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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. lol these things happen on such a daily basis around there i doubt they even report half of it anymore. i know in my area just down the road it gets pretty hairy aswell. i dont even bother walking in that direction. last time i did 3 guys tried to rob me, unfortunately for them it was infront of a friends house and there was some pain dealt.
  2. our long weekend went fantastic. the walleye were in thick whether you were trolling, or casting it was insane with the amount of hook ups we had all weekend. from thursday to sunday afternoon we boated dozens upon dozens of walters and smallies. on saturday afternoon we were heading back to the docks and decided to troll there. about 100 yards from the dock my rod bent over and at first i thought i had snagged some of that top water grass. so i killed the motor and stood up, the moment i did that my reel started to peel off, i looked over at vince and said "not grass, not a wally!". to my amazement this thing came out of the water by about 6 feet right next to a bass boat and started taking line again. i started to worry cause i was 5 mins in and had the wrong rod on. i was using my 7 ft medium fast buck tail burning rod. i was casting a live target perch with it and had 15 pound braid on. the reason i worried was for the fish, i can always by more tackle. so i tightened up on the drag, kicked the boat into gear and started a pursuit with the boat. she was headed right for our dock. the fight lasted about 10 mins total and she finally gave up and let me gill her out of the water. we took a couple of pics (still waiting on others from my friends cam, he also has the release pics) and measured her at 48 in the water. it took a really long time to get her swimming again. i was bent over the boat for a good hour + before she finally tried to rip my arm off and took off under the dock. i waited around the dock for a few hours drinking beer and watching the water to make sure she didn't belly up. later on i took a few casts off the dock and directly under me when my lure got close to the dock i saw her bolt off into the deep. i was so happy she got back to her self again that i had a huge smile and finally wanted to go out again. heres the one pic i have, i will update the rest of the pics once i receive them. better pic. the release more release.. this went on for about an hour and a half.. moooorreeee release.. after we got out again about 15 mins in and about 100 yards in the opposite direction i was casting out a live target perch again (3 inch 6-8 ft diver) on the edge of a weed line dropping off into about 15 fow. i saw a huge silver flash out of the corner of my eye and POW! another ski. with the mate right beside. we fought for about 10 mins, got it to the boat and at this time i was using a flouro leader, and my newbie fishing buddy got a little excited and even tho i told him not to bother with the net he attempted to scoop it and nailed the line with the net tubing (no rubber on it) and clipped it off. not like it would have done anything anyways.. this thing was damn near a foot longer than the last one and fatter. quarter of its head wasn't going in lol. anyways i had an incredible weekend. sorry for the wall of text. i will update once i get the other pics.
  3. maybe the starter solenoid is broken/shorted out. if thats the case it will leave the starter engaged and drain the battery. if you can get it started that may fix it, just hope the gear doesn't stay engaged. you could also just be unlucky and the alternator could have pooched on you aswell.
  4. i heard about this a few hours ago. really sad to hear.. poor guy had alot of demons, lived a life with alot of self abuse. rip probert the last man to score a goal in maple leaf gardens.
  5. so sad, poor family of that boy. cliff (hope this is not whats happened) if the rivers vegged up enough he could easily be tangled in the weeds. best friends cousin went that way.
  6. i got my ski's on the live target 3 inch perch this weekend. as for weight kinda hard to say without a circumference measurement.
  7. live target perch cranks 6-8 foot divers, and deep diving X raps at night.. first night off the dock in 6 casts i pulled in 4.
  8. gorgeous fish cliff! where did you get those bad boys? fantastic weekend in deed. spent it on rice and hooked up with 2 monster musky, and atleast 2 dozen walleye.
  9. hahahahaha.. thats a good one
  10. looks like a fine day to spend with your daughter man. glad she got to experience her first trout.
  11. btw garry my grandpa used to use dynamite back in the old country.. think it'll still work here?
  12. again garry gives us all some great advice. hope who ever reads it tries this weekend i know i will.
  13. never tried trigger x so i wont vote. i find gulp spray and plastics work great tho. i used to use berkley attractants with most soft plastics, and found that worked well when you stuff a little cotton in a tube jig or bullet weight on a worm harness just holds the scent longer. yet to try it with gulp but it'll happen this weekend.
  14. happy canada day!! wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend. tight lines! alex
  15. chevy looks awesome out on that rock.. he try fishing? lol..
  16. thats wild! now was that a dog fish from the shark family or a bowfin? i didnt think people ate bowfin.. saw one get opened up and that thing stunk to high hell.
  17. looks like you had a great time man. lol @ that tiny little perch against the measuring tape. nice pics
  18. nada?
  19. lol you officers are just bad! my cousin and a bunch of his colleagues are the same way! i could just imagine now.. "im in pursuit of a vehicle heading north on the 401"
  20. my friends and i are going out to rice lake for the long weekend. so since were in the area i figure that we would go to chemung for some night walleye fishing since i've been there many times before with some great success from shore. i always fish from bridge road but over the years the shore lines changed a bit and its not exactly easy to navigate saftley at night, seeing as how im going to have 2 noobs with me who don't have much fishing experience, so they wont be used to navigating the rocks like i or my other friend can im wondering if anyone knows of an area not far from there that is productive yet a little flatter and easier on the legs? any help at all would be appreciated if its a spot you don't want everyone to know about just drop me a pm, my lips will be sealed.
  21. sold out man.
  22. doesn't 89 run east and west? i think you might be talking about pike lake. this maybe? sorry bad link.. type in minto pines road, ontario into your browser. see if thats what comes up.
  23. lol @ fish porn!
  24. not sure if your into trout and salmon but my cousin went out to langara lodge out in bc and had the time of his life. i was thinking about taking my dad there for his bday and get him into some monster west coast fish. http://www.langara.com/site/ what ever you decide i hope you have an epic time cliff.
  25. i disagree. my uncle fishes for carp out in Alliston and i often go over to his place for dinner. they taste pretty much just like they did back home and back home our favorite fresh water fish are carp and catfish. this is why carp have a bad name, people saying they taste bad or are a garbage fish.
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