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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Geez I wonder if I can bid on "my youth" so I can recover some forgotten years Dan O.
  2. I lost track of the final outcome. Did the guys on Simcoe that required rescue last winter get fined? I've heard so many versions and amounts I'm just curious. Don't really want to start the debate all over again but I'd like to know before I venture out on any kind of iffy ice. Dan O.
  3. I looked at the Rapala Sherpas. I think they'll work fine. For the same money Fishing World had Clam Base Camps on so I decided to go with that model because of its 600 denier cloth. I have a flip over so I'm planning to use the pop up on calmer days. Dan O.
  4. Interstate for 6 years. I fish ttwice a week all summer. May to october. Never had a problem.
  5. I was doubtful they would win but with the Owen Sound goalie (can't remember his name) Dennington? I think they'll get consist goaltending and that's all any team asks for. I like they're determination and they did play fairly physical given the International game. If You're too physical you'll never avoid the box. Dan O.
  6. Every once in a while somebody reports a tent rolling by on Cooks Bay. Definitely anchor your hut as soon as you feel that wind come up, especially with a pop up. I've neglected to anchor my flipover and by the time I realize I'm in trouble I wouldn't dare take my butt out of the chair until I flip everything back down and even then she wants to travel.. Dan O.
  7. Well greater legal minds than mine have studied this issue. If they feel there is an outstanding landclaim then I'm willing to go along with their decision. I'd hope by settling and with the passage of time some of the tensions around this issue would disippate. we're too far down the negotiating road to begin to question whether we should negotiate. By starting to negotiate we've validated the landclaim so let's getter done! I would hope that the First Nations develop some self-sufficiency once they are given a modest landbase and a start-up investment. Hopefully they don't cut a cheque for everyone on the list and then lapse back into the same sad state they're in now (reserve living conditions). Once treatied some of the issues related to Native priviledges/rights must get tightened up so that there is one set of rules on crown land. Hopefully the MNR can go back to enforcing those rules evenly on the EAstern side of Ontario. Court rulings on First Nations rights have made it impossible to enforce the Fish and Game laws in this area. On a different note, the Algonquins did use both sides of the Ottawa. Do they not have a landclaim in Western Quebec? Dan O.
  8. So let's sum it up! There WILL be a Landclaim Treaty. What we're trying to do is suggest how the Agreement can be most palatable. If you have a chance take a look at the various maps and information by following the link in the first post. Commenting here won't likely make too much difference. Writing your MP and MPP will make a difference. Talk to other outdoors people and make them aware of the proposed changes. This is a proposal so they are looking for adjustments/modifications etc. Thanks for any input you can provide. Dan O.
  9. I can see this landclaim being accepted in some form or another. I would likely accept the landclaim but as a taxpayer I'd want this agreement water tight. No more subsidies to the treatied group (or anyone claiming to be wronged by the treatied group). The Province of Ontario doesn't have the money to buy out the claim so they are going to offer high priced real estate as compensation. I just don't think ANY agreement can be watertight with the Court system we have. You never know how they're going to rule in First Nation cases. One of the problems will be who are the Algonquins? I know for a fact people who were card carrying status Algonquins are now being disqualified as Algonquins as the Land Claim comes to fruition. ie. they're cutting they're own people out of the pot of money! The idea being if you can disqualify half of the people on the First Nation list then you double the windfall for those that remain. Dan O.
  10. By offering crown land to the First Nations the govt has essentially paid for the treaty. The newly acquired land will be sold for cottaging. Wonder if the natives get the taxes?
  11. Stocking isn't the answer until all resource users are at the table and willing to negotiate. That won't happen until the returns on the gill nets are so low the First Nations will need to be part of the solution not part of the problem. I guess the question is will the fishery get sooooo low it can't recover before logic prevails. Stocking won't work if all parties can't cooperate. Dan O.
  12. Terry I hope it ends all land claims as well and if it did I think I'd almost swallow it as is. It isn't the amount of land they want it's the fact that it's some of the best shoreline land in Ontario. They still reserve the right to hunt over half of Algonquin Park as well of course. Of course you realize this will set the precendent for all Ontario land claims. Will it upset you when they cherry pick the Kawarthas or the Grand River watershed? Dan O.
  13. The red areas will be given to the Algonquins. Most of the areas are crownland and contain hunt camps. Algonquins will own the land privately; it's not reserve land. No trespassing and no access to non-natives. Much of the land given is waterfront. Many assumed the land given would be part of a huge block so that the First Nations could manage, hunt, fish etc. Not so. They were allowed to cherry pick the high value crown land (waterfront) in a mosaic pattern. This has never been done before apparently. Dan O.
  14. I may have missed the discussion on this topic and if I have my apologies. The Algonquin Land Claim Proposal is public. It affects the Eastern side of Ontario from North Bay to Ottawa. If you recreate in this area or you pay taxes to the Province of Ontario you might want to educate yourself by having a look at the maps. Dan O. My link
  15. Thanks for the info guys. Does the extra thermal feature in the Clams improve the heat retention significantly? It likely adds some weight and cost (OF COURSE!). I have heard the Otter huts are slightly heavier and I'm handtowing so that is a factor. Dan O.
  16. Checked out the Frabill and Clam products on sale at BassPro. I don't like the seat on the end of the hut. Most of the hut is out behind you, not beside you as it was in the older Clams. How do you reach stuff at the far end of the that Commando Frabill? Nice hut other than that problem IMO. Just wondering if anyone knows where I could look at Otter products? Tx. Dan O.
  17. I don't get it! Global finds hunting offensive so they won't be airing the Hunting Shows after Jan 1st as everyone knows. I find their coverage of gruesome trials and Zombie Walks offensive. They're hippocrites as far as I'm concerned! If Southern Ontario residents wanted the Zombie Walks droppped from coverage they would be. How can people down here glorify that violence? Dan O.
  18. Awesome bass fishing in McManus Lake area. Some large catfish in that section as well. Nice sand beach points for swimming. Good luck. don't forget the bear rope to hang your pack. Dan O.
  19. If you find the sandflies are coming into the cottage we've found it helpful to turn on the outside lights and reduce the indoor lighting. They are attracted to lights so indoor lighting brings them in. Not many cottages have mesh fine enough to stop sandflies and if they do, you don't get much ventilation. Dan O.
  20. You should go to Belwood Lake but plan on fishing the river below the dam as far down as the second line bridge. There are no special regulations in that section to make life complicated. The Lake will be a zoo. DAn O.
  21. Mix a little antifreeze into the water then they don't stink when they die. It'll last for months in the attic and it doesn't freeze over the winter. Antifreeze is also a poison. Dan O.
  22. Try calling the Frost Center (705) 766-2451 or the East GAte of Algonquin Park. Somebody will know the date. Dan O.
  23. Is that a normal milage? Geez I don't think I want to check my boats. Dan O. PS. Friction on the water plays hell with the milage, eh!
  24. I think the multi-nationals pretty much tell Mr. Harper what he's going to do. If he tried to process some our natural resources in Canada rather than ship them out, I'm sure NAFTA would soon prevent that idea. Dan O.
  25. Which political party would stand up for the consumer? They all make big money on gas price increases since their portion is a percentage of the price. BTW somebody else already has thread on this topic and I didn't see it. Maybe we should add comments to the OP. Dan O.
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