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Everything posted by pidge

  1. well ya had better luck than myself, although I was fishin from shore and got skunked. Thanks for the report
  2. Sorry about that, but I ment 10 and 9 not 89. Made it up to Luther Marsh for the day, but got skunked. All ice around the shore except by the damm. Oh well. Thanks to everyone who replied.
  3. Are they still upperdeck? Not that I'm gona start collectin, but I was just curious if anyone knows if those sets are worth much. I'v got old ones I use to collect when I was younger that I still havent opened.
  4. thanks Mike and misfish
  5. What were you doing? jigging off the side of the boat? or were you casting. What was working best? btw cool pic looking down.
  6. Geeze thanks everyone for the quick responses. And Irishfield I'll do a serch for the regulations, thanks.
  7. can anyone tell me if there is a season fo perch? really wana get out this weekend and go for some perch, but not sure if its legal or not. Can someone help me out please. p.s. dont know if it matters or not, but I wana go up towards hwy 10/ hwy 89 Shelburn area. Thanks.
  8. Hmmm thats not bad, dont need another rod, but I like the backpack idea. Right know I've got one of those tackle bags with the shoulder strap, but on long walks its killer on my sholder. Thanks for the post, now I have an excuse to go out.
  9. Yeah Clamnet thats what I meant, with 3 or 4 buddies thanks for the list have you ever been? to any of those places I mean. By the way, love the avatar of old Jeddy, thats great.
  10. Hello everyone just wanted to see if theres a list of places to ice fish this winter, or any recomendations please. I was thinkin of a cottage type place with possibley a hut out on the lake, but dont have a snowmobile to get to and from. Is there such a place to rent a sled/cottage/hut all wrapped in one or am I dreamin? What do most of you people do just drive your truck out? From my understanding fish go deeper in the hard water season, how far from shore do you usually have to go I'm not really up to the idea of lugging fishing gear across a lake by foot know what I mean? Any advice would be great as I'm new to ice fishing and am excited to get out. Any recomendations? Thanks Greg Sheppard.
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