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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Hey Oldphart, you still want to go?
  2. There is going to be 2 more added to the list for saturday. My son Daniel & myself. Are pike minnows the go 2 bait, how much are they?
  3. Do Da Alligator Shuffle Do Da Alligator Shuffle Dis is da last gater of da year.
  4. Its on now !!!!!!!
  5. Not working from here either. Maybe Spiel is Special. Im on Rogers too.
  6. Thanks for the heads up !!!!
  7. You got that right !!!!!
  8. Took my son Daniel out for our last trip out in the hut. He caught his first jumbo perch on Sunday. Needless to say he was one happy camper about that, and of course he kept reminding me that HE has the biggest fish. So today we are givin it and fishing hard, i decide to change up lures and pull out another rod and put on a fluttering eye dropper. Then Daniels says, well dad since your not using your lucky mini tube jig, can i use it? Not 20 minutes later he's yelling " Dad get the gaff i got a white fish". I look over and i see my ultra lite with 2LB test on it bent over like a twisted pretzel. Before i could say anything, the head comes up into the hole and he hoists it right up and out The 2LB test line snaps and the fish hits the floor of the hut, and before it flops he's on it like a hobo on a spam sandwich. He grabs it and holds it up, now i have to give him the bad news. It's not a white fish. But he was so pumped he didnt care. At 15" he has the biggest fish, he won. Now the hut is back in storage. The drive home from the lake was a sad one cause the weekend getaway is done. But the ending was the best part of the season with Daniel !!
  9. just so you know. bluffers park is right at the end of brimley rd and its about a 15 minute drive from the beaches.
  10. Me and my son are heading out tomorrow and coming home tuesday. heading out to my hut for the perch. If the ice has some snow on it and the conditions are dry we might just take a run up to fox to try the whities/lakers before we set up the hut.
  11. I thank you for the heads up, but the wife dont..LOL
  12. skeeter

    I won!

    Is it a little uncomfortable with that horse shoe up there??? Hey $25 bucks is $25 bucks. congradulations!!!
  13. thanks,, i dont get that channel
  14. LOL if i dont see pictures, i dont read it LOL its on page 3 of my flyer too thanks for the heads up frankie. i have been waiting for the sale so i can pick up a couple more of the rattling reels $2.99ea.
  15. I got there flyer yesterday and i just double checked it again. There is nothing to do with ice fishing in it?
  16. The sky is falling ! The sky is falling ! I thought they said we had until 2012? Or is this just a practise run for mother nature?
  17. The link works fine for me.
  18. That is a good one!!
  19. Thanks for all the replies and great advice !! The pins on the cpu were bent. I took it into " Ifix computers" took him about 20 minutes to fix all the prongs,pull it apart, make it fit back into the other piece,clean it and reseal it and test it. $30. Now Kaitlyn's happy and so am I. Thanks for all the help!!
  20. JR that gator still alive. shoot him boy shoot him.
  21. at first no, but after the neighbor tried to straighten the pins, now the screen is just blue
  22. no beeps at start up. there is a fan attached to an aluminium block with fins on it, and on the bottom of it is a whack of tiny gold pins and a few of them are bent. just had a neighbor here trying to straighten them and it didnt work.
  23. Does anyone know of a good computer repair person or shop in scarborough? My daughters HP turns on but wont show any thing on the screen, then shuts down in 1 minute, then starts back up, then off again.
  24. You just had to go and tease everyone didnt you . Nice going, good looking fish and i have to agree with Headhunter, wheres those great noodles?
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