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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. fishing_noob: the spray works alright, i've noticed a difference with and without it. the fish hold it a bit longer and hit a little harder i find. plus like sinclair said.. catfish on a crank bait lol! he nailed it with ferocity to! i was casting into 16 fow and retrieving at about 8 when that cat slammed it after a fresh spray. blaque: lol but i like sushi that area is my fav place to fish on the whole lake. there is a drop from 5 to 16 feet, followed by a hump, and access to even deeper water. perfect place for walleye and bass.
  2. hahahaha i thought about it..
  3. in the words of Borat "WAA WOO WEE WAA" thats friggen nuts!
  4. always the crowd pleaser
  5. shoulda gone with the classic hogan leg drop off the top ropes.
  6. she died of an over dose in 03 at lex lugers house..
  7. pretty sure there are eastern wolves up there. man those are some big pooches you have there! id hate to be a burglar in your neighborhood lol.
  8. just be careful of other animals that may aggravate them, or any animal they may spook and make defensive.. wolves, bears, coyotes, other dogs.. they can swim, trust me, its something they have programmed into them. they just never had the need to do so.
  9. some great fish there tyler. awesome report!
  10. lol my buds have "dr's appointments" and will be "ill" on friday so were headed up to rice on thursday 5pm.
  11. ohh yeah.. i forgot.. your a bad man for holding that sucker vertical! bad man!
  12. no worries bro.
  13. uhhh... opener was on the 26th.. this past weekend.. lol
  14. caption "what the hell is that? a camera? hey fly's check this out.."
  15. what single egg? what float? lol there is no such thing.. they toss out weighted trebs and drag them thru the pool. or how about the guys behind the bridge running thru the water with clubs trying to beat the fish to death? lol tards..
  16. nothing is worse than the humber snaggers lol. go to the ettien brule park bridge and look at the center pool. i've lost my mind with some of those snaggers.
  17. i catch tons of those every spring during the rainbow run in the nottawasaga. even bigger than that lol. i think i've caught maybe 5 record fish an outing id still never report it lol. the world record is 9 lbs 3oz.. just hit the notty and you'll pull in a record every cast lol.
  18. ya i think thats why they closed it. those G20 nuts were getting close.
  19. i dont really like using them, your skin wont take as much protective slime off the fish as a glove would, since most of my fishing is C&R i just use my hands. got tons of scars to prove it too lol
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl_yUR8MNMM&feature=player_embedded a buddy posted this on facebook.. pretty funny in nut house kinda way.
  21. i know earl rowe in alliston is electric only.. they have a very healthy trout fishery. specs, rainbows, splakes, ect.. i used to rent a canoe and go to town in that lake with my fly rod, or just cast out spinners and spoons.
  22. and when the carp bites dead put on the piccolo pezo di fero and catch some bass, or a grande pezo di plastico and go for pike... lol sorry im not italian, im a croatian trying to speak italian..
  23. something i learned the hard way goran. bout 5 years ago someone (im pretty sure i know who) got into mine and completely obliterated my gear. had more than 10k in rods, reels, lures, clothing, accessories.. all gone im not even close to being half way back to rebuilding. thats why we keep it at my buds place now. he has a good neighborhood, a secure home, and CC cams. we call it fort knox lol.
  24. so long as the boxes are closed i dont think you'll have an issue. my best friend stores most of our stuff in his garage and its been good for years.. altho it also get used weekly..
  25. yeah the folks on this forum are top notch human beings.
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