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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. hahahhaha thats awesome. your mother is quite the character
  2. home depot sells it. i think you have to buy the whole sheet tho.. $50 somethin dollars.
  3. WOW.. glad to hear everyones alright. awesome that you were able to help out and make sure everyone was safe.. i swear 60% of licensed drivers should really not have a license. glad everything worked out and no fatalities.
  4. lol wait for the fall run rick.. go somewhere where its shoulder to shoulder with the little guy.
  5. LMAO!! i have a few graphic designer friends and this is essentially their sense of humor.. horrible people.. lovem!
  6. 2 blond's cooking it for you while a brunette makes some espresso lol
  7. lol ricks got some big palle! cute little stinker tho.. the skunk i mean lol.
  8. LOL! it was cold in the morning, didn't realize we would be out as long as we were. at about 1030 am i was in my boxer briefs before we started to head back friggen hot!
  9. lol anyone remember the carp with no tail bob izumi caught? fish dont need much to live. they just need a chance after their caught.
  10. ahh yes, the selflessness of this community strikes again. some of the most fantastic people you'll ever have the privilege of talking to.
  11. pigeontroller is the man you wanna talk to. just make sure if your targeting muskie that you have the proper release gear.
  12. nice! resilient little buggers those fish are
  13. lol the last time i was at buckhorn i casted from shore and hooked into a line screamer that broke me off.. fish the weedlines. just go 20-30 feet off and cast buck tails, cranks, or what ever else you have in your arsenal. if you have a sonar concentrate on some humps, i've always had success with underwater humps next to drop offs. good luck
  14. and then this guy just deserves it lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OODv5XQbskY&NR=1
  15. lol wtg nick! hopefully dad gets his 50 before the kid does..
  16. nice walters man. are those the boats you get when your up there? if so SWEET!
  17. lol according to the "guide to eating eating ontario sportfish" that fish exists nowhere..
  18. lol i was being sarcastic there. it was more like half a foot, and thicker lol.
  19. thats great news.
  20. if i was gonna lie i would have said 50 lol. it was 48.. maybe the fact that im a rather large human being makes it appear smaller to you? buh..
  21. i was using the 3 inch perch, got both musky on it, plus most of the walleye. i got quite a few smallies on the crawfish too. it works great cause it has an incredible low speed wobble.
  22. yeah man. the sonar helps big time tho.. i mean we found this small hump in the middle of the lake in about 10fow that held so many smallies. anyone that doesnt have a fish finder, get one, learn how to use it, and you will never regret it.
  23. dang.. my buddy finished 61st.. :S
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