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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Sweet. I got the XRS too....wanna race? I bet it'll be a tie
  2. Great trip... that's a silly amount of fish, regardless of what you expected!
  3. yessir! I got the 160 000 extended with my 09' Corolla and I've only had to use it once for an alternator issue which never caused any other problems. I'm at 150, 000 kms and the car still drives like new. Just love that car and I trust all the dealerships I've used. On the other hand my mazda truck is falling apart and is two years newer...mind you I don't take the corolla off-roading nearly as much.
  4. Quote "..And I've gotta say that I don't know what's with you guys, bass tastes wayyyy better than walleye,". Oooo your opening up a can of worms Chris. haha. Great report, sounds like a fun, warm and tasty opener!
  5. Only thing better would be nailing stacked beauties
  6. Not bad at all. Looks like a nice day too
  7. whistling trout - term for a sucker fish Bonk and release - a joke term a poacher might use.
  8. Yup, he looks very happy! A pleasant father's day weekend for sure
  9. The warnings on Global said "to seek shelter immediately" in the London area. Was it really that bad?... that seemed a little extreme, especially considering that if the weather is so bad, you likely are not watching television.
  10. anybody else seeing it?? Pretty nasty in North Bay, but I've seen much worse. No tornado's yet.
  11. Went camping last night...everywhere is the worse place when your trying to sleep! Especially when it's those darn no-see-'ems that get through the tent mesh. Can't believe how bad the skitters were last night.
  12. The hyundai is a nice car, big for the price and you'll love it while it runs well. Now, my buddy is a mechanic for Hyundai and he is adamant that he would never buy a Hyundai. He says the Toyota's and Honda's are WAY better built. Take this information for what it is...third hand info...but maybe consider one of the brands better known for reliability?? And...for Brian, a lot of Corolla's and Civics are build in Canada. I have 2009 Corolla, with 150k, built in Canada, and it's an absolute gem and drives like new with no issues since new. Either way, good luck, hope you get a good deal!!!!
  13. 7 days to see if I own 160acres!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      Would that be the land on the river?

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      It's on a different river... has specks:) . Nice house with the property too. Sure hope it goes through!

    4. woodenboater
  14. Thinking the same thing, Pics. I wouldn't purchase any special "tackle" insurance unless you get a fuzzy feeling by being over-insured. Your possessions are covered automatically under homeowners, unless specifically written otherwise ...even if the equipment if off-property, ie, in the boat, in car. Taking photos are keeping receipts/records is the best approach...and check your possessions limit, basic policy cover around 25,000.00, which adds up quick when you own couch, bed, dressers, fishing gear, guitars, canoes etc etc.
  15. Yup, plus 1500, plus I get a $3000 company reduction too, which they do for the public at special events for in-stock vehicles.
  16. Just priced out an STX at $27,500.00 with V6 + 8speed in North Bay. Pretty good price. I'm either getting a new house or a new truck in the next two months.
  17. Ouch....but, those shakers look tasty! Nice photos too
  18. The area just above the belt and just below the shirt on my back. easy for the bugs to reach and sub-consious scratching makes it a real bad spot for me.
  19. I'm in limbo right now. Don't smoke during the week (which is difficult) but still go back to old ways on weekends...beer, canoes, fishing, it's just such a part of who/what i am. Since I consider myself of low-willpower when it comes to quitting, I'm quite happy that I can go 4 or 5 days at time and not smash everything I own. Its a good start. Best I've done in any of my "attempts"
  20. I'm headin to walmart tomorrow to stock up on SB reels!! Wal-mart is stupid to sell them below $500
  21. Good work... Mike, on catching such a nice fish Congrats Bill!! Hope you get more photos published
  22. You are more than ready with all that gear haha. I fish the area (not Marten River itself though) very often. I like the Rapala Clackin' Rap for casting/covering water. Never really honed in on a specific twister color, but I like bright (like blue, yellow, white) for dark waters and also prefer using 4" for walleye. When the fish are slow, piggyback the jig/twister with a piece of worm. Find rock points, shoals and get serious at around 7pm. Fish should be quite active right now.
  23. Good choice on the Crosswinds. Nice fish too!
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