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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Back at ya. Quite honestly, I am beyond the sorrow as I learned the raw truth about addiction albeit it too late. That said, I truly feel sorry for those without empathy
  2. @ Manitou, Good on ya for posting this for the majority of us here who know first hand of family & friends that struggle with addiction. We lost our baby brother 25 years ago
  3. I came by this earlier today...........My Dad is no longer available for a 'face to face' but I let him know anyways <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aSnKNXuw5TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I can't seem to imbed this properly. Maybe someone can give it a try?? Published on Jun 1, 2015 #TellThemNow Don’t hold back, tell your dad why you’re grateful. We asked ten fathers and their children to participate in a short video. That's all they were told. The result is powerful and surprised even the participants. We hope it will inspire you to pick up the phone and call your dad. Tell him why you’re grateful; tell him why you’re proud. He might just do the same. So much in life goes unsaid. Vulnerability and gratitude can crack us open in the best of ways. Tell us…why are you grateful to your dad? @echostories.com #TellThemNow Since 1999, Echo has been crafting inspiring stories for companies who need to engage employees and customers, and for individuals who want to leave a legacy. Find out more about the making of the #TellThemNow video at http://www.echostories.com/TellThemNow Find out more about Echo Storytelling Agency at http://www.echostories.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/EchoStorytell... Twitter - http://twitter.com/EchoStories Soundtrack “Still the Greatest” available on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/sti... Executive Producer: Samantha Reynolds Director: Pete McCormack Director of Photography: Ian Kerr Editor: Pete McCormack Music: Pete McCormack/Schaun Tozer Camera Operator: Chris Mennell Sound: Rylan Kerbes Assistant/Online Editor: Josh Pratt Sound Editor: Jon Ritchie Production Manager: Carmen Kerr Production Assistant: Jane Hope Production Assistant: Callum Carr Make-Up: Danielle Clark
  4. I find there is a significant lag in processing data to screen when cruising beyond 10+ MPH. After decelerating to trolling speed I need to advance (foward) the screen to real time due to data lag. When in real time, rewind & review the lagged data, alter course and catch the missed fish
  5. Investing only 4-5 hrs in lawyer fees & finding out a deal is not palatable for either side is hardly being "screwed". I would call that a good business decision and a very cheap "lesson learned". Now spreading rumours & innuendo could end up in you getting screwed and tacking on an extra zero to defend yourself in court. I wonder how your sponsors would react to your questionable actions??????
  6. UPDATE: w/e of June 5th-8th Did not encounter any black flies. MO's were prevelant dawn & dusk (regular summer pattern) & were pretty much a non factor throughout the day. We were able to sit undisturbed on the open deck, dock & boat in shorts & tees. + fishing was awesome. Pike & Walleye were very active and everyone caught multiple fish. Gonna bring the grand girls this weekend. Looks like the buggers have peaked & petered out
  7. I see five there Rick? But then again I've had an equal number of rum & coke?? Great day on the water
  8. CR, My home lake is within a 30 min radius of Whitestone. I’ve spent the last 3 weekends (extended) up there and heading back again Thursday. I can tell you that so far, black flies & mossies have been manageable. I’ve put a wheelchair ramp in, done some general R&M outdoors and a fair bit of fishing. Lots of Deet (OFF family care product goes on dry and is less smelly) & an OFF repellant clip, light long sleeves, pants & long socks have worked well for me. I never needed a face cover. However, bug activity was definitely up & down based on wind, rain, sunshine & overcast skies but always manageable. I never needed to ‘stay inside’ because the bugs were too thick. That said, I don’t believe they have peaked in the area yet. Or could be a quiet spring for bug activity due to kill off from some subzero overnights the past few weeks? Would I bring the wife & kids though? Definitely not yet as wife’s tolerance is zero and the grand kids (2 & 4) are a little too young IMO to be hosed down in Deet. I’m going to see how the activity is this weekend and see if maybe the following week would be more suitable for the family?? Deet up and don’t forget the sunscreen (sunscreen first, 15 minutes later Deet). Hope this helps. Slayer
  9. A couple of things: 1. Your web site is not iPad friendly (half screen) 2. Are your GB knifes authentic or counterfeit?? Not sure how you manage way lower than market price on your product(s) considering you are just a start up company??
  10. Happy Happy young lady All the best, good health, happy mind, be well!!
  11. Been there & thank goodness for modern electronics
  12. "until a certain someone who will remain un-named messed up the MOJO and caught a fish out of turn.... " You have video review??
  13. Hey Ryan, Awesome thx for sharing. Was a great day for Moms & Dandelions
  14. Thx for an epic day on the grand Albert:)

    1. HTHM


      As we say in Holland, Gragg Gedaan. (My pleasure)

    2. Pikeslayer
    3. spincast


      nice fish count, turtle soup not on the menu? I got a recipe somewhere....

  15. Awesome day there Andy!!! Out tomorrow with HTHM
  16. I've had the pleasure of meeting Fishfarmer. Class act!!
  17. First spoken word from Sean since his accident (Feb 2013) today :). A clear, loud & defiant NO !! in response to therapist’s request to transfer him from chair to bed. HUGE MILESTONE & so dam proud of our son :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joey


      Wow, that's such good news Simon :)

    3. irishfield
    4. Big Cliff

      Big Cliff

      Little steps, today a word it is progress!!!!

  18. First spoken word from Sean since his accident (Feb 2013) today . A clear, loud & defiant NO !! in response to therapist’s request to transfer him from chair to bed. HUGE MILESTONE & so very proud of our son  

  19. Good things happen to good people my friend Thumbs up to CJ.
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