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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. thats some awesome stuff garry. thanks for the tips!
  2. hall
  3. the waiter from the V8 commercials? welcome dude. nice fish.
  4. glad to hear your alright irishfield.
  5. Q. Where are you going? A. no clue, really trying not to be on the lake simply cause of the boat traffic. Q. What baits do you plan on focusing on for the first few weeks? A. probably gonna drop shot drop offs next to weed lines and pitch into heavy cover. Q.What baits do you plan on avoiding? A. live baits.. no more live baits! Q.What aspects of bass fishing do you hope to improve on throughout the season? A. improve bait casting (not bass fishing but in general.)
  6. bob caygun (sp?) i believe has it, also pretty much all over the 1000 islands is a ton of house boat rental places. google "house boat renals" you'll fill the page rather quickly.
  7. pulled this off of google if it helps. http://www.gananoque.com/recreation/marinas.html
  8. this is the second time i went thru that tribute, and even tho he's been walked and fed i decided to take my little guy for another nice long walk and gave him a big bone and a hug. its amazing how much of an impact an animal can have on a human life. they go from being a pet, to a part of the family, and almost like a child.
  9. yeah if were talking about a clutch of eggs.. lol he was probably the most badass and hardest player on the pitch.. now he's a movie star.. lol
  10. BAHAHAHHAAHA i hope john see's this!
  11. latin teams, portugal/brazil.. best bet to getting to the end. if germany gets passed england then watch out!
  12. im sure john will tell you that who ever you decide to get behind, don't tweak his tackle! lol!
  13. hahahahaha just youtube "vinnie jones" he was notorious for the franks and beans twister on the field.. altho not really helping he would just put people on the ground lol.
  14. i've never even heard of such a creature.. lol a 55 pack? clearly i need to go on vacation to Quebec.
  15. LMAO!!
  16. your preaching to the choir bro. i played in my teen years, been hurt many times, but the soccer we play was no where near as dramatic as the soccer these pro's play.. listen i didn't mean to step on your toes there, so sorry if i did but you know aswell as i do that when it comes to fifa and euro these guys act more than they play. if you wanna see them play real soccer then watch them play their club games not this spectacle. don't tell me during this world cup you haven't seen the wind magically take people out on more than a few occasions. i stand firm tho.. hockey players are tougher.. you are just tough as an individual.
  17. even when my team is in it i still make fun and call them morons. "oh no a gust of wind! im gonna fall down and grab my face and knee at the same time hoping the wind will get a card.." this is why hockey players will always be tougher than soccer players. stamina maybe not, but toughness for sure. no argument.
  18. autopilot fine in the open where you don't see anyone but in a bay with all the traffic coming off of docks is just stupid. they may have autopilot but they don't have "avoid the other pilot"
  19. what an idiot! how do you not pay attention while your on the water? that's like letting go of the steering wheel in your car while you have a conversation with someone in the back seat. i hope this idiot is punished to the fullest extent of the law. those poor people are gonna be scarred for life now.
  20. im just gonna drop shot for walleye and if i happen to catch some bass, so be it. lol
  21. friggen jerks! this is exactly the reason i have a rather large ziplock bag to hold my wallet, and cell phone in. i put them in my fishing vest and away i go. some people need a chuck norris round house kick.
  22. truly sorry for your loss. you clearly loved him tho, and he did you as well. he's on the big dock in the sky now. probably chasing the sunfish he put there lol. great tribute man.
  23. this could be a long shot.. if you have a blackberry smart phone with unlimited data you can go to crackberry.com and download something called teatherberry it works off your cell phones 3G signal just like the rocket sticks do. i know that the TOS states no teathering but the program masks it self and works awesome. your phone bill stays the same, as does your usage. i tether my bold to my laptop when ever im up north and i've never had an issue.
  24. regardless of the fact.. your a good uncle, now take my compliments damnit! lol
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