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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Call your local MNR and ask for someone in Enforcement. It helps to have info ie. Pics of cut trees,license plate, description of vehicle/person, times of cutting. Call the Tips liine as well.
  2. Dion is at least -3. How can he be a respected Captain? Dump that pileon this summer. Does Clarkson do anything else?
  3. Luremaking.com works for me. I usually end my worm harness with a second barrel swivel to which I tie a lighter fluoro lead. It's the same principle as we use steelheading. It easier to break off a lighter terminal leader with a few hooks than lose the whole harness. I fish a really woody bottom man made flooded reservoir so hangups are a problem. Dan O.
  4. Reimer is struggling but i bet carlyle leaves him and lets him wear this mess. The major penalty is the pivotal point in this game. Phaneuf needs a taste of pine.
  5. I wish the Leafs training staff would sharpen Kessels left skate edges so he could cut in off of the right wing across the face of the net once in awhile. Oh yeah ...... the defensemen trailing on the breakaway would put him through the net .... now I understand. Don't go where the bad people go Phil! Dan O.
  6. I often wonder how compromised are our leaders (including Harper)? Every decision they make seems to benefit the large corporation and in tern squeeze the working class. Are governments really running our countries any more or is it the corporations running things through our governments? How did we survive years ago before we started into this downward spiral called FREE TRADE. It's anything but FREE just look at our working conditions. We're paying the price for the FREE TRADE deal Mulroney signed. What would happen if we opted out of FREE TRADE deals? I realize we'd be forced to do without many things until our industries started to ramp up and produce goods for domestic consumption. Is that even possible given how far down the road we've travelled? Dan O.
  7. And that can happen easily Steve if the investment markets aren't returning anything on investments. Everyone likes the low interest rates except those that are retired and looking for a return on invested money. What ever happened to 7% interest on investments? That seemed to be the return on money throughout most of my youth. Now you can't get 3% unless you go long term and a large sum. Hard to be retired on that investment. Dan O.
  8. Very funny!!!! Sounds like most Northern Ontario families! Dan O.
  9. I see my 36 year old son with two years of college in aquaculture working two jobs. One day job that pays well but only offers 20 hours a week and a night cleaning job that pays $12.60 but you work ungodly hours. It's taking a terrible toll on his family (wife and son) and his health. All this to make ends meet ..... not for the vacation to the Bahamas. So the answer is to unionize the third world so that the developing countries demand reasonable wages for fair work. Right now employers are in the drivers seats but remember what comes around goes around and eventually workers will demand fair treatment. After 20 or more years of this crap employees won't be in a very good mood when it comes time to shove it to management. I always though the 3 month probationary period was designed to sort the wheat from the chaff. Employers can release probationary employees with out probable cause. Not sure why we need 3 steps in between - temp agency, part-time then probationary. It guarantees many years at poor wages though! Intersting discussion guys. Thanks for the info. Dan O.
  10. Can anyone explain why part time jobs have become the norm? I assume there is some advantage to employers. Some workplaces seem to employ many part timers instead of consolidating the many positions into a few full time positions. These working conditions are really tough on workers. Educate me folks. Dan o.
  11. All good advise guys. The garage is over 30 years old. The house was sheeted with exterior grade DRYWALL if you can believe it. The exterior drywall looks weathered (visible between the stud spaces) and the paper is starting to show some issues. I'd like to seal up the walls mostly for cosmetic reasons. The wall between the house and garage has been finished and sheeted with drywall. The paper on that drywall hasn't handled the humidity and temp changes very well. I was hoping to avoid drywall on the other two walls for that reason. I'm selling the house and the garage isn't very appealing. So cost is an issue! I'm not finishing off the ceiling as I need it for storage (currently). Dan O.
  12. I have a garage with bare stud walls. I'd like to finish it off with some form of sheeting. Is there a better alternative to dry wall?
  13. I drive highway 17 North Bay to Pembroke weekly. Man it's the autoban out there after 10:00 pm. There's no railroad up the Ottawa Valley anymore.......because it's out on the highway with Kenworth written on it! If you're not doing 115 to 120 on that highway at night, under any road conditions, you will be run over by a semi! Don't worry about moose or black ice ....pedal to the metal. There must be a reason for this reckless behaviour. They can't be all idiots?? Dan O.
