fishing license, not because i think for one minute that it will go back into the resourse though. Migweetch
  21. Nothin like a little George Jones aka (the possum), your next build could be named the possum chris
  22. 1st if the Tiger Muskie meets the minimum length requirements, you are within your rights to harvest, with a proper license, why would you want to harvest the fish in the first place, when there is much finer table fare out there for consumption, and if you want one for the wall consider the replica mounts, which will last much longer, and have come along way since there inception, if hes catching alot please post us some pics as they are a beautifully naturally occuring hybrid, that do not need a test tube and man's help.
  23. If you get bit, or cut by a raker or the teeth, or those nasty's on the upper jaw, between the upper rows of teeth, your best friend will be polysporin as infection is not far behind, and god help you if you on blood thinners. Been there Done that
  24. Water temps are climbing fast 73.5 degrees on Sunday, so i would say work em fast, had one follow on Sunday rip jiggin for walleye, and came at it like a missile, the usual seasonal spots should kick out fish, find out whats working and duplicate, same lures and colors that work on Upper Buck will work on Lower Buck, and dont forget the rubber ie Bondy's, Bulldogs, Tubes etc
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