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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Sounds like as long as you dip fish meat in butter it's considered poor man's lobster. Having said that, I'd say the butter selection is more important than the fish species. Appetizers anyone?
  2. This may work since they walk around wherever they please, but some spots are more traveled than others. Good idea, I'll check out this product. Wayne: borax seems to work, but I'll need a lot of it because they have several nesting areas... I might as well fumigate.
  3. My problem is that I'm in a condo... The are between walls and under cupboards..I'm on the third floor so they likely live in the walls. They search like bees... Randomly everywhere, then they hone into places they like and then move on. Buggers! Wayne: I noticedthe ones here like protein. I put ant poison on a piece of raw salmon and they swarmed it.. But from what I read, they set up several colonies in a small area, so one application isn't enough. If by next year I can't resolve this issue, I'm taking it to condo manager who already knows me well from other repairs I've initiated. Is she still seeing them?
  4. Anybody ever have to deal with these? They are tiny (very tiny), redish/transparent ants that are really hard to get rid of. I've read up about them and tried a few traps/poisons, but they keep coming back! Grrr. I can't wait till winter when the spiders and ants disappear... I'm at point of considering caulking every opening/crack/ in my condo.. Including baseboards and cupboards. I'd rather drink a 0.5 beer in place of a Keiths than have these things. Tips or anecdotes would be appreciated.
  5. Shore fisherman lose much more tackle because you are generally pulling your lure from deep to shallow water, right into the fissure of a rock, or under logs etc. .. In a boat its generally shallow to deep water... And if u get snagged you can move the boat around to release the snag. With lead (or other metal) jigs heads, I find it helps to gently "hop" the lure on bottom as you retrieve at your desired speed. Keep the lure moving (rod tip up and down, maybe 6inches per hop) and you can also fish a bit slower. This will reduce your snagging by a fair amount.
  6. It has decent fish. Typical bass and walleye tricks will work. You'll get something! I guarantee (disclosure: I do not guarantee)
  7. Ling is good boiled and dipped in butter. I actually microwaved it in a shallow bowl of water when I didn't have a stove. Now THAT is poor man's diining!
  8. There are lakers in there too, guys troll for them upstream, near Marten Lake. I've never done well there, but I haven't put much effort into that area
  9. N/A beer is expensive though! Well, the N/A Blue from Mac's was. I agree, that a nice cold N/A would be a nice, legal treat in the boat.
  10. They are non-alcoholic, only refered to as 0.5. Drink away in your boat, bt get ready piss like crazy.
  11. Is this the same Mr. Craig that installs skyhooks at a very decent price?
  12. Its not really 0.5. 0.5 is the limit to be considered "non-alcoholic". As long as its below 0.5, they can sell them in-stores, but they call it 0.5 anyways. I asked an officer and he said you can have them in your car without issue, although I'm sure an unsuspecting officer would have a hard time believing your beer breath is non-alcoholic haha.
  13. I don't have a gift for you. But happy birthday anyway!!!!
  14. Here are some pics from JoeyT and I's (me and JoeyT's? JoeyT and me's?) trip to the same lake, the next day. I promised Joey a pile of fish and after a lifting the anchor (rock on rope) a few times, we found good numbers of 1-2lbs SMB. One spot in particular was producing a fish every cast. SMB fight like pure muscle and make for good acrobatics!! hehe so much fun! Next time I hit that lake, I'll try to find the lakers... I guarantee I'll be looking wide eyed at the bass spots while I try to find the lakers. thanks for the responses all!
  15. Definitly try cover (weeds and shade) or structure (rocks and points) if they are visible. Its tough to find structure in open water unless you have a depth finder, but open water structure can often produce a lot of fish.
  16. Your right. I was drifting in the middle of the lake when my lure started tapping off some rocks in 8-12 FOW... I went again last night with Joey and we got another 50 or 60, this time the shore bite was hot. Good luck out there!
  17. That first pic looks like a fine meal in the making! Sounds like you are finding the fish quite readily.
  18. HOG!! Great Father and Son time and what a beautiful fish!
  19. Good one. I sometimes use a small rock on bottom for the same effect...except when I hit a dropoff,...then I'm back to warp 9 drifting. I'll try the branch-sock next time. Nip- I never kept any bass because I'm not a huge fan, but it's nice to have 40-50 fish days. I call them confidence boosters haha. Them lakers are tough to target but are definitly a better prize. Is your boat ready for mobilization???
  20. favorite brand.... A guy in Mattawa sells the packages for $2-4, depending how he feels.
  21. As some of you may know, I do a lot of exploring and mapping looking for quiet back-lakes. Sometimes I get rewarded, other times I come back with punctured tires and freshly-cleaned lures. This particular lake was a tough one to find. JoeyT and I trucked in for nearly 25kms only to find that the last 2kms was an ATV only trail. When I say ATV only, I mean it; a small wobbly bridge is no place for a mazda. 2kms isn't a big deal to portage, but my sportspal doesn't have a yolk and is very awkward to carry for more than 100 meters. We turned around and looked closely for other entrances, but had to move on..... Next day: Alone, I try the south entrance this time. Suprised to find multiple logging trails I still manage to choose the right path and drive right up to a landing. I jump out of the truck, look at lake, look at map, look at lake, look at map...it's the one!!! I don't often try for summer lakers, so I was excited to try my homemade spinners and new techniques. (practice for LSPP in August!). It was quite windy last night and I was a bit reluctant to let my sportspal drift down the lake, as I knew the return would be brutal, but that is part of the game so I drift anyway... Mid point, mide lake, I start bouncing off rocks and get a few small hits...it was too shallow for lakers on this hump so I assumed the perch were nipping at my spinner. I chuck the anchor (a rock tied to a rope) and throw in a white tube. BAM! SMB! Next 10 casts, bam bam bam etc. I start switching baits and they are basically hitting everything I can think of, which is a good way of trying baits I don't often use. A few times I drifted off the hump and the fish disappeared....I definitely found a honey hole. Biggest one was 16"...no monsters but the action was terrific!! I'll be back out there tonight. The pics are kind of bad and please don't laugh too hard at my "ballast" and 2" of water in my canoe.
  22. love the story telling. That fish's girth must =it's length. Very cool.
  23. Picture perfect fish. Brookies that size are hard or maybe impossible to come by in our area anymore.
  24. the best of the best! Nice assortment of trophies.
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