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Everything posted by pidge

  1. Beaver watchin beaver...who knew? Lol. Me personally I'm itching for some good ol hard water fishing again this year after about a 15 year layoff. BRING IT ON!!!
  2. Can't win em all. Nashville up next.
  3. From all the serching I did last night and asking a techi at work it's not possible with any smart phone. Oh well it was a thought.
  4. Geeze those are some damm big perch man. I've only caught big ones like that thru the ice. Nice job and yum yum!!
  5. I got line at bass pro years ago and has worked great. Like mentioned TSC sells something similar but I'm not to sure about the pot. There's a place at Kipling on the south/west side of the 401 (same road as FishingWorld) that makes and sells aluminum pots and pans. Edit: for what it's worth when I did it I followed instructions to a tee and still had a oil boil over. Just saying. We didn't have a fire or anything, but if it were on a nice patio or deck it woulda made a big mess. I'd recomende putting the burner out on some grass in the backyard.
  6. Thanks for the post Fisherman. Through my searches I've seen that NTSC word used. I'll be honest it's all foreign to me lol. I was hoping for a simple cheap plug and play and record off the camera on the iPhone, but the more I search the more I believe it's impossible. I'm not giving up yet!
  7. A question for the tech sauvy. Terry has put a bug in my ear about recording off the AquaView. Dose anyone know if it's possible to use the RCA out port on the TV and connect it to a iPhone or iPad to record film? I'm serching the www right now, but kinda spinning my tires. I don't wana go out and spend money on a GOPRO if I don't have to. Any techies out there know if it's possible.
  8. Sorry for your loss. Hahahahahahaha no im not GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Nice stuff man.
  10. Good idea with the gopro. Never thought of that. Thanks.
  11. FYI princess auto now carrys Warn winches. Look for deals there.
  12. Nice lake. Only hit it once this summer myself. Hopefully it works out for ya.
  13. -hahahahaha @ Bill -Wormdunker, never owned one before as well. They retail for $199 at BassPro. with our coupons we endend up paying about $50 each. -Terry thats pretty neat. Are you using the video out port and connecting a video camera to the unit? -Fisherman, this unit is fairly small...I think anyways. Its really not that bigs at all. Overall when its in the soft case its about the same size as a car battery id say. Once opened up its even more compact. I did see those smaller units at BassPro last night as well (not exactly the one you linked) and the cable is bloody flimsy it just feels weak. Its close to 18ga thermostat wire. I think the one you linked has a bigger screen, but the ones they had there last night were very tiny screens. Similar to an i phone.
  14. Yeah I'm super excited to watch what and how they react to presentations. I think it's gonna be neat. I'm a cheap bugger so we opted for the cheaper unit, but I think it'll server us well. Random Simcoe shot MJL to get you in the mood lol I should also mention the unit comes with a thingie that attaches to the camera to get a view from overhead, a 120volt charger, a 12volt car charger, a big chunk of steel for trolling as well.
  15. Pretty messed up. Who the hell would do that? To see it and watch it is one thing but to harass the animal is a poor judgement call on them. And to think there was a few of them in the boat and not one had the right of mind to say stop it.....well they got what they deserve.
  16. What times dinner? Ill bring the refreshments lol. That looks seriously good.
  17. With ice fishing on the brain lately (early I know) my fishing buddy and I split on a underwater camera. Just thought I'd share some pics of it. That's all. Just used it in the garage so far, but this thing is pretty cool. The screen is 7" wide and is pretty clear (in the garage). It dosent have the bells and whistles the more expensive units have such as water temp and camera orientation, but we figured we can live without that. Hopefully. It dose have colour, contrast, and tint adjust. Wide angle and narrow angle, can adjust the l.e.d. For brightness. I've never owned such an animal before and I'm super excited to try her out. I think it's pretty neat. Here's a few pics if it.
  18. The stuff dreams are made of. Nice one man WOW!!
  19. I've got a Bi-Way brand Poulin 16" bar and have had zero issues with it. It comes with me up Nord in the woods and hasn't let me down the times I've used it. If a Sthil was the same price I'd probably gotten that, but for the price and the amount I use it which is enough times a summer clearing downed trees on trails and collecting fire wood it's been great. It's got the easy chain tensioner thingie and hasn't cause an issue. I don't know however whats better the easy tension or the bolt and tool tension. Bottom line it's been great for me and would recomende it if your on a budget. My 2 cents.
  20. Any day the Leafs beat the red wings is a good day. Don't care to hear about an AHL team last night. Hate the Wings. Not as much as the Sens though. Break a leg Allfi.
  21. 1st and fith pic do it for me. Nice repot, sounds like you guys had some good numbers. Thanks for sharing...hopefully I can get out before it gets to cold.
  22. Thats a pretty cool thing she went and did for ya. I like that.
  23. wow what a size thanks for sharing.
  24. The Grand river is just a tad south of you in Caledonia. I've never fished it, but see people there all the time from shore. Walleye, bass, and pike apparently from the locals. Another one is that conservation area one just a tad closer to you....oh the name eludes me right now, but it's between the Grand and you. Binbrook. That's what it is. Check there. I'm not from the hammer, but due to work I see a lot of neat water crossings.
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