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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. H2Oc i have the color and i love it. i believe they still make the color one.
  2. Mercman:-----What no banana ???? you really need to have a coffee!!!!!!! look again.......... LOL
  3. Pet store? you didnt get to see the 2 cockatiels,and the 2 gold fish.LOL i still had 16 LBs of propane left in the tank, i only use 1 LB per day to heat,cook, and coffee's. limit is 50 and i brought home 41. next time i will keep count, thank god i kept throwing lots back.
  4. Nice report Terry.' glad you got your lure back. Joey, if you and paul were cold you should have come 5 minutes south to lefroy. my door is always open for you guys.
  5. Good report even if you didnt get any keepers. it was -28 all night on simcoe last night but i didnt mind. i know what you mean about the snow too, simcoe got wacked with it too. and my sleigh had lots of gear in it but i didnt find it hard going. As long as you guys had fun thats all that matters!!!!
  6. i went out sunday and came back today. i caught 2 perch on sunday. so i decided i was going to lower the size for monday and keep the ones that were over 8" and had some good meat to them. Monday seemed to prove very good for me, anything under 8 1/2" went back, anything over that was good went for a ride to scarborough--LOL. It wasnt until i got home that i pulled them out of the bag to count them. good thing i quit when i did. It was -28 over night, but the hut was nice and warm! even the cats were impressed!!
  7. good call cliff. are you going to video the kid shoveling your drive way?
  8. my skunk is over sweet cheeks! had a feast of perch last night and it was good!
  9. and you better make sure your car doesnt leak on his drive way...
  10. What, no pictures?? 80fow? 14", is that including the bladder sticking out? thanks for the report Rick!
  11. i will add just one of my bad experience's. Pizza Hut at birchmount rd & ellesmere scarborough. The wife and I go there for dinner. We were the ONLY customers in the place. We order our diet pop's and a pizza. Waitress comes back with the pop's. All the employee's are standing at the bar having their stuff chat. An HOUR later the waitress brings us our bill. I politely asked her if it was normal to bring a customer the bill before they get their dinner? Her reply was, you already had your dinner. I politely said that if we did have our dinner wouldn't we still have the pizza tray and the plates still on the table? She then said , i don't know what kind of bull crap your trying to pull but your not leaving till you pay the bill. I said , then you better get the manager over here now. She went to the bar, talked to the manager, he stomped over and said why are you trying to get out of paying for your dinner. I said , if she had actually brought our dinner i would pay for it but since she didn't I'm not paying for something i didn't get. Well you got your drinks so you have to pay for them or i will call the cops. At that point i had, had enough and said , then you better get on the phone while you still can . We have not been back and never will.
  12. "Guess what we used for the rest of the day ! " worms ??? cause ya aint got no pictures of fish !
  13. i use just regular folding card table chairs in my hut. and when traveling to and from the hut i lay them on there sides to help hold every thing in the sleigh.
  14. why hasnt yonge_one piped in at all on this thread? did he go 0for0 again?
  15. Rich, really need to read the post first, there talking about the leafs!
  16. i guess i must be getting old. cause i remember that too! thanks for making me feel old Lew.
  17. thats funny! which way did it go??
  18. ice man cave kitchen--i like that. hey Rick, how did you make out today??? the perch caught on saturday were dinner tonight..... i used some of the fish batter that was given to me at lake aire this summer. now i got to go out and restock the freezer---LOL been a long time since i said that, but those perch were really gooooood.
  19. its been 5 days now so im good to go. just a little burning sensation left.
  20. not the sharpest knives in the drawer? thats not very nice thing to say. your assuming that they are knives and not rubber baby spoons. and if anyone noticed, they are not even concerned about it either. the last couple seconds of the video shows them looking at another dozer and no one goes to find the run away.....
  21. watch out while trying to catch him. those guys tend to be real pricks.
  22. I am so glad i just finished my coffee before i read that, other wise i would have to see if my insurance would cover the computer from a drowning in coffee!!!! tell the wife you will get chauffeured out and back in.
  23. I didnt know igloo's had heat. why are homes built without a drain valve for just this reason?
  24. i love a story with a happy ending!!
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