the hillbilly fix for this is a bungee cord to your seat post and hook it to your steering wheel when you want it to go to maintain a certain course...
the proper way ($$$) is the NFB that Drifter is talking about...
i always write down my key numbers for anything on the boat...
that includes the hitch locks, storage compartment locks, glove compartment, ignition, etc...
better safe then sorry...
The only thing that will "heal" a back is a time...
and once you've thrown it out once, it can always come back...
i blew mine out a month ago bending over to turn the shower faucet off... and BANG i was incapacitated for a week... i could barely walk or stand
Good Luck!!
i'd say buy something that's water ready...
to do things right is expensive, when you factor that plus the time, you are better off buying something that is water ready...
your snap on easy out set... is it this one?
this has saved me more time then i can remember...
I've got a 2000 Envoy and blew the lower intake gasket last fall...
it's been pretty solid except for some minor issues...
if you've put 10K into it in the 18 months, i'd start reading internet forums and start fixing stuff yourself...
the "stealership" wanted $1800 for the lower intake and head gaskets to be done...
i spent under $1500 and changed the following
Lower intake gasket
head gasket
and every other gasket/oring that came in the kit
new water pump
new thermostat
new radiator
a few oil changes
2 coolant flush, got rid of the "deathcool" (orange) and put in the green stuff
new michelin tires
tire alignment
new ball joints
new tie rods
new tie rod ends
new idler arm
new pitman arm
new sleeves
it starts getting expensive when you need to fix stuff at the dealer...
learn to do stuff yourself and save lots of $$$$$
I love my Envoy