  14. Ottawa is getting a new BPS near Kanata. Dan O.
  15. You're selling but I'm not buying! Actions speak louder than words. If First Nations felt "privileged" to fish then they would respect the resource not plunder it. When you overfish you wipe out your credibility. Capital gain ....... the First Nations are overfishing to sell the fish to local distributors in North Bay. The jig is up Jim! Dan O.
  16. It's hard to believe the First Nations would overharvest a resource. I was always taught they harvest in harmony with the spirit of the fish and the bear. The Spirit of Lake Nipissing would tell them when enough is enough. I'm disappointed that they're just like non-natives. Given the opportunity and with no conservation laws they hammer a resource just like everyone else. They didn't overharvested when they lived off of the land because they just didn't have the technology or the population numbers to pressure a resource. So much for my romantic view of First Nations. Dan O.
  17. Drive up the East side of the Park in November and enter at Bissett Creek. You'll find a private access road for First Nations driving in to hunt on the East Side or to fish Radiant Lake. They're ALREADY messing with the Park. They've hunt the Eastern half of the Park for more than 10 years, quietly mind you. Dan O. Dan O.
  18. Bill, Glad to hear it's not just me ! I've been out twice for whitefish at IBP and no luck. I'm a newbie at whitefish so don't read into my lack of success. Dan O.
  19. We walked out Sunday and it was challenging! I don't know why but I assumed you had a sled or an ATV. I have new found respect for your success! Your one of us WALKERS! Dan O.
  20. I realize they've blacked out Leaf games for years but last night was unusual. The Canadians, Senators and a third team were all blacked out so there wasn't a hockey game to watch even though I pay for the Sportsnet channels. I called Bell and she said their call centre was lit up with complaints. So are they going to black out every hockey game to force you to pay for Leafs TV. And why when I used to pay for NHL network were the Leafs games blacked out on NHL1 to force me to buy the Leafs TV! My internet hook up is DSL so streaming isn't really a great option!! Frustrating! Dan O.
  21. Answer - Because they blacked out all hockey on the Sportsnet and TSN channels tonight. Rogers owns Sportsnet and TSN. Bell owns the Satelite provider. And they both own the Leafs! Boy that's a subtle way to force you to buy either Leafs TV or the NHL network. I called Bell Express Vu and I had to wait over half an hour to voice my displeasure. NOT one hockey game on despite the fact that I have two sports packages. I'm tempted to cancel Sportsnet! Has this every happened before?? Dan O.
  22. If you're out for several nights in a row you'll need some kind of heat source. After a while everything gets damp and loses its insulative value. A tent with a small wood stove would be the way to go. If it's just a 2 or 3 night trip then I'd sleep in a snow trench. It's much easier to build so you take less time and hopefully less sweat. I bring a good tent and if there's no chance of freezing rain or rain use the tent and the fly to line and cover the trench. Skiis and poles make good roof trusses which you cover with a tent fly. Throw a thin layer of snow on top of the fly for insulation. We cut snow blocks to block the open end of the trench. Stay dry and never wear your sleeping clothes for anything except sleeping. I've slept in -40C and it's tolerable which is a long way from comfortable. Dan O.
  23. I'd like to see them define "biodegradable" it's like nailing jello to the wall. Biodegradable in a few days or a few centuries? Dan O. Ps. I remember that article on tossing plastics over board in OOD. Right after that I caught a 4 lb rainbow with a 3" shad body (no jig) in it. The fish seemed to be in distress and frankly it didn't eat or smell properly but I don't waste game so I held my nose and down she went.
  24. Great resource Jeff. I worked for the MNR surveying lakes in the area below highway 60 (Louisa, Welcome, Harry, Rence etc) in the 1970s and up on the east side near Achray. To determine species present we used gill nets. The MNR survey in Grand Lake from 1968 has smallmouth bass present. Not so! I think they miss identified rock bass for smallmouth and they assumed because it was right beside the railroad (the source of most smallmouth stocking) it would have bass in it. I see campers every year casting the surface in the summer. Dan O.
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