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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Happy Birthday Big Cliff!!!!!!!!!! Are you officially 40 now or is this 39? Enjoy the day Cliff, you earned it. Teressa, great peom. From The Wight House
  2. If it weren't for the dinks, what would we call jumbo's???
  3. Good luck tomorrow Rick. make sure you paint a big white X on the ice so i know where to go to get the big ones.
  4. damn, now you tell me. never even thought of it. Rick, it was great meeting you and fishing with you. hope we can do it again cause it was fun. and i will take you up on that offer for running and gunning for the whities!
  5. Way to go on the fishing to both of you. i was out on simcoe for the weekend and im heading back out there again tomorrow. heading out with someone from this board that i have never met--yet. gotta love the people on this board!
  6. this stuff works GREAT!!! i have it on my big grey sleigh box and it is a 110 % improvment. Terry, get this for your hut, you will love it.
  7. it is a good price & a good map. i have one in my H2Oc. Roy i believe you missed 1 lake!
  8. good report!
  9. The Redneck Fishfinder: Yes that is me, looking for fish thats my story and im sticking to it. ok, ok im looking for my reading glasses. The last thing Miss Kelly said to me that morning was " make sure you wear that new floating strap for your glasses, you already lost 3 pair and you better not lose anymore!" Rutt Roww dear lord please let me find my glasses. to bad he wasnt listening....
  10. Sorry to hear it Rick. Our condolenses go out to you and your family. just take it one day at a time and you will pull threw this hard time.
  11. i thought you guys would have guessed it just by looking at the picture of it. its an egg crate!!! anyone for pigsass and embryos?
  12. LOL i remember those things. and yes they still sell them. but i would think they are a little to thin to last.
  13. Good to see you are home Chris. hope all went well with the surgery, and it will be the last. im sure brook was all over you like a hobo on a ham sandwich when you walked thru the door..LOL
  14. and to think, he can fly a plane but cant change a light bulb?
  15. after all the time it took to filet them? next time i catch a bunch of them i will split them between you, twocoda and mercman! not fileted and canada post will deliver.
  16. if a person with a conservation license is NOT allowed to posses a muskie, then why would a person without a license be allowed to have one in there possession???????? thats like saying a person without a drivers license is allowed to drive a tractor trailer. no license no possesion. as per an mnr officer that i asked, if your kid under 18 is fishing with you then there limit is the same as yours, be it conservation or sport depending on what you have.
  17. i will just say my back is killing me. now that the skunk is gone, nothing under 10" from now on.
  18. Fish were caught during the day. they stopped hitting around 9pm last night. the bananas are for monkeying around LOL and when they go brown, Miss Kelly makes banana bread hot with butter on it
  19. went out with my son on saturday morning and got home here today. stayed over night in the hut. the insulation seems to work rather well--LOL i have a brinkman 2 burner stove and 90% of the time i only had 1 burner on as low as it would go. but i did have to turn it up one notch at 4am this morning. the hut is sitting over 23' of water and the perch were hitting pretty good. we kept some and threw a whole wack of them back to live another day. i have no idea how many we caught but it was a lot. we started keeping some if'y ones, but quickly started to get a little more picky as the size was getting bigger. had to keep some of the smaller ones cause they swallowed the hook to far. perch are considered fish so the skunk is gone!!!!!
  20. nice ride fishnnautograph once you get use to it , you will love it. i flat out refused to by a geezer squeezer, then bought a brand new 92 ply grand voyager now i own 2 gm mini vans and will not go back to a regular car. mercman: putting my gear in an isetta? can you say trailer hitch time? LOL drifter: that is an ugly smart cart. this is a great looking smart cart
  21. Good one Cliff!!!!!!!!! i have 2 weed eaters a gas lawn mower an electric lawn mower a chain saw and a snow blower and i live in an APARTMENT BUILDING !!!!!!!!!!
  22. wouldnt be hard getting in and out of the isetta, since it only has one door. i use to love driving those cars. and the bmw engine was bullet proof.
  23. Hey theres nothing wrong with a pan full of crappie even the snot rocket is good for an interesting fight! now im drewlling. but my hut is out on simcoe as of yesterday and tomorrow my son and I are gone for the weekend!!!!
  24. you are correct. its $5 for a scoop of minnows, if you have your own bucket. if you dont, then keith charges $1 for the bag he puts them in and the oxygen he fills the bag with.
  25. Miss Kelly says: corded with battery back up just incase the power goes out!
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