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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Thats a big no-no here also.A guy cut down a bunch of trees to get a better "view" of the Potomac a few years back.Monster sized fines for him.Good job,do you have any before pics? Joe
  2. Da Doors!Break on thru to the other side.
  3. S.T.H.U and the same to Wayne! Joe
  4. See y'all on the other side. Joe
  5. I'm with Roy,My 70 year old father made the trip up from Virginia.Its a good time,even for us 50 yr olds. Joe
  6. Good for you Joey,maybe we could do the first annual lakair crayola 5k run/race this year at the GTG.Winner gets extra inches in the pike tourney. Joe
  7. Beanie wienies are a something you have to try before you die. Joe
  8. The attendance at church was a little light.I slept thru it also. Joe
  9. Sounds like fun Steve....NOT!I'm not far from Frederick,maybe I'll join you for that one.Dont know if I can do 10 min miles for that long though. Joe
  10. I'm with Marc on this one.Too many times she has posted on his account.I think 1075 would be par to his 1000.Good luck wit that Paul.He is a very shy and unassuming guy and it will take forever to get there......Unless you are actaully standing in front of him. Joe
  11. I'll be the first to say it....CONSOLE!!!No Wait...TILLER! Joe
  12. Try to do it yourself,there is a guy or two here that can help you through it.Spiel has put some guides on one of my rods,as well as the handle,the seat ..well he built the whole durn thing he did.There are also some other rod builders here . Joe
  13. In the country,ownership and repairs were explained to me by the old farmer next door.Face the common fence,divide it in half,you are responsable for the half on the right.However,if you have animals that you are trying to keep in and the neighbor has none then you pretty much take care of the fance yourself. Joe
  14. I was a little shook up when I got his e-mail last week.Ihave had the pleasure of meeting Jack as well as having him carve a unicorn for my mothers birthday a couple of years ago.What talent he has!Prayers were said at Harmony United Methodist church last Sunday and they will continue for him.Looking forward to seeing Jack at the GTG again.Looks like he has a spot for th pike tourney and that boat has done very well over the last few years!Best wishes my friend! Joe
  15. Same here in Virginia Rich.They can have whatever is left over if I haven't worn it all out! Joe
  16. Stunning photos and a beautiful landscape.Thanx Joe
  17. Exellent Cliff!If its a high quality product that you believe in it will be fun.I will warn you that its very hard to go back working for someone if you have been out on your own,making your own hours and business decisions.Try to keep that old network alive in case the new one falls thru.Hope you get some time off for Lakair this year. Joe
  18. You will enjoy the recurve,instictive shooting is a lost art these days.I have only taken one deer with a recurve but it was the most rewarding one.Remember that you must have a good blade because there is no let off and make sure you can hold the poundage for a while without shaking.Good luck Joe
  19. I almost always steer clear of politics here because we are from different countries and this is a fishing website.I am,as a few can validate,very political but that is neither here nor there.I do know one thing for sure..The government does not have money to "give" you.It takes the money from you and "gives" some back to you.You will pay tenfold for that "gift".Its like the dumasses in my country who think that the govt "gives "them a tax refund and are happy about it.Its THEIR money that the govt just used for a year without paying them for it.They are "HAPPY" to get the refund.If every person here had to pay quarterly income taxes instead of having the govt confiscate a portion of there paychecks and "give" some back there would be a whole lot less govt to deal with. Joe
  20. Used to love bowhunting,the hunt starts when a gun hunt usually ends.Seeing the animal is just the beginning.There are no long shots with a bow.When it all works out any bow kill as a trophy.Carp shooting is also fun. Joe
  21. Nice report douG.Makes me want to try that ice fishing thing. Joe
  22. Funny thing you mention coffee.I was a pot every morning guy with a pack to go with it.Got rid of the coffe at the same time I quit.I just recently started up drinking tea and the occasional cuppa.It took a few years to even try coffee because it was such a strong trigger.Once you quit the smokes you can go back to coffee and beer and all the other triggers...just takes a while. Joe
  23. Give the patch another shot,Rick.Take it off at night and you will avoid the wild dreams.Take up a good workout routine while you quit,it will help keep you honest ...lots of cardio!Try locating the patch in different areas that may not be as sensitive.I didn't stay on it for the entire course,after a couple of weeks I was done.Hope you try it again. Joe
  24. If you have gone 3 days without you shoulsd be past the worst of the nicotine addiction.Please dont do the Smokestick thing,grit it out for a few more days and you are done!You can not start smoking again unless you light one up and put it in your mouth.Its all in your control now! Congrats to all who have stayed butt free,I have PM'd with a few of you about this very subject. Here is a great website. http://whyquit.com/ Joe I dont know what is going on around here lately but there seems to be some younger guys that seem to want a lot of attention and say some stupid stuff.Maybe they didn't get quite enough hugs growing up.Very predictable attention hoe's ,the net is full of them.Kind of drags the site down though.
  25. Welcome to the country Lew,Is your place on my way to Lakair this summer? Joe
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