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Everything posted by pidge

  1. Thanks Pikeslayer. Dropping it off tomorrow. Mentioned your name and assuming you have a last name I won't mention here they said thanks. Thanks once again hopefully all can be repaired on the cheap. Thanks. Pidge.
  2. Cool report and like the others have said good on you for the PB sheepshead! Nice going. Not a bad tee shirt and hat too wink. Pidge.
  3. Thanks Pikeslayer. There closed till Wednesday due to long weekend, but I'll give them a shout then. Thanks. Pidge.
  4. Nice bass. That's a nice PB for sure. Way to go guys. Pidge.
  5. Caught some in mid depth this pay weekend on a 6" plastic worm rigged weedless. Didn't take long after the bait hit the water before the fight was on. Caught a beaut last summer on a different lake using same technique. Pidge.
  6. Crap deal for me. I've got a new problem now. Had the boat out on the weekend. Friday night motor was running fine. Would run full out, no problems. Went out Saturday morning and when in foward or reverse I'd give it maybe 1/16, 1/8 throttle and it would bog and stall. Got it home Sunday and hooked it up to the garden hose and same thing. I'm mechanically inclined, but haven't worked on something with a carb before. Serching has brought me to soaking the carb. If that dosent cure the issue can someone recomende a Merc. dealer in and around the GTA that has a good reputation. In all honesty I'd rather not have to drive to Peterborough or the likes to bring the motor. Any advice of good mechanics? Thanks. Pidge.
  7. I think folded it was around 70-80 lbs. add the seats,transom etc etc and it's probably under 100lbs. Add a motor and gear ++++++. Pidge.
  8. Had one for about 8 yrs+\-. Great option for back lakes as far as I'm concerned. I never had an issue with the seams on mine. Always stayed dry. I know what your thinking too. How can it fold and fold and fold and not split and leak, but they don't. I had a 12 footer Genesis IV Series. I bought mine from a member on here and sold it last year to another member on this board. Good little boat for what you describe you want it for. I once cracked the stern peice by tightening my minkotta to much, but resolved cheaply with a new one I picked up in London from a dealer. If you have anymore questions I hope I can help. Good luck with the purchase. Pidge.
  9. Thanks for the offer anyways McDoughy, got your message. Thanks. Pidge.
  10. Long day for them. Musta heard the beer cart. Anyone run into any of these nets? Just curious that's all if i happen on one. Any sorta description of them?
  11. Ordered. Got one from a contact in Buffalo. Obersheimers Salior Supply in Buffalo. $72. I've delt with them before and always very friendly and more than helpful to me. Recommended.
  12. My Buffalo contact it is. Thank you. Sorry to hear of your bad dealings with the place. I wasn't aware it was the same place as on 3rd Line. Pidge.
  13. Do you have a source McDoughy? There's a place I have in mind in Buffalo.
  14. Thanks JohnBacon. Wasn't sure which way around it was. Good to know. Btw found one guy in Oakville. Pices Marine, but are sadly closed by the time I had called. Ill givem a shout Monday. Thanks again all. Pidge.
  15. Thanks Porkpie, Craig that's right. I remember reading something about that. Just not sure of the smaller motors. Thanks. Pidge.
  16. Hey guys found another problem the other day My little 5hp 2 stroke Nissan has developed a small hairline crack magically in the gas tank (built in) and the ol' JB Weld won't hold the leak after several days of sitting with fuel in the tank. Anyone have a resource they recomende for these motors? As far as I can tell there not as popular as Yamaha, Evinrude etc. There use to be one on 3rd line in Oakville, but that place is long gone. Any help? Thanks. Pidge. Ghetto fix.
  17. Outta curiosity is there a list of the lakes that you know of? I had clicked the link, but no dice.
  18. No boats in the areas Sinker. Thanks. And thanks Costa. Ill start with replacing the transducer.
  19. Thanks Stonefish. Didn't know that with them.
  20. Ahh good idea Gerritt! Will do when I get back up there. Thanks man for the tip.Transducer looks to be in its normal position. I'm not sure what you mean Paudash of it riding up in the bracket. Do you mean kinda on a 45 degree angle?
  21. Hey guys and gals. A buddy and I were out fishing last weekend and a strange thing happened with the depth finder. For whatever reason the screen would go all funny with verticle lines and the depth would be off...way off. It's a problem that didn't happen all the time. Just random. Shutting off the unit would sometimes solve it, but within miniuts the issue would come back. Fishing in 30' and a bottom that looked like Mars surface for instance all of a sudden these verticle lines would appear and the depth would read 1' maybe 2'???? We tryed fooling with the wires in the back of the unit, but had no luck with that. Connections look fine, but I'm sure there might be something internal that's messed up. Anyone ever come across something like this before? And if so did you find a solution. Don't have money right now to go and buy a new unit and this one marks or at least did mark the bottom flawlessly. I've included a few pics to help explain better. Thanks. Pidge.
  22. Wow some really cool pics you've got there I also think that's pretty neat you get to fish with a fishing celeb.
  23. You can try one of those "dent wizard" guys. Most dearlships offer the service and sub the work to them or similar. Had a door ding massaged out from one of these guys and it's dam near impossible to spot where it was. Worked for me. Look them up.
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