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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Didn't see this thread and started another one. Sorry OP. I think it would work but as soon as the price drops on the banned companies, the crowd would lose they're resolve and move back to the PetroCanada or ESSO. If you could get people to stay away from these two for even a week, the prices would change. There WAS a shortage of refining but that isn't why the price is up currently. This is out and out gouging. They couldn't get it out of us in home heating after the mild winter so they're hell bent they'll make it up in vehicle fuel. I say let's give it a try. Dan O.
  2. Couldn't agree more! It might affect how far I run up the river on average as well. Dan O.
  3. I think they were talking a month long boycott, Big Cliff. Not sure it's a waste of time but I agree most people don't care enough to bother. I think the problem is apathy. Dan O.
  4. I got an email to the effect that these two companies will be boycotted on May 1st. Anyone else get it? Is it worth the effort? Dan O.
  5. Does the bottom end of the Grand get a run of spawning walleye? I wonder about the spawning material in that area. Dan O.
  6. I like to take my truck to steelhead and I will if I have a buddy to split gas with. If I'm alone I drive the escape or I don't go. It has had an effect. I'm on a fixed income as are many others. Dan O.
  7. Weird. I've always had good service with Cabelas anywhere. I like the selection in the US and they ship USPS so I don't bend over for the man in Brown or his buddy Fed Ex. I wish Cabelas Canada had some selection. Dan O.
  8. I noticed ctc sponsors angler and hunter so i figured they were going to bumpup their fishing inventory._
  9. Bonus! Fish the last day and the opening day! This isn't an April Fools joke is it??!! Dan O.
  10. You showed alot of class stopping. I think you've done all you can do. She likely blames herself and she needs time to deal with the guilt. I'd stay away for a couple of weeks and then stop by for a short how-are-you-doing visit. Dan O.
  11. Wait until the goalie coach, Allair, gets a hold of him for the summer. He'll beat that standup style right out of him! Just ask Reimer. He'll be sturgeon number 2 by next fall. Dan O.
  12. Let him have it. Sign the petition. http://www.fireburke.ca/ Dan O.
  13. If they chose to venture on to the ice knowing it was unsafe and with warning then fine them. I heard the ice was 8" thick and the wind came up very quickly. I wasn't there but I see some of you guys are locals and you felt it was totally unsafe then I'd respect that and say they get what they deserve. I do wish the OPP would be a little more judicious in their warnings though. In this case it was obviously warranted but the OPP never stop issuing unsafe ice warnings even when the ice is safe on a good year. You can't constantly cry WOLF! I know it would cut the OPP's workload if nobody ice fished. Then everybody is safe! I always wonder if it's fellow ice fishermen that say hang these guys up by the you-know-whats. It's easy to judge if you don't parttake of the sport. I think they should fine snowmobilers that require a rescue.... oh wait a minute I don't snowmobile. Doesn't affect me. Dan O.
  14. I'm sure this has been said but..... don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. How would you like a bill for rescue after you've toured the ditch in a snow storm because of excessive speed? How about billing the impaired driver for the cost of the Ride Programs we need to setup each weekend? If they rescue you in a summer storm on Simcoe after there's been numerous weather warnings issued, should you be billed? ETC. The government at all levels is looking to off load expenses. I know $200 doesn't come close to the cost but the precedent is dangerous. It's a slippery slope and we all know the Municipalities around Simcoe are for the most part not supporters of the ice fishing crowd. Is this not another way to discourage ice fishing? Parking tickets have done it for many. Dan O.
  15. That about sums it up! I've heard the cutbacks are brutal but the situation is complicated by the allocating of funds to desk jobs rather than field work. The money is there is many cases but the priorities are not what they should be to accomplish effective management. Is it true that the funds from licenses, tags, etc are the primary source of funding for the MNR? The treasurery contributes very little funding beyond what the users pay? It'll take a Walkerton-like situation to stop the demise of the MNR. Dan O.
  16. I'd really keep dealership/service in mind. Both are good boats. I own a Princecraft because I have a camp in Eastern Ontario which tends to have a good Princecraft dealer nearby. I've had the boat 5 years and no problems. I think they could have done a much better job on storage in this model. It's a Starfish DLX. Dan O.
  17. I'd be more ok with commercial fishing if they were monitored frequently. There are very few CO's left so who is watching the commercials. One commercial boat may do no more damage than 10 recreational boats but the rec boats don't fish daily.
  18. I understand the need to keep a lid on employees asto what they say and to whom they speak. Once the study is published (thankfully the govt hasn't blocked publishing) the scientist has a right/responsibility to discuss the conclusions. Freedom of speech is what the world defends everyday. The Harper govt is too controling in many aspects of governance IMO.
  19. I wonder if dion has a middle ear infection? He has no balance. He falls more than the peewees i coached. It would explain his wild shot too.
  20. Call Blue Springs Trout Farm in Hanover. Its around a buck a fishfor 8" fish. 519-364-5592 dan o.
  21. Heart break lake for me. dan o.
  22. I know the Municipalities in the Near North would love to see Crown Land for sale. The recent increase in waterfront value has increased my cottage taxes by 400% and I haven't had any increase in services or amenities. Just a huge tax grap for the Province and the Municipalities. The cottages being sold in our area are being snapped up by the 1% that have the money. They rip down the 50 year old family cottage and slap up a Brampton Home which raises the assessment on the whole lake. Some of these "camps" don't even have 4 season roads in to them YET! Dan O.
  23. Wonder how long before the crowd starts chanting , " Fire Burke!". Dan O.
  24. I'll bet he's laughing now. Carlyle is wondering what he got himself into. Kessel has disappeared since they lost Lupul. Guess we know who carries Kessel. Sad to watch. They even lose the fights. Thank god the steelhead are running. Dan o.
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