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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. 8wts are sold out.
  2. have a good one bro. hope you are successful with the fish.
  3. grats on the great combo bud. hope you get some big ones with it
  4. damn.. good eye lol, didnt even notice it until you mentioned it jigger.
  5. id let the mnr know about it. the farmer may be trying to save a few bucks by draining into the river rather than paying to have it taken away. he may even just be dumping his septic tank in which case he needs a chuck norris round house kick. or he may not know about it and his tank could be leaking badly underground and it poked a whole and took the path of least resistance. either way, call the authorities.
  6. read this the other day, its a crappy circumstance but thats the rules.
  7. might be sewage. we had something like that open up bout 10 years ago over here. they confined the foam and stuff to one area by using those floating catches.. pretty sure its not good what ever it is. kinda looks like poop.
  8. i know all to well what your going thru bro. had my spine fractured by a drunk driver. i was shore bound for 5 years! im sure one of the boys on here could help you out.
  9. replace that smallie pic in your avatar with the sucker.. see how many people notice LOL!
  10. great vid man! awesome stuff
  11. how about wally divers? 7 bucks and a little change and it goes down to 20 feet.. i was using them to smack bottom on an 18 foot drop the other day and it was doing rather well.. just need a decent cast. tail dancers aswell..
  12. ben Xraps are pretty cheap and come in a good assortment of sizes, colors, and lips. i also recently got very fond of live target cranks.. they are about 13 bucks a pop but man do they do their job!
  13. go! i'll meet you there and you can watch me go nuts on things i may or may not use.. lol
  14. nope its a golden redhorse sucker newboy
  15. yes it is.. i live about 15 mins from there and i go every other day.. bank account just keeps going down lol.
  16. watch out for those morons that like to come past you within 10ft at full speed in their mock up bass boats on rice.. had a helluva time with them this weekend. even chased down a boat lol.
  17. everyones got their own style.. i use to many "....." and way to many "LOL"s.. copper likes to yell at us.. good way to get people into the thread tho... lol << see i did it again.
  18. garry im going out to by me some frogs lol.. i still have a ton of cork screws from my old banjo minnow sets. this will serve me good friday morning thanks again for being such a great contributor to this forum.
  19. A red head walks into a tattoo parlor. She's been told that the artist is the best. Being a HUGE Wayne Gretzky fan, she requests that he put Wayne's face on her right inner thigh. After an hour of work, the artist finishes and shows the lady her work, "This doesn't look anything like Gretzky," she says. He takes out a picture of Wayne and compares them... "See, they look just alike." The lady does not agree. So, the artist agrees to do Wayne on the other thigh for free. She comes back the next day to have her left thigh done. He does the tattoo and excitingly shows to her. "This one doesn't look like Wayne Gretzky either!" The artist insists that this one is identical to the picture of Wayne that she brought. To solve the debate, the artist calls his friend, a huge hockey fan, over to decide. The friend comes over and the lady lifts her dress to show the tattoos. "Hmmm, I'm not sure who the wingers are, but the center is definitely Lanny McDonald."
  20. 12)The Virgin Mary is not called 'Mary with the Cherry'.. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:clapping:
  21. franks and beans? lol
  22. i picked up a few the other day. will let you know how they do after im done using them this weekend. i imagine casting them into a rocky shoreline or a dock would work pretty good, with just deflections alone.
  23. from what i've seen there are alot more people on rice tossing fish back rather than keeping them.. i just wish those butt heads that keep everything but the slot walleye would contribute.. when we hit the dock for lunch 3 guys had 2 stingers full of under and over slot fish.. bah! i even told them that there was a slot and they said "ya, i know.. you a CO?" lol shoulda said yes.
  24. it wasnt on there the entire day.. i had it on when i was chucking a spinner and went to do a quick swap.. it did cut the action down tho, not enough for the small mouth or the cat tho LOL!
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