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Everything posted by Daplumma
Down here a white maribu roadrunner will work,good call Dave. Joe
Very home team biased,sorta like baseball.We have Craig laughlinand Joe Beninati rootin my Caps on the local channals.Craig is from the Great White North but played with the Caps in the mid 80's.He was not pleased with the Habs fans booing the American national anthem last night.The Caps fans didn't boo the Canadian National anthem the first two games of the series.I wil say that y'alls anthem sounds better and sings easier than ours but ours shouldn't be booood just because you dont like our hockey team. Joe
Was wondering where you were going with this one Brian.I knew you weren't a soda dude.That crap is the root of all evil!The quickest way to lose calories from your diet is liquids.Easy way to take in tons of them.Unfortunatley beer and wine are liquid stuff also with big calories.For what its worth,eggshells are sort of porous contaminants will pass thru the shell easily.Thats why you throw away the eggs that you find on the bottom of the coop.You could prolly soak an egg in vinegar for a year with the same results.The bottom line would be,dont drink vinegar either. Joe
As usual...WOW!Rarified air you live in there bud. Joe
Funny you bring this up.When I was in the Navy Seabees I was stationed in Bermuda.There is no fresh water source there.The houses catch the water and it goes into the basement where it is stored and used.The base I was on had these hills that were concreted over and had channels that the water would run into and then to under ground storage tanks.We would filter and chlorinate the water for potable water to the base.Very simple and easy system,no chemicals or e-coli worries....until....one of the catchment hills needed maintenance and one thing that was needed was for them to be painted,,white.So they got painted..white,with lead based paint!his was done in 1979,about a year before I got there.They just finished installing these tractor trailer sized lead filtration units about the time I started my tour.I was there for 1.5 years and no one knew if or how these units needed to be maintained so nothing was done to them.Mostly we didn't use the water from that catchment tank unless it was the last resort and then the water was for washing only.Just funny how diferent things are in different areas. Joe
I have one that works well.Not sure who made it but it says CCM in big letters on the side.Holds a bunch of plano boxes.I have found in the last few years that if you know what you are targeting you can cut way down on the tackle that you have to lug with you. Joe
Ita amazing how different places have such different standards for water.You would not even be allowed to sell your house here with that system.Also,the plumber types here are telling the truth,its sort of a big deal.Hanging a ladder and crawling down a well is something we have all done at one time or another.I would never do it again without proper gear/breathing equipment.Sinker is correct about contaminating the aquifer but it sounds like your neighbors beat you to it.Any lawn chemicals and fertilizer(doggy made included)are going almost directly into the neighborhood aquifer for all to share.I would not even shower in that stuff.Be careful and please get that water tested. Joe
My beloved Caps have not looked good since the break.I hope they have finally got it together with this comeback.Rod Langway had the best quote about poor refereeing after a game we lost to a bad call in the late 80's.When the reporter asked about the poor call Rod said that it was our fault for letting the game get that close that a ref's bad call would make a difference.A true leader of the team. Joe
That would be a big no no down here.Its not a good idea to itroduce ground water into a potable water system.As long as you dont drink it you may be ok though.What is the water table there?How deep is you well? Joe
Long enough to know better.what's his name,what's his name, better not say it three times. Joe Too funny,cant say D I L L I
Ottowa will win this series.I'm a little nervous about my caps.They have been winning but not dominating since the break.Lots of OT and squeakers.Jose has been solid but the O has been a bit anemic,The big O has not been scoring much at all.If Alex and Alex and Nick get hot its all over for everyone but it seems lately it has been the 2nd and 3rd lines that are scoring. Joe
Roy..having trouble seeing any of your pics today.I can vouch for the Speil rods.Made me a nice Musky rad a couple years ago.Made one for my brother also. Joe
This is when you have to be one step ahead of the dog.You can not let the dog get into a situation where he will fail.You need to see the person or animal first and difuse the situation or correct it in real time.Preferably the latter so the dog makes the connection.A dog barking at stuff in the yard is normal if you let it be normal.If it is undesirable where you live then you must be there to correct it as it happens.To some it may seem unrealistic but it is very doable,just be prepared to spend a lot more time with your dog and dont let him out unsupervised..even in a fenced yard.That will help your dog develope manners and social(with people) acceptance.Predict what he will do next and control the situation and your job will be much easier.I will go on record saying that I live in the country and I want my dogs to let me know when someone comes on the property so the barking thing is not a big deal.A one year old big dog needs to be socialized in a very controlled environment.If you leave a smart breed like that in too many unsupervised conditions( I mean not under direct control..eye contact...physical contact)you will regret it.Its not easy but it will be worth it.Hope it works out for you,its more serious than you think.PM sent Joe
Say what you like,Rick.I saw more than a few Canadians fall prey to a couple of slurps of good old fashioned southern white lightening. Joe
Cool story Dan.Small world for sure Joe
Its not about training the dog,its about training you.As a few said here a trainer will help you but its you who has to put in the time.I had a GS and was the easiest dog to train that I had.Very intuitive and a strong desire to please.They need to be stimulated and if they get bored they can be trouble.Exercise their mind and they will be happy and so will you.Good luck with your pup. Joe
Where is Roy?there are nekkid wimmins there right now!
Wow!!Walleyes taken by the non natives are prolly not the problem.Its the nets that are the problem.I know for a fact that some lodge owners do paticipate in a restocking program(Capt Hooked is one)and are supported by non natives(my brother and I).Not sure why if they are scooped up by nets every year.Not a big Walleye fisherman but I'm sure their demise will affect my pike and musky fishing.I will then only venture into Canada to see my friends and drink. Joe
Debone,butterfly and cover with lemon butter.Wrap in foil and toss on the grill for a few minutes.Sort of poach them in foil.MMMM good eats. Joe
I have pulled a few off of my puppy already this year.Take it any way you want to.They are really bad here this year.Frontline will be needed. Joe
No idea why I hang out here.I dont even like most of the people here. Joe
I had one here for a while.I cut it down..too many drunk animals.Took out my Bamboo,also.Damn Pandas. Joe
Wow..Never say such a fuss over the part of the fishing equipment that holds the line.Centerpins look like a very simple fly fishing type reel used to catch soft rayed minnow family fishes..bait fish as it were.Loosen up the drag on a Calcutta and thumb it and its the same deal,I would think and you would have an exellent reel to use for predator type fish.I dont get this elitist look down your snout at the guys who just want to catch fish with what they got.I dont think Solo is any ones "little buddy"but you already knew that when you posted that.Its called being an attention hoe.We know what you are by what you say,good luck with that. Joe
Sounds great to me..Can you ship us down a cut out to Virginia?Better yet,bring one down and get a day of Smallie fishing on the upper Potomac and a big dog catfish day on the lower Potomac. Joe
That would be cool.I think that everyone here should try to get a pic of them and Dave with an OFC hat on.Maybe a random drawing to win something for those who enter their pic.Gerrit...no teabag pics. Joe