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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. well than i chose to take back lol. glad we cleared that up. cheers.
  2. woah, calm down there sparky! i said nothing about the pics being bad. i merely asked why alot of people take pics like this. i was not insulting anyone, nor was i insulting his report. maybe you should go have a drink and read my post again. again i'll say nice report.
  3. happy birthday roy!
  4. so long as she is not in the act of holding and casting a rod, enticing a fish to strike, setting the hook, and playing the fish, she does not need a license. she can net the fish for you tho
  5. lol its a great illusion.
  6. great lookin fish.. what up with the recent rash of people holding the fish so close to the camera making it look ginormous? regardless looks like good times.
  7. thats the way we always cut it. skill saw backwards. just make sure you got a good grip, they like to jump outta your hands sometimes lol.
  8. that fish is just scary.
  9. wtg frankie! good job man
  10. lol if i turned around and didnt look at the vid id swear that woman sounded like an angry chicken.. :clapping:lol good stuff henry.
  11. thats real sad. its such a shame to hear about things like this. condolences to the people that knew these guys.
  12. lol damn you all! these threads always leave me hungry..
  13. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
  14. lol i foolishly held a chinook vertically once, he thrashed, my hand went thru his gill and put 6 stitches in my favorite finger, the one i cant live with out.. the middle one lol. hope it heals up and your right back out there bro.
  15. looks like something that got screwed up in the building process and needed to be done fast and sloppy before the house closed. this is common amongst the trades, you cant really blame the guy doing it, its usually the higher ups that give him the "by any means" speech at 5 minutes before he's off the clock.
  16. before my accident i owned a contracting company that dealt strictly with soffit/fascia/siding. it can be a daunting task for some but with some practice you could turn out entire houses plus the gables in a day. glad you got it done! way to not let the aluminum win lol! you use aluminum finishing nails on the fascia?
  17. wtg ryan. sounds like you had a great time. lol care to elaborate more about the "big water"?
  18. lol unlike fishing which costs money, time, and patience.. nice camera joey. that'll do some awesome shooting.
  19. i checked some out at jb's for you today. really high up there on the price tag. he had a cool new shark one tho.. think its called "the extreme" apparently emits a higher low frequency sound and reflects light alot better? buh.. anyways it was going for $120.. $110 for the standard shark.
  20. LOL! me and john could corner the market with our farm raised goby al a mode..
  21. LMAO! ahh john at least once a day you write something on here that makes me spew coffee/beer onto my monitor thanks bud.
  22. did a little bit of searching for you. theres some general info of the lake. other sources speculate its max depth is around 115 feet.. average runs at about 15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasshabog_Lake_%28Ontario%29
  23. what about steamed Goby in a saffron sauce? for the folks from bizzaro world.
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