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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Normally I'd be all over the Leaf network but I can't handle watching them until they actually establish themselves as a decent hockey team. Guess that means I'm watching the NFL eh! I can't handle another 18 wheeler season! Dan O.
  2. Misfish just a heads up they don't like visitors on Mondays. After the weekend orders they can't handle walkins on MOnday as they're too busy. They are easy to get along with though. Dan O.
  3. I wish other fisheries were as accessible and mapped out as the Grand. I get tired of the No Parking signs popping up all over Simcoe, Scugog, Puslinch etc. We've done a good job of balancing river use and the interests of landowners along the Grand IMO. Keep up the good work DSS. Dan O.
  4. Unfortunately this sad story seems more and more common. I thought the 60's where the generation of sex, drugs and rock/roll but today's world seems to have a bigger problem. More addictive alternatives I guess. Sorry for the loss Cliff. Dan O.
  5. You're right Kickingfrog that was who I confused with Robidas.
  6. I use 15 lb Seaguar and I tie the harness with barrel swivels #12's at each end. I snell the hooks on to 8lb fluoro and then tie that to the lower barrel swivel. I hate losing my bottom bouncers and by using a lighter leader for hooks I rarely lose the worm harness components either. Dan O.
  7. When I hear the name Robidas I think of a soft whinny player with a great ability to score but no defensive side. I haven't seen him play enough but is my memory failing me?
  8. I think Clarkson could be a good player for the Leafs if the team ever buys into the style of play Carlyle wants. I just don't think the coach has the type of players he needs to play the style he's coaching. If you give Clarkson some other players on his line who like to cycle I think he'd be pretty hard to play against. He was in New Jersey. I liked Frattin and I think he'll be a matured player more willing to pay the price now.
  9. Good point. Too bad his heart didn't rub off on some of the other less committed players. He was fearless. I think sometimes he was required to block a shot because someone else on the ice hadn't held up their end of the deal.
  10. I agree with Bill M. We really don't need another slow defensemen that supposedly is a team leader. Surely we've learned our lesson. Didn't we bring in Tim Gleason for the same reason. How did that work out?
  11. That's good to hear. I did know about Gunarrson but Gleason I wasn't aware. Franson is a one trick pony. I remember when he held out at the start of last year only to come back and score an impressive goal on the powerplay off of a one timer. Well that was the SHOW for the year apparently. He struggled shortly after that and for the rest of the year.
  12. Yeah another young draft pick that won't go in the corners and get his shirt dirty. I was hoping for something from the OHL or the WHL to add some sandpaper to this team. I agree Shanahan can't enter next season with the same lineup that imploded last season. I know he's preaching patience but he also needs to send some kind of message to the players. Same coach, same GM, same rooster ............ isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result??? Dan O.
  13. I hunted that area for grouse a few years back just for something different. I know they fish the Montreal river for walleye and I think they do well. I found information hard to get and I was right in town.
  14. Does anyone know how much of the MNR budget for fisheries and wildlife is paid for by licenses? If we use the idea that the users of the resource must pay for managing the resource then road tolls shouldn't be too far off with this new government! If you drive the highway then you should pay for the maintenance of the highway; seem fair to me! They've cut the MNR soooooo deep I'm surprised they haven't resorted to charging seniors prior to this. I don't like the idea because it won't solve the problem. Public tax dollars should be used for the MNr not just license money.. Dan O.
  15. We were told not to do enforcement when doing creel census if you want anglers to give you honest answers. In Algonquin we'd even clean the fish for the guys so we could do stomach analysis .... win win for the angler. When doing lake surveys we minimized our interactions with the public as much as possible. A lot of anglers don't see the value in gill netting a lake even if it's a one night set to determine species present in the lake. Dan O.
  16. I think you guys are confusing lake surveys and creel census. Creel census people stop boats and ask lots of questions. Lake survey crews don't deal with the public usually. They look at the biology (fish community), chemistry, (D.O. pH etc) and physical (depths, temp profiles, shoreline development etc) components of the lake. I don't think most Ontario lakes have been resurveyed since a huge blitz in the early 1970's. Time for some up-to-date information for sure. Dan O.
  17. I'll bet the biker was right on top of the car in front of him (ie. following too close). If instead of a lady pulled over it had been a broken down car the net result would have been the same. The lady is at fault for stopping in the middle of the highway but following too close was likely a contributing factor. Dan O.
  18. Those better be lying down or plastic bottles! Could be an expensive earthquake!
  19. Take a good look at them part way through the trip. Make sure to take out any IFFY ones as one dead worm soon turns into a container of dead worms in about a day. Even in the fridge they'll go bad if there's a dead one in the container. Dan O.
  20. I think I'll put a bug in Centre Wellington's ear. We used taxpayers money to build steps down to the Grand River and to prepare parking lots (with street lights) at access points. We've published maps(for out of towners) and organized a volunteer group to pickup garbage and stock the river (Friends of the Grand River). FOGR petitioned the MNR to pass special fishing regulations to ensure a good brown trout population wouldn't get stripped from the river every year. That's enough of that Bull, I want special priviledges as a taxpayer of Fergus/Elora. I want a parking ban on most side streets and a special pass to park in our access lots. Why should Barrie and Innisfil be the only municipalities collecting money off of anglers? DanO.
  21. Thank God, I thought it was just me losing interest in hockey! I can hardly stay awake in those games. Dan O.
  22. You know I thought about doing that as well. I'm sure they're tastier after a summer of good eating although I like them in the spring as well. It is more fun hunting in the spring. Dan O.
  23. I agree with you but they don't post sanctuaries very well or extended fall rainbow seasons. They expect you to check and know. Easy to do as long as you fish the same rivers all the time. Dan O.
  24. If you move in next to a windmill that's your business but if you were there first and then someone slaps down a windmill that's not fair. Properties next to windmills devalue significantly. You have no say in the building of a windmill .... that's whats unfair. If they put a highway through your property they need to expropriate and compensate. Not so with a windmill.
  25. I will admit after watching the playoffs the last two nights, I have no idea how the Leafs can play such a soft game. I know it's playoffs and I'm comparing apples to oranges but I just can't remember the last time I saw a Leaf finish a check! Refreshing to see body contact. It's easy to complain you're not getting the bounces, the breaks aren't going yoiu're way, etc. But there's no excuse for not getting on the body the way the Leafs did all year. It's hard work and they just had no work ethic. When Stamkos has an off night he starts finishing his checks and driving the net .... not breaking sticks like Phil Kessle.
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