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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Nice weekend. you should have caught and eaten both the frog and snake therefore establishing yourself as #1 predator haha.
  2. Just one of those fish = 5 of my average catch. Must be fun!
  3. Great report. Nice surprise walleye!! Love me a surprise catch.
  4. That looks like a really fun trip. I'd love to do a four wheeling backlake trip... never did one before. Good tip/pattern for the shallower lakers. Everything eats crayfish I guess.
  5. Hope things only get better from here. Man those photos are sweet. A lot of species we dont often see photographed.
  6. This reminds me of the "This is That' episode where they come out with "virtually silent military vehicles called the MB2000, MB stands for mountain bike, but it's environmentally friendly and is Military issue" "this is not a mountain bike, its an MB2000" hahaha.
  7. I agree. I heard his family (on the radio) saying they came to canada to be free and live safe...yet there kid is pulling knives and was a criminal, seems like a double standard. I have no other opinion on this, let the courts figure it out I guess.
  8. It was more than office jobs in the Nipissing region. Lots of technician jobs of as well.
  9. Loooog weekend. 1 week vacation!!!

  10. Apparently these cuts mean more CO jobs but less testing, field work, study jobs. I somewhat agree with the extra CO's doing better enforcement and maybe bringing in a few extra $$, but it's hard to enforce what you don't understand. I guess they'll be farming their science out of house... maybe they could use data from the Experimental Lakes Area...no, wait a minute!! grrrr I get the feeling that is exactly what is happening.
  11. When Mozart passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noises coming from the area where Mozart was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate. When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Mozart's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards." He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, And it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth...the Fifth..." Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery. "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Mozart decomposing." All together now ………………………………. GROAN!!!!!!!!!
  12. bobs (green store) on trout lake rd. talked to him today
  13. Was living in a 'residence' at the time. I don't fully recall what I did, but I think it involved making a desperate run to the beer store to see if they were open, and they were....I guess that's why I don't fully recall
  14. What a gentlemen letting her bring in the big fish! haha.
  15. Is that normal? that thing is massive. Looks like a nice day for a meet n greet.
  16. Really nice report! I like the fact that you guys had several targets and nailed nearly all of them! I've only fished Nipigon from shore and caught some pretty decent fish - including a laker. I'd love to spend some real time there. Was it Larry's Towing that helped you out in Jellicoe?
  17. ya, don't do that. If the MNR or anyone who knows the regs sees you, they are gonna snap. It won't be like catching an out of season perch, it will be like catching a bottlenose dolfin out of season haha. Seriously, I wouldn't even bother, especially since you've stated your intentions already....if you want sturgeon, hit up the other zones in the north that have an open season or get a status card.
  18. 13 different lakes...that's pretty good. Diversity is surely a great learning tool. Nice fish!
  19. Top water? Wow, that would scare me too!
  20. Try the White Owl Bistro on Lakeshore Drive, the Raven Republic on First Ave for dinners and the Urban Cafe on Worthington for lunch (great lunch spot). For a greasy dinner, Burger World will suit. Near the White Owl Bistro is Sunset point...there is a decent fishing spot there for the evening, or bass during the day. At the waterfront, I personally like to fish east of the Old Chief Commanda (now a restaurant) along the rocks. I do fairly well for walleye in the evening there. At the end of Premiere Road (Champlain park its called) is the Lavase River, which is decent for evening walleye. If your looking for a driving tour or a nice walk, I suggest drive down Hwy 17 east and go the Eau Claire Gorge. That highway leads into Algonquin park and there is a nice river that runs along the road. It's a good place to easily explore, take photos etc. If you decide to rent a boat, or a canoe, check out Pimisi Bay on the Mattawa RIver. Just upstream of there are the Talon Chutes...a great view and only a 5-10minute paddle!! Good luck and hope you guys can have a relaxing and memorable time!!
  21. same four walleye from different angles! Another great trip, Mike. Your pretty good at having a blast!
  22. I remember being disappointed in a 0 walleye limit when I was there. The one lake I fished was completed flush with walleye too...it was nothing to catch 40, 2-4pounders per day! Sucks about that meathead at the launch. Again, in these situations, I'm not sure how I'd react. Hopefully next time this happens you have an entourage to back you up!!
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