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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Do you know where your CHAT is? I'll be there for a bit if anyone is around. Joe
  2. Welcome to the USA.Pick up a few chickens and build a coop.The side benifit is free fresh eggs.Let them out for a few hours in the afternoon and they will keep the bugs down.Front line for the dogs works well.Keep the grass near the home short. Joe
  3. I got yer fat old cat Bill.How come you have to wear Camo to catch wallice?Whats up with that? Joe
  4. My PB cat Art,my Dad and Me on a shark trip on the Gulf of Mexico.
  5. Not even slightly funny...just sad.What happened to parenting your kids? Joe
  6. Who knew that Marshmallows could cause such a problem?Glad we dont have Steelheads(or Steelheaders) down here. Joe
  7. Way south of us,I have a couple of buds down there but haven't heard from them. Joe
  8. Very nice.Looks very clean and tidy.Wish we could go there....maybe someday. Joe
  9. I'll be there at 8:45 or so Joe
  10. We are good here Paul,Thanx for askin Joe
  11. Keep kidding yourself bud...its not a sport,its a hobby.In order for it to be a sport it should not be possible to do it with a beer,coffee and/or cigarette in hand.The only "athelete" is the one with the hook in its mouth. Joe
  12. Too bad about Kenny.One of the best all time guys to race.His book is very good and gives some insight into racing. Joe
  13. Maybe this will help http://yaunco.com/pdfs/rheem/heating/rgra_broc.pdf I have 2 Rheems and have no problems with them yet. Joe
  14. http://www.break.com/index/interesting-fac...t-canada_1.html Joe
  15. Yer gonna be up to yer trailer skirts in renex untill those boys race in circles.Better hope it doesn't get postponed. Joe
  16. Very nice Bill.MMMMM......spring gobbler! Joe
  17. $4.39 a gallon for diesal today.Its a shame but eventually it will work itself out. Joe
  18. No biggie,real estate lawyer should be able to get you thru it.If the price is right you know enough about the inspection process to know if the house is right.Best of luck bud. Joe
  19. The Caps just lost but I may start to watch hockey again next year.What a great series and I forgot how much fun it was to watch this game. Joe
  20. Another good tip for catfishing is to use circle hooks.Keeps you from deep hooking the cats.No need to set the hook,just sweep the rod and you will cath Mr Whiskers right in the corner of the mouth. Joe
  21. No need to let them rot in the sun.They work better fresh and stay on the hook better.Rotten livers will catch mudcats(bullheads).Good luck Joe
  22. After replaceing the hose you will have to evacuate the system and weigh in a new refrigerent charge.That is prolly why the charge is so much. Joe
  23. Down here eating sized Cats are caught on chicken livers.Big blues and cats are caught on cut bait,shad seems to work well.Never had any luck with commercial prepared stink baits.Frozen makeral and other oily fish will do in a pinch.Shrimp have worked also. Joe
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