If a person comes out to my hut with a couple of beers, and he's staying for the day, i dont have a problem with that.
if he shows up with a 24, then we have a problem.
its called moderation !!
there are no laws regarding how you build a hut.
but if you build one like that and put it out on simcoe, consider it gone or totally trashed when you return.
I agree with the reflectors.
I dont want to be wokin up in the middle of the night by some idiot flying thru my hut.
That would put me in a REALLY bad mood!!!
All the way around!!!!!!!
technically, she is the one who caught it.
it spit the fathers lure out.
i wonder if she woke up that morning and said-
" I would give my left arm to catch a barracuda"
just askin
Gerritt, i have 2 things to say,
2- he better bring that guitar to lakair this year so we can have music.
by the time lakair comes around he will be showing ccmt some new things.
keep up the good work Sam.
The Government has issued a travel warning due to the cold weather.
They suggest that anyone travelling in the current icy conditions
should make sure they have the following:
Blankets or sleeping bag
Extra clothing including hat and gloves
24 hours worth of food
Rock Salt
Flashlight with spare batteries
Road Flares or Reflective Triangles
Empty gas Can
First Aid Kit
Booster cables
I looked like an idiot on the bus this morning!