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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. If you love the big city you won't like North Bay. Having said that I don't anyone would be in long term shock by moving here from the city... I mean how much cultural stuff/traffic/congestion/restaurants/clothing shops/annoying radio stations does anyone really need. This is normal life canada with access to a lot of crown land. Once you get to know Nipfisher, you'll essentially have accesss to everyone within 100kms of North Bay. I consider him the mayor.
  2. Some of these methods I was completely unfamiliar with... So thanks for the great info!. I'm gonna try each of these suggestions seperately to see what works best for me and for the purpose of learning... Starting tonight. Woo hoo its friday!
  3. Kraft Hockeyville winners... We make good Mac and Sleeze
  4. I've got a few reef runners I'll actually try them. What brand makes quality reef runners? What type of sinker would you recomment? Egg, split shot, bullet? Thanks Chris, I gather that the planer board is used to hold your line away from the boat... Not necessarily to make the lure go deep?
  5. I'm looking to expand my "covering water" techniques and I've always been shy to use crankbaits... Short of using a bottom bouncer or a three way rig, what are some techniques I could use to get crankbaits down 20-30 fow? Keep in mind I typically fish from a canoe so I need to keep it simple. Do deep diving cranks only work in a specific trolling speed/amount of line out combination? I use 20lbs PP line. If my favorite crank isn't a deep diver, how could I get it to swim at 20 feet? I'm really dumb to these... But would some kind of planer board work in a canoe? Cheers.
  6. Definitly rigging up the lines before even getting in the vehicle... Also eating lunch on the road.
  7. You bugger! Hope the run is big and healthy this year.
  8. You have more lures and rods than I could ever hope for and your worried about saving 75yrds of braid? Haha, I see your point though, I do the same thing ... The mono also helps fill the spool when the braid is very thin diameter.
  9. I'm glad they didn't bring it here, otherwise the junkies would be blocking my driveway even more than they already do.
  10. If you have a built in webcam, put a piece of black tape on the eye... or at least put a shirt on. THEY ARE WATCHING YOU! Maybe try resetting your IP address. I'm not a computer wiz, but there is a way of doing that... google it or call your Internet Service Provider.
  11. Two nice walleyes!! Enjoy the snack
  12. By fitness blitz you mean intense arm workouts right? All those Walleye must have given you disproportionately large biceps! Congrats on quitting!
  13. I like your vessel names! The Bomber is hilarious. Great trip and report!
  14. Those walleye wings are something else! Thanks for sharing this great trip
  15. Ewww please not the end product! Just kidding, that's a nice hunk of meat!!
  16. Nice!! Never used tubes for walleye... Its cool that you can try new methods and just keep catching them walleyes.
  17. Lesson learned. Grimsby: thanks! I've done lots of spec fishing but these ones were something special NAW: Haha...it's definitly my favorite photo of the trip. Dr.Sal: My shoulders were already killing me from doing 90% of the paddling + the trolling+boat control... The backcountry trip was too much to take on after losing the paddle. Woodenboater: Yes, picnic tables and latrines on each site. The sites looked clean and well maintained but the rest of the area is mostly undisturbed...except for some portage trails. The site was approx. 10kms from the highway so it's quite secluded. The GF was happy to know that if a bear ate us, that the rangers would eventually find us...not that it would do any good after being eaten by a bear haha TDunn: Thanks and good luck tomorrow! That lake sure spoiled us with some nice ones...laker fishing is always that easy right?? JohnnyB: Yes I was suprised too! You should definitly try LSPP... it's a cheap vacation minus the gas prices. Mercman: She does enjoy it...NOW! It wasn't like that before. She's now asking to hold the fish in the photos...next is putting the bait on herself! And yes, I feel lucky because she's always cool with me going fishing. She says she's just happy that I don't stay home and play video games. Dan: the odds are good! Dave: Hahaha... the water was very cold, not much to see. hahahaha
  18. 32 bass... Couldn't make it to 40? Haha that's crazy good fishing
