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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. On some sites, it states that glycol can be used but would require monthly top-ups, and that you would get a 10-15 percent loss in efficiency. Call already put in to dealer... Awaiting response.
  2. I'll be calling the installer/dealer on Monday to see if I'm missing something... Water just seems like a bad idea
  3. This one is actually filled with water... Not sure how it wouldn't freeze in -30 conditions if it's not it use. The horror stories I hear are: smoke/smell, freezing, inefficiency, malfunctions. But, most of these issues are probably related to the actual installation. As long as the installation was done correctly, I shouldn't have to worry about these (except the water jacket issue). Agreed Shane, if I'm burning wood regardless, this is a better option that will be less work.
  4. Hahaha! They don't have periscope technology (luckily!), so I suppose they have to monitor the limbed surface dwellers somehow.
  5. I'm potentially in the same situation as your neighbor... 100acres, wood lot, no neighbors, but this unit was installed brand new by the current owner. The house also has a wood/electric forced air unit so if I ended up hating the outdoor furnace I could easily still rely on wood and just store it indoors. I've heard some nightmare stories with these units, and on the other hand some people love it regardless of the issues.
  6. I would just hope that if I so choose not to use it in the winter (i.e. Vacation) that the jacket would not freeze. I'm fairly confident that the buried pipes would be deep enough to avoid freezing. I'll have to see what the composition of the liquid, is.
  7. Has anyone here owned one? How did/do you like it? My biggest concern/consideration is the chance that the water freezes in the winter...that would be fairly obvious oversight. Any thoughts on this? http://www.centralboiler.com/applications.php
  8. "now that's how you run it". haha . That was intense. The first guy had the best run
  9. hahaha same here. I dont' think a musky has any knowledge and/or care of the surface world. Useless he's got land envy.
  10. He is wasting edible meat... You could report him I supposed, I'd just call him lazy and tell him to buy de-boned cans of tuna instead
  11. Should have known to take the mast down while transporting it
  12. haha used house. Gravity and sobriety be damned with that recliner!!
  13. That's a lot of fish.... enough to lure anybody into that addiction.
  14. Mike Borger recently posted about the Neo Overshoes. They seems like a very dry and comfortable option. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=69768&hl=%2Bproduct+%2Breview
  15. nice mess in the sink. I bet you were scratching your head quite a bit when they weren't hitting cranks.
  16. Just ask the municipality to write you an email response saying that "it's an hour away" "we are being lenient" "we have no access". Take that email and walk into the Sudbury/North Bay MOE office. The MOE will be happy to help out I'm sure. If the municipality won't write you an email, tell them you have documented everything they have said... this will all light a fire under their butts.
  17. Maple and fish, that's no superstition, that's just a fine flavor
  18. If the municipality has knowledge of it and are not following their own mandate I would bring it up a level to the MNR and/or MOE. First, I would ask them to put their response in writting!!. You can also report a "siltation event" to the MOE and they'll investigate, especially if people draw water from the lake you can state that you have concerns for your drinking water. If someone wants a man-made waterway, why don't they just get a pool?
  19. Eating canned fish while out fishing... Although I do it anyway. My response to it is "to think like a fish, you gotta stink like a fish"
  20. That's something else... very impressive fish
  21. Red Green would shed a tear if he saw that! Actually looks pretty good
  22. The re-zoning issue would be a municipal issue...talk to the township about that, the local conservation authority and/or environmental dept might be interested in this. As far as changing the shoreline and creating a beach, well, usually its a big no-no and can be a very ignorant move for other people and/or the aquatic life and the MNR would require permits: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/CrownLand/2ColumnSubPage/STEL02_165788.html If its considered Federal waters, then the DFO would be the interested party. In addition, that second photo makes me laugh, he/she clearly intended to place fine sand into the lake and yet in their clear concern for the lake they put up a silt fence and don't maintain it. haha. This could a good example of things that would have been protected by the feds (DFO) on federal waterways in the past and now, with the new legislation either gets removed and/or under-enforced. If these are provincial waters then it's definitly the MNR or the local Cons. Auth.
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