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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. yes, all the linesmen can infact advise the ref as they are all connected to head sets but the ref makes the ultimate call, and the linesmen usually keep their pie holes shut in order to keep the game going.. giving them the ability to call a play down would put a stop to the dives and shameful plays of some of these guys. i think the reason they dont do it is cause then they would have to worry about the linesmen and the refs taking money to fix games lol.
  2. video review would be nice but then the coaches and players would demand it every time someone slips cause a gust of wind went past them. i think more power should be given to the linesmen. that would help a great deal.
  3. i use a 6'6 medium/fast action quantum, and an older daiawa apollo that never fails me. both on spinning reels. i have used bait casters and it looks good, you also get more control of the lure but in my opinion its not enough to switch from the comfort of a good spinning reel. again my opinion i know there are people out there that are godly with bait casters.
  4. lol poor cliff.. seems like he's the only one not getting any. nice ones man. i like fishing the drop offs for them since they are 4 weeks ahead this year..
  5. that is friggen SWEEEEET man.
  6. thats awesome. lol the warnings about the leaking paid off. had some plastic jars i dumped them in there with the juice.
  7. great pics jewel. looks like you folks had a ton of fun.
  8. lol that bad eh?
  9. pppppiiiiiiiiicsss? so we can all see what has been seen maybe? lol
  10. i was just thinking the same thing lew... whats up with that backround? great looking ski tho.
  11. a horned owl? thats awesome i havent seen one of those in years.. you live in one of the nicest places in the city bro.
  12. your very lucky indeed.. i had to learn the sad way. i lost my cousin to the water, its one thing i never mess around with.
  13. my best friend lives right there, im about 5 mins from where you are talking about. last year i saw a huge buck grazing with a heard of them. such a gorgeous sight. if you go down to humberline and pass the condo's you'll normally see them there daily. just bring a cam and walk the trail, they are always down there.
  14. i too was hoping for a better end but after the first one was found my hopes went down. so sad. a kayaker went missing today aswell, he was supposed to go to wasaga beach he didnt show... police found the kayak and paddle, man is missing.
  15. Nice fish meng!
  16. friggen idiots.. unfortunate they arent tossed into prison.
  17. they found one of them. 21 years young deceased.
  18. LMAO!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShUgQCI1P_I&feature=related
  19. dobro su oni igrali! its unfortunate croatia didnt make it in.. clearly ranks reflect nothing lol.
  20. anytime john, i fish thru out the week, and every weekend were out on a lake somewhere.
  21. mmmmm.. im comin to ny! LOL
  22. yeah but starbucks are everywhere in the states.. just like our tims.. i personally dont like it either, but i know a few american lads who dont like tims either. lol i knoww... blasphemy!
  23. woooo that means she must have the hard core pump espresso maker.. BB lets go fishing! LOL
  24. i can only normally do one tims a day on the way to fishing.. i then turn over to the thermos thats full of espresso!! but thats the euro in me lol.
  25. lol if your ever lookin for 2 fishing buddies, vince and i are always down.. were good for gas, coffee, and laughs.
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