  19. Hey all, Yesterday, the GF and I drove the 7 hour return trip from Lake Superior Provincial Park and are planning on camping closer to home tonight for the last night of our one-week vacation. We had a blast at LSPP. We first stopped at the Agawa Campground last Sunday and on Tuesday we made our way into some backcountry camping spots, where skinny dipping isn't a problem. The best part: I picked up a new-to-me Sportspal on the Sunday before leaving. $400 including trolling motor, 14ft long, paddles (not the best), life jackets and safety kit. This canoe is miles ahead of my old box ... it doesn't even have any patches!! This was a smart move because it was very windy the entire trip. I sold my old one right away for $75. On to the photos. Our adventures around Agawa Bay, including an Old Woman Bay visit. Here begins the backcountry trip. Packed to the rim! Good thing this canoe has an extra 2ft of space! The first night, I slept early and hard... so the fishing began the next morning. I walked and casted along the entire Island-campsite trying to get a depth profile of the waters using my Mepps Aglia Heavy. I'd cast it out as far as possible, let it drop to bottom and slowly reel it back to shore. A few minutes into a nice drop off, I got my first Laker!!! I cleaned that laker and then got into my first spec. What a beauty! I can't believe the average size in this lake. Next up was a bigger laker, again from shore. I've never done well for Lakers so this was a real treat for me. Dinner Not the best paddles... lesson learned. Check them and bring a spare if needed. I spliced it up and it worked for light-duty on the return...but I had to work my off against the wind. This cut out the portage portion of our trip as I wanted to access a more remote spec lake. No big deal, live and learn. That night. Another nice Speckie. I finished the day catching 2 lakers and three specks. Next day: a one ounce bottom bouncer with a long go-getter was the weapon. She finally hooks into a nice one!! All smiles. She got the biggest spec of the trip!! Which makes me a... One last spec. We finished with 11 nice fish over the two days of fishing. After this we were both happy and tired. Off to the next adventure tonight! Tons of bass and maybe a Laker or two. Cheers
  20. Good luck man! The feedbag is on....take advantage
  21. Atta boy. That sense of good-deed will follow him forever, especially if he was given praise for his actions. One good deed begets another.
  22. Huge! Count that moment as a great memory!
  23. Good job man! That jerkbait after taste can't be good.
  24. At 7 feet, you will not find brookies in the summer unless there are cold springs feeding the lake. This time of year, try the creeks that flow in and out in the area, I bet you'll find a few. Your lure selection should work ok, but you'll have better luck using a go-getter (small mono-line spinner with single hook) and worm, or just a hook and worm. Also with the specks, I'd recommend pinching the barbs on the hook, this way you can release the small guys without tearing a hole in their faces. Good luck, you are in the right area for speckies... Try those creeks!
  25. After a few months of fishing together and several good outings, JoeyTier is departing for the south for some post-college work and leaving all these quiet northern lakes behind.... for now he says. On Friday we took one last swing of the walleye bat and dropped off the sportspal at Wasi Lake. Without depth charts, fishfinders or any experience on that lake, we were essentially fishing blind.... it's a good thing that we KNOW walleye like worms. A little history here: Over the past two of three outings this has been me: Walleye. Walleye. Nice bass. This has been Joey. Sorry Joey...had to actually we've been pretty even in terms of size and numbers. The usual trash talk led us into Wasi and Joey was the first to find fish... a nice mid-day walleye. We turn the canoe around and restart the drift, and Joey hooks up again! At this point we are both very happy that we had two on the stringer but I had a chip on my shoulder that was vibrating, and so, I casted, and drifted, and dropshotted and and and....and I couldn't even catch a stickeral. Joey was paddling at the time and I was focusing on my line, well sort of. The canoe was moving right to left in his efforts to move forward, and his line, as it was trolling, would come closer to me, then move away, come closer, move away. I decided to play a game. It's called: pretend to be a big walleye. I grab his line, give it a tap, tap... Joey up front, notices. He drops the paddle, reaches for his rod and I take the bait with a BIG pull including head shakes. He REEFS on it, ripping lips as it were and I start laughing immediately...but Joey doesn't notice, he sets his tip back down and gives another hook set. THIS TIME WITH A FISH ON!!! I'm speechless and laughing and he pulls in a beauty walleye. Not until the fish is on the stringer does he realize what actually happened: I tried to play a joke on him, but the joke was on me!!! hahaha. The evening bite was a dud..we just couldn't find them. So the night finished 3-0 in favor of Joey. Well played Sir. Until next time.
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