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Everything posted by spincast

  1. I just buy the hand held ones. Not visible as far away,as it is more on the horizon compared to a flare sent up in the air, but the smoke plume will work for 95% of the situations I will experience, There is usually someone selling them at the spring boat shows, with good discounts. Less than the cost of a tank of gas for 6 of them. A DSC radio combined with an MMSI# and your chartplotter is gonna be far more helpful if you are so far from anyone that the flare gun's extra height is needed in my opinion.
  2. A few years ago when I first started getting into bigger boats and bigger water , on one cold November day I was invited out on Erie with a friend giving the project boat a trial run. He had been out the day before and everything ran like a top. Even so, we didn't stray too far, not even past Pottohawk. Crusing out to the fishing grounds and the motor died. Kicker , main, both kaput (turns out had some bad gas). We're the only boat on the water. Cell phone has 2 bars, call a local charter capt after taking forever to to connect to the internet and find his webpage. Fortunately, he answered. We had no gps , so all we could give was a rough estimate of location and the fact we were without power and drifting. About a half hour, 45 minutes later we see the boat and hear him on our hand held radio. Asking where we are. But he can't hear us. We can see him doing a search pattern. He keeps trying to contact us and all he hears is static. After about 20, 30 minutes we hear him say he is going to be heading back in, cause by now he can't even hear the static ( he was getting further and further away), and we have no bars on the cell phone to contact him. We find one flare, well past its expiry date, but it works, and they see us just as they are turning to head in. Some people ask why I have a 8 foot antenna, DSC radio with an MMSI# and 4 flares on my boat. I just smile.
  3. Thanks for putting that together Bunk. Immense amount of work there, and a great "stranger in my own land" story. My name for the truck tire type is splinter. A small thing that gets under the skin and causes aggravation way beyond its true size. Eventually the poison they produce results in their rejection by the larger body. I suspect that Tyler is one young man who will be telling Moosebunk stories around the campfire for a long time. Sharing and giving freely for other's enjoyment produces satisfactions unequaled through other activities. Good job - in more than one way. I am curious did the 47 hold up ?
  4. Congrats Bruce - a cause for a true Thanks-giving
  5. Sound like a great time! let me know if you need a garlic bread / bruscetta recipe for the half time show:)
  6. cool shot. I was driving to work yesterday and saw one walking across the green on the golf course that is next to the Grand at the 401 Bridge. Casual as could be, sniffing the rough cut and taking a taste. Looked to be a 8 or 10 pointer. I don't remember seeing so many really big bucks out in the open as I have this year.
  7. Thanks all for the feedback and pms. Much appreciated Ideally - multi-species. "Decent quantity, occasional trophy would be a bonus" sums up the mind set for this outing Thanks Mike - still working through the list you sent me too. Gonna be a tough decision.
  8. If you were going to make the trip and spend the bucks, which lodge / resort / camp would you choose? I am looking at putting a trip together with a few friends for 2016 and any insights, positive or negative welcome. Feel free to PM if you don't wish to broadcast Thanks
  9. glad to hear Ralphie is getting his sight back, that's great! As for the meeting with the twit..... Hopefully she isn't helping form the way the next generation thinks.
  10. ok, well, here we go. How to make a restaurant style, $150 for 4 + dinner for less then the $$$$$ for a take out pizza. It may take me a few to go all the way through, so if you (or your other half) don't care for shrimp and pasta, just move right along.... cause this one is how you do it. We'll start with the end product, and now how to get there... Starts with raw or frozen shrimp, not peeled, deviened if available. If you aren't familiar with buying shrimp, look for the lowest # on the package - it means they are bigger. This was made with 36 - 45. Peel the shrimp and boil the skins in about 2 inches of water in the bottom of a sauce pan till the skins turn red + 5 mins. (this is really important to get an awesome flavour) Remove skins put juice aside (this is an awesome shrimp bisque base for those who like that).... Two (big) cloves of garlic (diced) and three medium tomatoes - remove tomato seeds and flesh (freeze or cook and can for another use later) heat about this much extra virgin olive oil in a pan till it hot enough to make water spit, or moves, add diced garlic and fry for about 45 seconds. Try not to brown it add shrimp, sautee till pink for those who don't mind cooking with booze - add enough dry white wine to half cover shrimp and let cook for 5 mins remove shrimp and reduce juice till half the amount pour into a bowl with juice from skins above (if you don't do wine, just skip this step) This is the make or break and it is easy if you do it right - kind of like french fries - wait 2 minutes too long and they are burnt, pull em out on time and they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside add butter to the pan and melt, then add a bit of flour, and mix it in. Do not stop moving, Once it looks like a paste, add the juices from the previous step stir!!!! add shrimp. tomato add oregano, a dash of basil, some Romano or Parmesan and S&P and some whipping cream or half and half (milk will curdle) - again, lactose intolerant, just drop the milk part - tastes just as good..... pour over cooked pasta and we are back where we started shrimp - $10.00 Pasta - $5.00 (half a package) Tomatoes - $4.00 cooking wine - about $1.00 the rest.... no charge I sprinkled mine with hot pepper seeds and served with a ceasar salad. it took me longer to write this than do it. bon apetit
  11. sweet ride. do the antifreeze thing - cheap insurance, I cap off the outlets, duct tape the intake screens and splash well holes as well - just so the mice don't see a potential doorway to a luxury winter condo. Fingers crossed, so far that seems to have worked.
