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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. That was Funny. He looked like he was going to cry"That was my favorite rod". Now if that was my rod it would not be funny! The funny part would be me diving in after it.
  2. 4 horse power and 1 mouse.
  3. i just bought an energizer battery for my truck last friday at walmart. the manufactered sticker on it was 01/11.
  4. Ya Right . Thats NOT the Billy Bob we know ! Been waiting all day to read your reply. Stop biting your lip and say it.
  5. Way to go !
  6. Simon, why would you post this on the last day? You should have posted it right from the start. You know everyone here would haved jumped all over it to help you out. My vote is in.
  7. A very well put together video, and music !
  8. I get it now GBW Goeff's Big Walleye G B W
  9. Whats next Mercman? If you turn that dog around and try that test again, WE DONT want to know about it ! You sick puppy .
  10. BPS wasnt at the show either. Lebarons use to be at the show every year. I loved it cause i would go to there booth first, grab there catalog, then go to the rest of the booths. It was funny to go to a booth where they had a sign "Show Special" then look it up in the catalog and lebarons REGULAR price was cheaper.
  11. Why do we bother posting cause we can.
  12. well there is something wrong cause i just checked his profile and it says---- Active Posts:4 (0.12 per day)
  13. currently missing in Afghanistan after travelling to the country as a tourist. Canadian and Afghan officials are working “to assist the family in securing the safe release” of the man WHY???????????? If he is that stupid, let his family deal with it.
  14. ...some of you even in negligees, camisoles and bras. Dont even think about turning your web cam on.....
  15. I knew there was something strange about you, and you just put your finger on it.
  16. Why does Lebaron's go to that show and not the one here????? I want to file a complaint!!!!!!!!! those pen rods and reels were on sale at princess auto here awhile back.
  17. If that was Lews back yard, we would never see him on the computer again.
  18. 4 HP gotta love it! and yes i did see the mouse.
  19. Wow, i thought you would have been passed out by now.
  20. skeeter


    Make Damn sure that the container doesnt leak , which it WILL. It will stink up every thing that is near it. You would be smart to put it into another container right now, if its in the crappy one with the green lid.
  21. what species of fish are you after? what side of simcoe do you prefer?
  22. Good report. The kids had fun and fish were caught, what more could you ask for.
  23. this funny. if you looked up 7 posts you would read that scugog already said it passed the e test.
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