  12. This has been an ongoing battle for quite a while now, but it doesn't seem to be gaining the traction some other similar locations have. I know there are a lot of anglers on this site who live and fish in the waters around here and down to the Lake. This includes Whiteman's creek and its delicate trout fishery, already threatened by drought and farmer irrigation. If you live or fish in the watershed, this should be of interest to you. http://www.cela.ca/newsevents/media-release/brant-citizens-group-seeks-environmental-appeals If you are interested and want to learn some more, just google CCOB, stop the pit. Here's the 2 opening paragraph's Paris, Ontario - Citizens in Brant County are seeking to appeal an industrial sewage works approval and a water taking permit issued by the Ontario government that would allow a company to operate an aggregate washing operation at a gravel pit, which it received a licence for over 40 years ago but had never used until late 2014, on, or immediately adjacent to, the wellhead protection area for the Town of Paris water supply. The group, Concerned Citizens of Brant (CCOB), filed leave to appeal applications on November 13th with the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal arguing that a provincial government decision to issue a permit to take over 10 million litres of water per day for 6 months of the year for 10 years from the groundwater system in an area that increasingly experiences drought conditions, appears unreasonable. When the decision to permit the water taking is combined with the establishment of sewage works that could concentrate herbicides from past area agricultural use in soils and sediments that will be spread one meter above the water table as part of the rehabilitation of the gravel pit, the decision of the government appears not only unreasonable but becomes a source of potentially significant environmental harm.
  13. check the Longpoint channel 6-8 forum. He looked to be spreading cheer there last week when I was taking a peek
  14. That's a shame, - perhaps this one will help - On November 1 I was the only in the office with a Poppy. I made a few comments over the days and some folks would show up with one here and there - but very much a minority, and not consistently, Yesterday less than half were wearing one. This morning I stopped in at the local Tims, put $20.00 in the poppy box and took the 15 poppies I needed for everyone who would be in the office at 11:00 . I put them on keyboards in the open areas and taped them on the doors of those who had offices. Then I sent a short email asking everyone to take two minutes at 11:00. We don't have a lot of staff - but we are faced paced non stop 18 hours a day At 11:00 as I sat in my office, for the first time I can remember, a complete silence fell over our company.
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2678580545/ a great reading of "In Flanders Fields" Take a moment today to remember them, please.
  16. yeah, that puts a slightly different slant on things,
  17. I think that is a shame, In all likelihood, you were presented with an opportunity to share what makes the day so special with a person who had an honest interest, having noticed that all of a sudden many of the people in this person's new country were starting to wear the same flower on their lapel. Here is a person in a new culture, seeing things they have never seen, and when they ask a question, they are greeted with what you describe as a not nice response? Is that what our forefather's fought for? I think not A few years ago I had the pleasure of working with one of the smartest people I have ever met. She was kind, caring and such an open honest person that if you took 5 minutes to speak with her you couldn't help but like her - and everyone at my company did. She was also an absolute wiz with computers and math, She was able to create solutions to problems that I knew could be done for years, but I had never mt anyone who had the ability to turn it into a solution She could do it in 3 days . I can tell you, that in 30 + years in the business world, I have NEVER seen anyone with her skills. She was born in China. In one discussion we had, she relayed her shock at reading the events of Tienanmen Square, when the students rebelled in 1989 - because the Chinese press completely suppressed these events. IT DIDN'T happen. If you hear about it at all, it was western propaganda. Her friends who still lived in China could not be persuaded otherwise. We think that the World Wars and their effects were universal. They weren't. The combatants were European, and to a lesser extent, much later in the game, North American. Those countries that had ties to the British Empire joined to support Britain But for many countries, this has no historical relevance. A lot of folks here are gonna disagree with me, saying that if you come here you oughta know. A wiseman once said something about walking a mile in someone else's shoes before judging.
  18. Indeed. Less time than a stoplight to reflect on the sacrifice, and say a word of thanks, to those who gave everything, ....
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